Here, the brown forehead and the clear eyes of an eager little peasant-girl shone forth; there, the rough brows of a few old men were sharply defined by a luminous band, which made fantastic shapes of their worn and discolored garments.
A large ebony and ivory crucifix hanging on the discolored wall stood out in strong relief from the surrounding bareness, and necessarily caught the eye.
During the first twenty miles we crossed many small, but now swollen streams, having the usual boggy banks, and wherever the water had stood for any length of time it was discolored with rust of iron.
The great discovery had been made that fire could be kindled and made use of, as the charcoal and the stones discolored by heat of their ancient hearths attest.
On ledges where the rock is exposed to view its surface is more or less discolored and the grains are loose and may be rubbed off with the finger.
I compared the discolored body with the figure of Ianthe, as revealed in Queen Mab, but failed to see the beautifulness of death.
Much of the interring had been done by night, and the flare of lanterns upon the discolored faces and dead eyes must have been hideously effective.
In many wounds the balls still remained, and the discolored flesh was swollen unnaturally.
From all vegetables, coarse or discolored leaves and any dark or decayed spots should be carefully removed before cooking.
NOTE--In selecting game pluck a few feathers from the under part of the leg; if the skin is not discolored the bird is fresh.
A very muddy river, as the Arno for instance at Florence, is seen during sunshine of its own yellow color, rendering all reflections discolored and feeble.
Cleaning Discolored Silver [344] A very quick way to clean silver when it is not tarnished, but merely discolored, is to wash the articles in a weak solution of ammonia water.
The pale, dead, discolored wall stretched beneath it, far down the empty side street--a vista without a human figure.
Bellegarde's discolored mask that this information was extremely pertinent.
The discolored state of the streams was accounted for as soon as we saw this cultivated land.
Then the whole ground was discolored red and yellow, and with many more gay and sulphur-suggesting colors.
When Uncle Samuel opens his mouth, they will be as ready for work as ever; but those poor discolored teeth will be tender for a great while, and never be so strong as they were before they foolishly declared themselves out of their sockets.
The tongue of a nation that had been resolved into the elements was fitting in this place, where time and desolation had left their imprint in discolored marble, inscriptions almost effaced, and clambering vines.
Culver leaned back in his chair, his glance bent upon a discolored statue of Psyche in the court-yard.
As he did so, she seated herself upon the hair-cloth stool, pressed a white finger to a discolored key and smiled at the not unexpected result--the squeak of decrepitude.
Weston had not suffered greatly during the struggle of the previous evening, but there was a discolored bruise on one of his cheeks and a big lump on his forehead.
They came a little nearer, and saw that he was right, for presently Grenfell stooped and picked up a discolored watch.
She cast down her eyes, her hand, the whiter by contrast with the discolored marble, resting upon the altar.
She sat on the couch while Mrs. Zane held the little bare foot and slowly poured the hot water over the swollen and discolored ankle.
Mrs. Zane turned the boy around and wiped his discolored features with a wet towel.
The discolored line of the vein had widened to four inches or more, and the last of the broken rock shoveled out was freely mixed with fragments of the bluish-brown gangue-matter.
The pool had become slightly discolored from the first washing.
In another moment he had revealed a fragment of decomposed quartz, like discolored honeycombed cheese, half filling the pan.
They landed on Engey and rambled about in search of the eider duck, but all the birds were gone, and there was nothing left in their empty nests but a few discolored eggs, and these were addled.
When she went to bed that night she could not help comparing Magnus unfavorably with his brother--recalling little things like his hands and his nails and the discolored patches on his cheeks when he neglected to shave.
Two important groups, the high tripods and the two handled cups or pots, are generally discolored by use over fire, but we cannot say with confidence whether that use was a domestic one or whether it was ceremonial.
And on the same principle smaller flies are suitable for bright days and clear water, and larger ones for dark days and discolored water.
At such times, when not too much discolored for fly-fishing, the angler will do well to avoid the channel of the stream and cast his flies along the edges, where the water is clearer.
Maillot fixed a scowling look--not at all relieved by his discolored eye--upon the secretary, while that young man thoughtfully shook his head.
Both members were bruised and discolored in spots, and bore a number of abrasions.
The doctor bent over the hand; it wasdiscolored with small blackish spots.
While the slates were thus separated, it was noticed that the wood was discolored and rubbed glossy on the sides of the crack.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discolored" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.