By the fourth season, Fescues and yarrow had appeared, and by the fifth season, five grasses, clovers, and yarrow had formed a regular grassland upon the new untouched soil.
A road, for instance, is always being attacked by the grassland near it.
The Grassland companions are also always trying to take up new ground, and to cover over any which is not strongly held by other plants.
Ninety-two per cent of all fecal pellets found in grassland were within 40 feet of cover suitable for cottontails.
Most captures were made in the type of grassland or brush that provides favorable habitat for the racer during the season of activity, but many other captures were made in woodland along the rock ledges where the snakes come to hibernate.
Grassland that has been closely grazed, mowed or burned does not provide entirely adequate food or shelter, and under such conditions clumps of brush or other dense vegetation may be of critical importance.
Taken in upland grasslandand bush (Kevan and Chopard, 1954).
Infrequent in the shrub stratum of the dry, ruderal grassland habitat.
Then the whir of machinery cut off all possibility of further conversation; Dennis gazed round at the darkening landscape as Laval released her, and after a short run forward over the grassland the Aviatik began to rise.
The trampled wood and the shell-torn grassland merged into a confused carpet of greeny white beneath him.
Even though she was a spirit and this great grassland was sunny, she felt cold, and her stomach knotted.
Columns of men on horseback, four abreast, came to a halt in the grassland to the south of the village and fell out at their officers' commands.
The tents of his own militia battalion and of two others were spread over the grassland around him.
Farther out still, cattle and horses grazed on grasslandthat rolled eastward like the waves of the ocean.
Kellogg California Meadow Mouse Owing to the paucity of extensive areas of grassland in the San Gabriels, this is one of the least common rodents of the area.
It inhabits, however, even small patches of grassland up to 4000 feet elevation on the Pacific slope, and is locally plentiful.
The grassland track between the woods had become a gulf of gloom.
They reached the grassland and saw the mere all silver with the slant of the morning sunlight, and the boat lying by the bank.
The track followed a long, winding strip of grassland knee deep with grass and flowers, and into it opened the woodland ways, tunnels of mystery.
She turned her horse sharply, scattered the men, and rode through the grassland along the edge of the stream, and leaving her horse at the gate by the footbridge, crossed over by the planking that passed close to the mill-wheel.
The grassland itself was a sheet of gold, and the old thorns by the great ditch were white with flower, and wondrous fragrant.
Ecology of grassland utilization in a mixed prairie.
None of these reports described an intensive study of the habitat of voles, but the data presented indicate that voles are characteristic of grassland and that M.
Before 1948, much of the area had been severely overgrazed and the original grassland vegetation had been largely replaced by weeds.
Although insufficient time has elapsed to permit analyses of successional changes, it seems that trees and shrubs are gradually encroaching on the grassland throughout the Reservation.
Voles were rarely taken in grazed or mown grassland or in fields of alfalfa, stubble or row crops.
Slightly more than a year later, in October, 1950, I began trapping and found Microtus to be abundant on House Field and present in smaller numbers throughout grassland areas of the Reservation.
The distribution of rodents in overgrazed and normal grassland in central Oklahoma.
A few of these are endemic to the plains, but most occur in grassland habitats beyond the borders of the region.
According to federal trapper Robert Kriege (personal communication), dens of the red fox have been found principally in the badlands and in certain grassland areas, but rarely in the buttes proper.
Vegetation of the grassland areas in the county is typical of that found throughout the semi-arid Northern Great Plains.
A town near the southeastern end of Lago de Cuitzeo; mesquite-grassland and pine-oak forest.
Unlike the areas in which arid tropical scrub forest is developed, the Mesquite-grassland is found in areas having warm days and cool nights.
A town in a basin nearly surrounded by mountains and near the headwaters of the Rio Tuxpan, 19 kilometers by road east-southeast of Ciudad Hidalgo; arid mesquite-grassland and irrigated fields.
A Tarascan town on the north edge of Lago de Patzcuaro; mesquite-grassland and pine-oak forest.
A village on the northern edge of the Sierra de los Tarascos, 32 kilometers by road west of Zacapu; pine-oak forest at village and to the south; mesquite-grassland immediately to the north.
In Michoacan this species inhabits the mesquite grassland on the Mexican Plateau.
A town in the valley of the Rio Tuxpan; mesquite-grassland and pine-oak forest.
Finally they descended to the ground and crossed the ribbon ofgrassland to the base of the lofty escarpment.
Game seemed plentiful; as they watched, a herd of antelope grazing to their left caught their scent and bounded away across a narrow ribbon of grassland which lay between the forest and the plateau's edge.
The sun slid clear of the skyline, and a long shaft of light brushed over the unreckoned miles of grassland till it fell caressingly on our butte.
Still further the long galleries of the wood arched out upon grassland gemmed with summer flowers.
Soon she reached the shallows at a pleasant place where stretch ofgrassland tongued down into the mere.
The grassland began to slope gradually towards the south.
The shelving rise of attenuated grassland which blocked the view of Suffering Creek on his left never for a moment came into his focus.
There were only about fifteen more miles of this broken solitude, and beyond that stretched a world of waving, gracious grassland right on to the prairie city whither he was bound.
In the days of our boyhood there was open grassland and copse between the common and the pond with only an ordinary hedge to mark that it was private land.
On the further side of the pond the continuity of the grassland was again broken by a railway line, and here you would see them hopping across the track and climbing over the rails, many, of course, meeting fate in the adventure.
Each mile led deeper and deeper into the rolling grassland and the barren waste of Gobi, and between me and the next town lay nearly seven hundred miles of treeless plain and barren sand.
The rich green of the grassland had given way to a sparse vegetation of scrub and tufts of coarse grass and weeds, and the poor horses were hard put to get enough, even though they grazed all night.
Long reaches of grasslandopened before them, waving yellow in the autumn sun.
There was grassland for fifteen to twenty miles on the eastern side of every range of hills.
After rounding the range they could follow the eastern edge of the grassland that spread on its lee side, traveling in the open only at night, to avoid omasha.
In the hour before first-light his advance company formed; a furious serpent, it stole two miles south through grassland following the pallor of the beach.