By means of the water-tight doors we managed to confine the flooding to that flat only.
A rather decent sort of chap, who said that he had learned his English working on a Scotchman's farm in Argentina, took me to a doorway leading to a flat from which a ladder had descended to the engine-room and stokeholds.
It is from a B flat Prelude in Bach's Well-tempered Clavier.
And the secondflat should be in the top space, not on the bottom line.
A flat may be made in one stroke, but is very apt to look like a half note.
Each sharp or flat should be well to the right-hand of the preceding one, never over or under it.
As a rule, a natural should only be used where the sharp or flat to be cancelled would not have to be repeated were the inflection intended to continue.
His head is wide and flat and his eyes are set well out at the sides, while in front of them he has a pair of cute little horns or feelers.
Perhaps it was just as well; for when first engaged I did not know how to cook, though I was a good dancer and could play Liszt's Polonaise in E flat with but few mistakes.
It is best to mail flat all photographs and drawings up to 8 x 10 in size, in the envelope with the manuscript, protecting them with pieces of stout cardboard.
While his guests assembled in a store-shed to drink champagne and eat sandwiches, he produced a big flat book, sumptuously bound, and told us how his patents were being infringed on in Germany.
A curious labyrinthine discussion it was, winding from recriminations and flat admissions that our marriage was a failure and our love was dead, to the most poignant memories of our engagement days.
It was merely a flat platform, ten feet wide by forty feet long, with a steel cab mounted on its forward end, through the windows of which one could see a young engineer in tweeds standing against a blur of moving machine-parts.
They crossed it and reached the rocks, which stretched in a long and flat expanse covered with sea-weed, and broken by endless gleaming pools.
You must be a flat if you grind yourself to death.
It soothed his eye to follow lazily the undulations of the creek, lying like the folds of a blue silk ribbon on the flatground of the marsh below.
The cliffs are so high that the twilight is perpetual, and the sky seems like a flat roof pressed across them.
The gray mass lay before him on a flat stone, and he pounded it with a stone pestle, then dipped his hands into a calabash of water and kneaded it.
Do you have to lie flat on your back like that, with no pillow or anything?
Now, for Quin, with his big hands and lack of dexterity, to have worked with beads under the most favorable conditions would have been difficult, but to master the art lying flat on his back was a tour de force.
By good fortune, his lease of this flat came to an end at Michaelmas, and already he had given notice that he did not mean to renew.
Only on the fourth story flat by Chelsea Bridge could the lover find that sort of sympathy which he really needed, solacing yet tonic.
You've got to leave this flat because you can't afford it?
He was vexed at having to leave his flat in Chelsea, which so thoroughly suited his habits and his tastes.
Will had just established himself in his flat near Chelsea Bridge, delighted to be a Londoner, and was spending most of his leisure in exploration of London's vastness.
From this flat but most fair country, the grey towers of Peterborough Cathedral stood up in ancient dignity; and then we ran on again.
There are flat sides for shading, and sharp ends for outlines.
The country was flat and damp too; and by and by neuralgia kept me awake at night, as regularly as the ghost of my great-grandfather had done in years gone by.
The very fact that her father's humble flat was "different" made it far more interesting to the child than new apartments such as she had been accustomed to.
Alora had paid no attention to the direction they had driven but on leaving the car she found herself facing a three-storied brick flatbuilding of not very prepossessing appearance.
Daddy was glad to have me tackle the case, and try to help you, for these little affairs give me practice; but he hates to have me make a flat failure.
He was gone a long time, it seemed, but as soon as he returned the remaining baggage was loaded on the wagon and sent away and then they left the flat and boarded a street car for down town.
Some were cutting down trees and some were pushing rafts through the water, and some were pounding clay with their flat tails to mend a hole in a dam they were making, and some were working on huts.
Old Dog Sandy, stretched out flatunder a lilac bush, didn't bother to open his eyes.
I always put it near the big flat rock just inside the five barred gate.
To secure this, the hull is built of light thin boards, and only a portion of the flat bottom rests upon the water.
At the present day it is a flat piece of somewhat marshy ground, with large gardens intersected by canals.
I will soon test the truth of his assertion," observed the chirurgeon, taking a smallflat piece of the purest gold from his doublet.
Far as the gaze could reach appeared an immense expanse, flat almost as the surface of the ocean, and unmarked, so far as could be discerned in that doubtful light, by any trace of human footstep or habitation.
The tract of land they were traversing was flatand marshy.
The arching lift of her breasts and the impassioned nipples threw a wash of dark shadow downward over the flat of her stomach and the lithe curve of her thighs.
The firelight was golden against the swelling lift of her breasts and the flat expanse of her stomach.
Behind him, the others were streaking over the ship and Lors could imagine the terrified crew-members who had probably been knocked flat by the wash from the scout ships.
Lying on a sloping, flat rock he thrust his face into the stream and drank deeply, feeling the life flow from the water into the weariness of his body.
He laid his hand over the swelling rise of her breast and slid it down the flat velvet of her stomach.
At such times of obsession he lashed up and down his chamber or the flat roof of his house, all the tragic quest of a leopard in a cage making blank his desperate hunting eyes.
The ten boys knelt down and crossed their arms upon their bosoms; El Safy fell flat upon his face, and crawling so, like a worm, came at length to the steps of the throne.
She steadied herself by the wall, her palms flat upon it, and leaned her body forward like one who searches in a dark place.
Among sepulchral vases of this ware were the ollae in which the ashes of slaves were placed in the columbaria at Rome, tall jars with moulded rims andflat saucer-shaped covers.
Some of the larger lamps in the first class, especially those with more than one nozzle, have a flat vertical projection attached to the top of the handle, triangular in form or crescent-shaped (as in Fig.
The arrangement of triangular bricks (made by dividing a medium-sized brick into four before baking), laid flat in regular horizontal courses, is characteristic of the earliest examples of Roman methods.
Here, again, the typical form is a krater, in which the handles are either arched in vertical fashion or else form flat bands.
The imbrices or covering-tiles which held the flattiles together, thus rendering the roof compact, were quite plain, with the exception of the end ones over the gutters.
He then took some thin clay, the size of his hand, and laid it flat on the grass upon the vessels; he then placed more grass on the edge of the clay just laid on, and then more clay, and so on until he had completed the circle.
A glass flask, round or pear-shaped, with round or flat bottom, and usually very thin to allow of heating solutions.
A broad flatlimb used for swimming, as those of seals, sea turtles, whales, etc.
A flat stone used in paving, or any rock which will split into such stones.
The flat projection or iron shelf at the side of a fire grate, where things are put to be kept warm.
We passed a large barque with every sail set, although it was a flat calm, which made us rejoice in the possession of steam-power.
Fewer, happily, are the days when struggling is of no avail, when I am utterly and hopelessly incapacitated, ignominiously and literally laid flat on my back, and when no effort of will can enable me to do what I most wish to accomplish.
The country, though otherwise flat and uninteresting, looks very pretty just now, in its new spring coat of bright green.
We were puzzled to imagine where, on this rocky, hilly island, there could possibly be found a piece of ground flat enough for a race-course.
In a few minutes we had lost our fair breeze and brilliant sunshine, all our sails were taken flat aback, and we found ourselves enveloped in a dense fog, which made it impossible for us to see the length of the vessel.
Later on the country becomes flatand uninteresting till the Bogue Forts are reached.
Flat as the country looked, the slight undulations of the ground quite hid them from our view.
It had been blowing fresh and strong from the westward all day, but to-night, as we rowed across the harbour, the breeze had dropped to a flat calm, and Tom is most anxious to be off at daybreak.
It was a lovely morning, but a flat calm, and the sun rose magnificently.
Above the steep beach a dry flat opened out, reached only by gales and the highest of the spring tides, a wilderness of fine sand, hot and deep, its surface studded with the opaque blue of round pebbles and mussel shells.
It was a flat calm when they towed the Cetacea out on a gray morning, but the swell ran steep and a thin drizzle obscured the sea.
One day when it fell a flat calm for a few hours and Jake was busy patching the sail, I pulled the dory across.
While he gave the conductor his instructions a shrill whistle rang through the shadows of the pines and a big engine with a row of flat cars carrying a gravel plow and a crowd of dusty men came clattering down the line.
The ground all around was packedflat with their spoor; one particular spoor was nearly as large as that of a borele.
It appeared coming out between the first and second coils of his body, and was flat on the ground.
It seemed but a moment before the entireflat was deluged; and many men did not escape from their stores before the water was up to their waists.
I therefore kept a sharp eye upon the helmsman, and the moment I saw him putting the helm down, I ordered our steersman to fall flat on their faces behind some wood, and, at the same moment, did so myself.
As a rule the local authorities offered an initial flat rate lower than that paid by the company's subscribers in competing centres, but most of the other rates of the corporation authorities were somewhat higher.
The experiment was conducted between the island of Flat Holm in the Bristol Channel and the mainland, a distance of three miles.
Three years later and before the practical value of the Flat Holm experiment had been substantiated, Mr. Marconi arrived in England to submit his plans to the Post Office.
As a result, measured rates were, as a rule, substituted for the old flat rates, much to the indignation of various Chambers of Commerce in the Kingdom.
They condemned the flat rate subscription charge of the company as of benefit only to the wealthier commercial classes in English cities.
With respect to the last, the grandest of all human undertakings, it is to be remembered that Catholicism had irrevocably committed itself to the dogma of a flat earth, with the sky as the floor of heaven, and hell in the under-world.
It asserted that in the northern parts of the flat earth there is an immense mountain, behind which the sun passes, and thus produces night.
Especially must we reject the view they reveal to us of the constitution of the world, that the earth is a flat surface, supported on pillars; that the sky is a firmament--the floor of heaven.
Scriptural view of the world: the earth a flat surface; location of heaven and hell.
Its traditions and policy forbade it to admit any other than the flat figure of the earth, as revealed in the Scriptures.
He sat down upon a flat tombstone, and soon lost all consciousness of his actual situation.
And raising his sheathed sword, he struck De Grandville with the flat of the scabbard.
They are wound with flat cotton covered copper strip.
In heavy coils several flat strips in multiple are used per turn in order to facilitate the winding and produce a more compact coil.
All coils of the smaller sizes are wound with insulated copper wire of square section, and of the larger sizes, with flat copper, wound on edge, each turn being insulated by sheet insulation.
The flat coils, sometimes called pancake coils are wound of flat, cotton covered, copper strip with ample insulation between layers.