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Example sentences for "monolithic"

Lexicographically close words:
monograms; monograph; monographic; monographs; monolith; monoliths; monologue; monologues; monomania; monomaniac
  1. Finally, the end of monolithic Communist control has brought ethnic grievances into the open.

  2. The tombs were mostly cut in the rock, though a few are free-standing monolithic monuments, resembling sarcophagi or small shrines mounted on a high base or pedestal.

  3. The hall was roofed with stone lintels carried on sixteen square monolithic piers of alabaster.

  4. Monolithic shafts were preferred to those built up of superposed drums.

  5. Some of the monolithic tombs have been removed to the British and other European museums.

  6. On the north face of the gigantic monolithic turtle at Quirigua is a cross-legged figure which in Mr. Maudslay's plate exhibits in the fullest manner many Buddhist survivals.

  7. At the back of the first set, standing isolated in the bush, was a remarkable monolithic rounded pillar close on 9 feet high.

  8. All that remains intact are the monolithic stelae and altars which will last for ever, though their carvings will yield to time.

  9. B, A winged human figure with human head crowned, from the upper row on the monolithic doorway.

  10. KEY:— A, Portion of the ornament which runs along the base of the rows of figures on the monolithic doorway.

  11. Mr. Helsby of Liverpool took careful photographs of the monolithic doorway in 1857, which were engraved and published, with a descriptive article by Mr. Bollaert.

  12. The monolithic portal is one block of hard trachytic rock, now deeply sunk in the ground.

  13. But the most complete monograph on Tiahuanacu is by Mr. Inwards, who surveyed the ground, photographed all the ruins, made enlarged drawings of the sculptures on the monolithic doorway, and even attempted an ideal restoration of the palace.

  14. There is nothing elsewhere that at all resembles the sculpture on the monolithic doorway at Tiahuanacu.

  15. Rows of doorways with slanting sides and monolithic lintels adorn the façades; while recesses for huacas, shaped like the doorways, occur in the interior walls.

  16. They consist of a quadrangular space, entered by the famous monolithic doorway, and surrounded by large stones standing on end; and of a hill or mound encircled by remains of a wall, consisting of enormous blocks of stone.

  17. KEY:— A, A winged human figure with the crowned head of a condor, from the central row on the monolithic doorway.

  18. Egyptian wall-paintings show in the clearest manner the transportation of colossal monolithic statues along these ways upon sledges, either moved upon rollers or dragged over an oiled slide, as in Fig.

  19. It is remarkable for the monolithic horizontal covering of the entrance to the grave chambers, which is again a little distant from the base.

  20. From their plan, they appear to have had no columnar supports, and resemble, in the careful restoration made by Mr. Thobois, the monolithic cellas of Philae preserved in Leyden and in the Louvre.

  21. The monolithic shaft is much diminished, and has an excessive entasis; it is provided with twenty, or in rare instances sixteen, channels of segmental outline.

  22. Engaged columns with Corinthian capitals supported a monolithic ceiling, the floral termination of which originally served as a base for the tripod.

  23. The little temple of that age discovered by Mariette Bey near the great sphinx of Gizeh shows no trace of columns, their place being supplied by monolithic piers.

  24. Some of the topes are monolithic columns, more than forty feet high, with ornamented capitals.

  25. But Herodotus describes a monolithic temple, which must have weighed five thousand tons, and which was carried the whole length of the Nile, to the Delta.

  26. Only its symmetry distinguished it from the jagged monolithic structures that dotted this end of the crater floor.

  27. Flat highland plains crested between the peaks were dotted with strange monolithic structures almost geometrical in their distribution.

  28. The doorway was made of only three stones, two huge monolithic door jambs, each seven feet high, nearly as wide and more than two feet thick.

  29. They stood in a great room with a magnificent row of monolithic pillars running down the center.

  30. Two sat near the great monolithic doorway, with muskets across their knees.

  31. MAIN CELL HOUSE The main cell house is a monolithic concrete structure veneered with brick and with cement tile roof laid on steel purlins.

  32. In the Intellectual Observer for May 1863, there is an excellent engraving of one of the great monolithic doorways at Tiahuanaco, to illustrate a paper by Mr. Bollaert.

  33. In reference to the adoption of the monolithic form for constructing the South Reservoir, the writer is so convinced as to its economy that had he to build this reservoir again, he would adopt the same method.

  34. There is a noble purity in Châlons Cathedral, due in large part to its soaring monolithic piers.

  35. Down the long church, the stout monolithic piers make two virile lines.

  36. The addition of a heavy stone roof necessitated the englobing of each alternate monolithic column by a square pier cantoned with shafts.

  37. As in a dark dream, he vaguely saw the great fortified gate with its huge, torch-lighted monolithic lintel.

  38. Along the beach the townsfolk thronged, and down the causeway, beneath the vast monolithic plinth of the fortified gate, jostled and pushed an ever-growing multitude.

  39. It has a fine ambulatory, and a range of eight monolithic columns, removed, says tradition, from an ancient Pagan temple.

  40. Monolithic inscription concerning grant of land to Ritti Marduk of Bit-Karziyabku.

  41. There is at the Louvre a monolithic chapel in pink granite, which dates from the reign of Aahmes, and the British Museum possesses the sarcophagus of one of his wives, Queen Ankhnes, who long resided at Thebes.

  42. It was an unusually hot, humid evening; doors and windows stood open to no purpose; and Susan was sitting out on the monolithic door slab, fighting off mosquitoes.

  43. The schools, students, teachers, and professors were so organized as to form a monolithic establishment centrally directed and completely immersed in Marxism-Leninism.

  44. It was the primary residuary of customs, practices, and attitudes that detracted from Communist programs to create a monolithic and modernized society.

  45. The Monolithic Church of, 16 " Louis Academy of Music.

  46. The most remarkable feature of St. Emilion is the monolithic church, which is probably one of the most curious of its class.

  47. It was elevated on sixteen hundred monolithic columns of granite twelve feet high, and arranged in lines of forty, so as to cover an area of upwards of two hundred and twenty feet square.

  48. The monolithic colossi rose on either hand; but they also were shelving to one side, or sinking away.

  49. The priests in attendance, with a simple pressure of the hand, had caused a heavy monolithic door to turn on its hinges in the largest of the pyramids.

  50. The monolithic church, made by excavating the calcareous rock, which crops out and forms a kind of table near the top of the crescent-shaped hill, is said to have been mainly the work of monks in the ninth century.

  51. Close to the monolithic church is the cavern where the hermit Émilion is supposed to have dwelt.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "monolithic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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