The bill is thirteen dollars and you'll pay it--that's all; a couple of characterlessadventurers bilking their way through this country and attempting to dictate terms to a gentleman!
But this artist's illustrations, though in point of size the most important, in point of excellence are the worst in the French book, being not unlike characterlesssteel engravings.
This was done by the Queen's command, and, full of angry excitement, she said to herself that the men were right who cursed tyranny because it transformed free human beings into characterless chattels.
Born tyrannical, the characterless submission of his wife had nourished the tyrannical in him.
She had the same tired droop in the shoulders, the same colorless dress, characterlesswith much washing.
His strong, straight nose and abrupt forehead formed a marked contrast to the rather characterless nose and retreating forehead of the girl.
Characterless things are more likely to please them.
The strong, straight nose and abrupt forehead formed a marked contrast to the rathercharacterless nose and retreating forehead of the girl.
He found himself face to face with an amorphous, characterless sort of Peggy whom he did not know.
The wide main street of the village swam characterless before his eyes.
A strong feeling in favour of strict hierarchical pretensions united all parties and found its rallying point in the chair of St. Peter; even incapable and characterless popes were upborne and carried through by means of this idea.
In decision of character, fidelity to his convictions and courage as a confessor during the Monothelete controversy, he stands out among his characterless countrymen and contemporaries as a rock in the ocean.
And not a pale, characterless Sansculotte, but a Marat.
They were so insipidly mild, by contrast with the bloody and atrocious laws of England of the same period, as to seem characterless and colorless when one brings them into that awful presence.
Yet like a prophecy of wind there stole in persistently above the muffled tramp of hoofs, a dull, characterless sound, touched with the crackling of rotten wood, that seemed to hint at movement in the shadows.
The Oxonian scholar had seen enough of the conventionalised characterless 'good' to long for some sign of life and freedom, even though it must come as a touch of 'evil.
Precisely; it is to give character to his characterless address.
For to say that Heine was characterless, characterless to such a degree, that in the most serious matters, and with the eyes of two great nations upon him, he perpetually contradicted himself, is no explanation at all.
The result is a feeble, characterless tone which rarely fills an auditorium as it should.
If the student is permitted to play with the flabby looseness which some confuse with natural relaxation, characterless playing must invariably result.
The Bear must have been a characterless house, for among its gallantries was the following, told by Wycherley to Major Pack, "just for the oddness of the thing.
This characterless irresponsibility of the average unmarried mother is known to every social worker.