The least perceptive could not choose but see that she was genuinely, intrinsically different, not merely in the matter of iridescent silks and saris, but in the very colour of her soul.
And the iridescent woman said again, "I am the reader of 'The Book of Gud,' which Dan Spain and Harold Hersey are writing about you.
Iridescent fountains played beneath o'er-hanging palms, and gentle breezes, wafting through the glistening latticery of ornate edifice, made music soft and low that lulled of peace and quiet and eternal joy.
The bubble which Gud saw in his dream was iridescent with a great iridescence; for the colors of the bubble were many and they were ever changing, so that it was never twice alike.
For that promise," said theiridescent lady, "I could love you forever and a day.
The next presents a fretwork of fine film, wrought by the south wind over the whole sky, iridescent with delicate rainbow tints within the influences of the sun, and ever-changing shape.
Below their negligible bodices hung draperies of brocade interwoven with metallic threads, of lace dyed the colors of exotic flowers, of tulle embroidered with iridescent beads.
A last, long trill, high and pure, died away vibrating in the vases of iridescent glass.
On a branch above them, a python, awakened by those vibrations, revealed itself in an iridescent gliding of its coils.
It was only when he drifted into strange and untried fields that he began to chase rainbows, to blow iridescent bubbles, and count unmined gold.
It flowed evenly, sometimes stopping against an impedimental stone of argument--occasionally gushing with iridescent bubbles from the force of energetic collision.
Head and neck ofiridescent colors, very changeable in different positions.
The male has the head, neck, and crest iridescent greenish black, breast brownish with black spots.
The crown and lengthened feathers of the neck are a beautiful iridescentpurplish pink.
They are a large handsome bird, with pure white under parts and wing coverts, and the upper parts, head, tail and breast are a bronzy black, with iridescent changes.
The common loon is the most beautiful of them all, having a velvety black iridescent head with slashes of white on the throat and neck and spots of white on the wings and back.
Head iridescent blue, green and purple, and with a large white patch extending from eye to eye, across the back of the puffy crest.
These birds are of a bright metallic green above and also on the breast, the forehead, sides of head and throat are an iridescent blue, and a white line extends back from the eye.
His undulating and iridescent periods are like the solemn sound of organ music accompanied from afar by a symphony of flutes, peacocks, and pomegranates.
If the sun pierce the mist, the whole lights up with iridescent fires and becomes a resplendent cluster of diamonds.
Thanks to this artifice, the Epeira this time obtains not a thread, but an iridescent sheet, a sort of clouded fan wherein the component threads are kept almost separate.
The grand old stove seemed to smile through all its iridescent surface at the praises of the child.
Red-headed and with an iridescent blue body, he is very similar to the bluebottle, and lives in huts and dwellings.
Here the entire painting flashes like a rocket, and is as iridescent and brilliant as a peacock's tail.
It is brightly iridescent in color, from its setae, which form a fur-like coating over the dorsal surface.
The plant grows in deep water, ad shows iridescent colors when seen through the water.
On the eel-grass are to be found /Lacuna vincta/ and the delicate iridescent little shells of /Margarita helicina/.
This little iridescent jellyfish, which measures about one and a half inches in diameter, is commonly found attached to eel-grass by a stalk-like projection of the top of the umbrella.
It may be distinguished by its general generic characters, its iridescent surface, and its delicately marked lines of growth; sometimes it is rose-tinted.
The mode of deposition of the various layers of crystalline calcic carbonate and the peculiar lineation of their outer surfaces give rise to the iridescent or nacreous appearance of some shells.
Often it appears iridescent when seen through the water, with the sun shining on it.
The sun is only an iridescent frolic, which flits and laughs without resting on the chapped bark of the pines.
A dream is a buried hope exhumed, 'Tis an iridescent thing of air, Which mocks at the spirit, by fate entombed In the catacombs of a mute despair.
I wished to get acquainted with this weaver of iridescent nothings who knew so well the divine art of doing nothing at all and doing it good and hard!
Slowly the colors changed, until we were in the midst of a stream of iridescent opal fires; and quite lost in the gorgeous spectacle, at length we found ourselves upon a bar.
But at the word the figures vanished with a wail, sinking into the mud, which was left covered with bubbles iridescent in the light of the star-shells.
There were mountains that looked to my amazed eyes as lofty as Mont Blanc, and as massive, every solid mile of which was composed of crystalline ice, refracting and reflecting the sunbeams with iridescent splendor.
We can easily see that it is wiser to buy modern iridescent glass, fitted to our use, and yet carrying all the fascinating lustre of ancient glass, than to sigh for the possession of some unbuyable thing belonging to dead and gone Caesars.
There are infinite possibilities in the use of stencil design without counting the introduction of gold and silver, and bronzes of various iridescent hues which are more suitable for rooms of general use than for bedrooms.
The distance was now steel gray against the sky; then came a stripe of violet, and then a broad sheet of the vivid iridescent blue which one sees on the necks of peacocks, which again melted into the long line of flashing surf.