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Example sentences for "lying flat"

  • At first you can be sure of doing this only by lying flat on your back.

  • The point in lying flat on your back is that in that position alone you can be sure you are breathing naturally, which is diaphragmatically.

  • Five minutes of deep, free breathing from the diaphragm, lying flat on your back in bed at night and before you rise in the morning, will accomplish the desired result.

  • Lying flat, Blaise put one hand into the shadowed water.

  • Lying flat in a patch of creeping bearberry, the younger lad raised his head a little.

  • Lying flat, screened by an alder and a small balsam fir, he looked out across the water.

  • Then he crawled over with his bird and, lying flat alongside of Miss Erith, told her what he had discovered and what he had done about it.

  • The girl crept toward a big walnut tree and, lying flat on her stomach behind it, drew both pistols and looked around at McKay.

  • Then, lying flat, he levelled his pistol, supporting it across the palm of his left hand.

  • I take it lying flat on my back, creating a veritable avalanche of stones and rubble.

  • But how of those two others, lying flat on their faces in the open?

  • A little higher up the slope a man is lying flat on his stomach, supporting his chin on his hands, and reading absorbedly, digging his toes in the soil the while.

  • A handful of sand thrown into the air gave the direction of the wind; worming my way I gained the thorns, and, lying flat, waited for a side chance.

  • Lying flat on my pony’s neck and guiding him as I best might by occasional glimpses of the tail of my now slowly retreating pioneer, I laboured on in the hope that more open ground might enable me to get up alongside of him.

  • I was in a most awkward position, lying flat on my face, and literally aching with suspense and suppressed excitement, and yet I dare not move to get into a better position for a shot, for fear of being seen by either of the two cows.

  • I was promised a drive once a week, but they were unfortunately suspended as I had an operation on July 31st for the jumping sciatic nerve and once more was reduced to lying flat on my back.

  • When it was light enough I looked round, as well as I could at least, lying flat on my back, for something to distract my thoughts.

  • Fortunately he happened to be riding through a thick part of the bush, so that, lying flat on the ground, he was completely invisible to the advancing Boers.

  • Lying flat on their faces the gallant little band held their fire, and waited in dead silence while the horsemen galloped towards them.

  • Lying flat on the ground, he crawled from side to side of the fort, keeping a particularly sharp watch in the direction in which the white flag had been shown.

  • Lying flat on the rock, he stretched his head forward and drank deeply of the ice-cold pool beside which he lay.

  • With the lines in his left hand he crawled toward the water and, lying flat on the ground beside the horse, put his head down to drink.

  • She reached without adventure the corner of the ledge where she had first seen him, and there, lying flat, listened again.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lying flat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    also speaks; another hymn; being haunted; being read; blind alley; free soil; little pleased; lives were; lying back; lying between; lying dead; lying down; lying flat; lying spirit; lying tongue; mounted riflemen; much beloved; not far from the; off the; only remember; public breakfast; sister dear; something external; that nature; too far; written from