By and by Tess, at least, grew somewhat worried when they did not find either of the women who had sold them the yellow and green basket.
We don't know that," said Neale, somewhat bruskly.
He must be sick," she observed to her husband, somewhat anxiously.
I had been somewhat spoiled by her passionate love, and also by her passionate severity in correcting the ordinary naughtinesses of a boy.
At last, somewhat late in life, he was elected Professor of Poetry at Oxford, and gave some most learned and instructive lectures.
He was a curious and somewhat mysterious character.
I imagined that living in fashionable society in London, he did not like thesomewhat scholastic title of Professor which, in London particularly, has always a by-taste of diluted omniscience and conceit.
To me the service, as it was in my parish church, seemed already too ornate, accustomed as I had been to the somewhat bare and cold service in the Lutheran Church at Dessau.
The Oriental under-librarian Professor Reay, in particular, who was old and somewhat infirm, had much to suffer from him, and the language in which he was ordered about was such as would not now be addressed to any menial.
His early education had been somewhat neglected, but when he came to Balliol he worked hard to pass a creditable examination.
I propose in the following calculations to assume the average cost of an officer to be £500 a year, a sum which would make it possible for the average combatant officer to be somewhat better paid than he is at present.
The new believers were strict and pious people, somewhat resembling in their manner of life the Pharisees themselves.
While the eunuch was sailing in the full current of success at Byzantium, the Vandal Stilicho was enjoying an uninterrupted course of prosperity in the somewhat less stifling air of Italy.
He had made many enemies by acts which were perhaps somewhat more than usually unscrupulous, but we cannot justly assume that in the overthrow of certain rivals he was entirely guilty and they entirely innocent, as is sometimes represented.
Altruism, the spirit of brotherhood, which was the animating force of Christianity, might and later somewhat did lose itself amid the sands of selfishness; but it could not be combated by one man with a chance preference for egotism.
As commander of this expedition," she said, somewhat out of breath, "I desire to be the first living creature who has ever set foot behind the Graham Glacier.
Somewhat awed by my calm fury, he hastened back to camp and returned with the binoculars.
The beauty of the tropics is marred somewhat for me; under all the fresh splendor of color death lurks in brilliant tints.
I have not obtained his permission, for the somewhat exciting reason that nobody knows where he is.
I finished, somewhat abashed, and glanced askance at the professor and his daughter, but the one sat nonchalantly disentangling his coat-tails, and the other was apparently absorbed in the distant landscape.
It was a single greenish bronzed feather, found high up in the mountains by a native, and sold to me for a somewhat large sum of money.
It's somewhat deadly in America, too," I said, smiling.
She stood a moment to acknowledge the somewhat ragged applause, a calm smile on her lips.
She is a very respectable woman," said Mr. Dale, somewhat rebukingly.
And adown the thoroughfare, somewhat before the hour when the throng is thickest, passed two gentlemen of an appearance exceedingly out of keeping with the place.
The cottage stood apart, andsomewhat remote, in one of the many nooks of the long, green village lane.
It is a profile with large features clearly cut, masculine, and somewhat severe.
The carriage had long left London, and was on a high road somewhat lonelier, and more free from houses than most of those which form the entrances to the huge city.
Even the small, old-fashioned, and somewhat inconvenient inkstand into which he dipped the pen as he labelled the letters he put aside, belonged to the writing-desk which had been his pride as a schoolboy.
The morning was mild, yet somewhat overcast by the mist which announces coming winter in London, and Helen walked musingly beneath the trees that surrounded the garden of Lord Lansmere's house.
And, Leonard, as a remembrance somewhat more personal, accept this, which I have worn many a year when time was a thing of importance to me, and nobler fates than mine hung on a moment.
As they sat enjoying the few but well-chosen dishes that Maude had selected, she told Patty somewhatof her life, and Patty listened with interest.
I’m somewhat practical, Mrs. Van Reypen, and I confess I can see no practical way to bring these two hearts to beat as one.
She had gained her wish, too, for Robert loved his mother, and, I think, was somewhat proud of her.
And he looked somewhat surprised at her sudden fright.
She paused, perhaps hoping her mother would speak, but Mrs. Neville said not a word, and Amy went on somewhat falteringly, although she tried hard to speak steadily.
And she went back again to Amy, leaving her husband somewhat surprised, and regretful that he should have consented to have allowed her to remain in a scene evidently too much for her.
Somewhat less than two years after the first meeting of Lieutenant Canfield with the daughter of Captain Prescott, the wife and eldest daughter of the latter made a journey of pleasure to a neighboring settlement.
Reaching the stream and tree, he was somewhat taken aback by not finding any one at all.
The squaw was somewhat surprised when Miss Prescott, after being awakened from a feigned sleep, turned her head away from the tempting food in disgust.
With this somewhat lengthy parenthesis, we will now return to the present visit of the Huron to his island home.
His left leg was thrown somewhat in advance of his right, as if he were about to spring, but in such a manner that his weight was perfectly balanced.
This applied even to his games, about which Herbert was really keen; he played lawn tennis carelessly, though with a verve and energy somewhat surprising in the loafing, smoking idler of the morning.
Her extreme silence and self-possession hardly tended to promote the common comfort; her only comment on Lord Manister's alias was a somewhat scornful smile.
That he did so somewhat against his own inclination (much as in Melbourne his father-in-law had done before him) was due to an acutely fair mind allied with a thoroughly kind and sympathetic nature.
He had hit out from the very first, particularly at the professional, who disliked being hit, and who was also somewhat demoralized by the extreme respect with which he had been treated by preceding batsmen.
The experiment, though conducted in the same manner, with the Rouens, was somewhat different in result.
We have had drakes to tip the scales at 13 pounds each, though this is somewhat rare.
Now, I had become somewhat proud of my farm, as what man does not who had quadrupled its increase within ten years?
I was glad to find him, for I don't mind owning that by this time I was getting somewhat uneasy about Viola.
I was prepared, as I said, for a cowed and frightened Viola, or for Viola in a mood at least in keeping with the poignant and somewhat humbling pathos of her surroundings; but not for the Viola I found.
With a feeling somewhat akin to desperation he entered.
He heard the jarring of rusty hinges; a heavy step; and--the Red Woman stood beside him; but with such a malevolent aspect that he was somewhat startled and uneasy at her presence.
The room wherein the beggar slept was somewhat detached from the rest of the dormitories.
Indeed, she had long set her mind upon this lustrous piece of attire, and was waiting, somewhat impatiently, the time when it should be allotted to her.
It was near the close of the sixteenth century, in the days of good Queen Bess, yet their apparel was somewhat homely even for this era of stuffed doublets and trunk-hose.
From the elevation whereon they now stood the ascent was but short to the summit of the beacon, though somewhat abrupt and difficult of access.
Contenting themselves with devising precautions against another surprise, they separated, hoping that to-morrow would bring them despatches from abroad, for which they began to feelsomewhat anxious and impatient.
I chided her it might be somewhat harshly, and I shall not soon forget the malicious look she put on.
I have heard a somewhat of this business; though I know nothing, and care less about them cannibals.
At Turton Tower, a few miles distant, dwelt a cavalier of high birth, whose pedigree was somewhat longer than his rent-roll.
His knees, usually bent somewhat inwards, now fairly smote together, so that he could not accelerate his pace, and the stranger was quickly at his side.
He was not altogether clear from this charge, having, though at Kelly's instigation, been led somewhat farther than was advisable into practices which in his heart he condemned.
Despite of his somewhat grotesque habiliments, there was an air of dignity, perhaps haughtiness, in his manner, which belied the character of his present disguise.
Again, the inquirer whose historical perspective is undisturbed by ecclesiastical considerations, will approach the subject with somewhat different interests.
Such was the environment in which Islam was planted: its deepest roots had been fertilised with Christian theory, and in spite of Muhammed's call to repentance, its most characteristic manifestations were somewhat worldly and non-ascetic.
We have now to examine this early development of Islam in somewhat greater detail: indeed, to secure a more general appreciation of this point is the object of the present work.
In this affair we were attacked by a force somewhat superior in numbers, but the advantage that our breastworks afforded us made the victory easily won.
I was shown through the house by his good little wife who although taken somewhat by surprise at my sudden and unexpected visit, but who courteously invited me to examine and inspect until fully satisfied.
However, one instance, I will relate as being somewhat interesting to Kentuckians as showing the home spirit and natural feeling existing between them as Kentuckians, although now engaged in the deadly breach.
But I fear I may be digressing somewhat from the original purpose in these chapters.
If in relating my story I shall seem somewhat partial to Kentuckians, I hope I may be excused for it is of them I shall talk mainly, besides, you know I love them dearly.
A part of Roca's system was to rest his power as chief executive on the co-operation of the governors; the members of Congress also bore somewhat the same relation to the President.
The political situation has, therefore, been somewhat strained, but there seems to be no danger that the congressional opposition will try to interfere with the executive functions of the president.
The news of Lopez's preparations exasperated and somewhat alarmed the people of Buenos Aires, though no one knew his exact intentions.
Flores was under obligations to lead a division in the war against Paraguay, and he absented himself for that purpose for nearly two years, during which the country districts were somewhat disturbed.
The human heart has been constructed on somewhat ungenerous lines.
Gloriously indifferent to our fates, we glided down, in a vertiginous but masterly vol-plane, from the somewhat objectionable mountain-town.
Of late--like the Saurian tribe in general--he has somewhat degenerated.
Towards that delectable hostelry I now turned, somewhat regretfully, to face a bedroom whose appearance had already inspired me with anything but confidence.
For the rest, there was the inevitable admixture of quackery about our reforming sage; his warmest admirers cannot but admit that he savours somewhat strongly of the holy impostor.
My own dragon theory is far-fetched--perhaps necessarily so, dragons being somewhat remote animals.
The houses are low but not undignified; the streets regular and clean; there is electric light and somewhat indifferent accommodation for travellers; an infinity of barbers and chemists.
One is glad to leave the scintillating desert of this arsenal quarter, and enter the cool stone-paved streets of the other, which remind one somewhat of Malta.
It seems to me, now, that we take them somewhat too seriously; that a healthy adult has nothing to learn from their teachings, save by way of warning example.
As the character of Mead's and Askew's libraries was somewhat similar, the difference may be partly accounted for by the increased price of good books in the interval between the two sales.
But this is somewhat aside from my main purpose, which is rather briefly to expand the various phases which, as I have already suggested, are included in such an emblem.
That may be because Peter was somewhat ashamed of it, or it may be from a natural disinclination to make himself prominent in the story at all.
Side by side with this first instance, illustrating the same general thought, though from a somewhat different point of view, I may put another of the instances in which the same phrase was soothingly on our Lord's lips.
And I might add, though it is somewhat aside from my direct purpose, God can forgive sin; which some people nowadays say is impossible.
Cities,' our Bible calls them; two of them were little fishing villages, the third a somewhat considerable town.
We find this simple parable, or germ of a parable, in a somewhat more expanded form, as the first of the incomparable three in the fifteenth chapter of Luke's Gospel.
Caiaphas was doing his duty as high priest in inquiring into such claims, but he was somewhat late in the day, and he had made up his mind before he inquired.
We have heard part of them from John the Baptist; and it sounded natural for him to call men serpents and the children of serpents, but it is somewhat of a shock to hear Jesus hurling such names at even the most sinful.
Crosby, seated on the beam, fifteen feet above the floor, grinned securely but somewhat dubiously as he watched the mystified dog below.
Swallow's chubby body shot squarely through the opening, accompanied by a trusty though somewhat sadly stretched vest, and the deed was done.
M149) But the case of Hesiod is in itself somewhat exceptional.
He rose, somewhat reluctantly, for the neat little parlor is doubly home to him now, with the sweet, gentle face of Sarah looking at him with the loving eyes of a wife.
Their praise is ever in our mouth," said Mrs. Gower; "but my views on the subject are somewhat contradictory.
The ladies seem to be as well dressed as Parisians, and as handsome; though somewhat more delicate, perhaps, than the native English roses.
We recognize, somewhat dingy and faded, the elaborate shirt-front which appeared at yesterday's banquet.
That he did so possibly led the author of his life to exhibit a somewhat hostile attitude towards his hero.
This he promised to do and did; though in place of the somewhat more formal piece he was asked to write, he sent what he called an introductory letter.
At my request he hastily glanced over it, but somewhat to my chagrin failed to evince any enthusiasm about it.
Whatever failing there was on his critical side was due to this somewhat uncritical attitude; for it is from his particular friends that the writer is apt to get the most dispassionate consideration and sometimes the coldest commendation.
But on a tour, somewhat of exploration, he stopped at Chicago.
It was speedily followed, however, by one of a somewhat graver character, which became at the time and has since remained a special favorite of cultivated readers.
It was a somewhat novel way of, visiting resorts of this nature; there are those to whom it will seem altogether more agreeable than would be the visiting of them in person.
It is a somewhat singular fact that these sketches of travel led Warner incidentally to enter into an entirely new field of literary exertion.
In my sketch of Saint Pierre, it will be seen that I have somewhat antedated the period of his old age.
The recollection of some descendants of a Hessian deserter in the Revolutionary war bearing the name of Muller doubtless suggested the somewhat infelicitous title of a New England idyl.
Somewhat was said of running before sent, Of tender fear that some their guide outwent, Troublers of Israel.
Somewhat the Lord hath wrought by my hands In the Narragansett and Netherlands, And if here ye have work for a Christian man, I will tarry, and serve ye as best I can.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "somewhat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.