The mode of deposition of the various layers of crystalline calcic carbonate and the peculiar lineation of their outer surfaces give rise to the iridescent or nacreous appearance of some shells.
It is shining nacreous within and without, and has strong revolving ribs, the upper one on each whorl often being broken into a circular row of white dots.
All the trochids are nacreous within the aperture--a character which is constant throughout the family.
It isnacreous and brown within, dingy blue-black without.
The pearl is the same in substance as the nacreous shell of the pearl-oyster, and its iridescence is due to the fine striae of the undulating layers of which it is composed.
It is oblique, with a light-olive epidermis, nacreous interior, and finely crenulated margins.
Within the aperture the surface is nacreous and greenish in tint; the last whorl is drawn in, like gathers, at the suture.
When well cleaned it is a beautiful shell, with black wavy lines over a greenish-white nacreous foundation.
The shells are nacreous within, and the animal, with its rows of waving cirri upon each side, is very suggestive of /Trochus/.
Sometimes the humblest slave is visited in his slumbers by some radiant and lovely vision, with ideal forms, nacreous flesh, ambrosial hair.
The amplitude of the beautiful nacreous shell is by no means a measure of the dimensions of the animal; for this merely sits within the shallow mouth, like a Welsh fisherman in his coracle.
Leucodore, clione and other borers, parasitic or domiciliary worms work into the shell, and instinctively the protecting nacreous fluid envelops the intruder.
M Clemandot claims to be able to imitate the nacreous films which are seen on ancient glass which has been exposed to combined atmospheric influences for thousands of years.
It was silvery, shaded faintly with a delicate blue and flushed lightly with a nacreous rose; but a rose that differed from that of the terraces of the Pool Chamber as the rose within the opal differs from that within the pearl.
Her boreal bloom doth win Our eyes to feasting rare On rich delight of nacreous skin, And a wealth of whiteness fair.
Her bright, voluptuous glances upward rise Into the vague and nacreous infinite.
All of the Cantharidus family have beautiful nacreous interiors, and are the favourite New Zealand shells for necklaces and bracelets.
It is seldom as much as half an inch in length, and has a nacreous interior.
A beautiful concretion found in the interior of the shells of many species of mollusca, resulting from the deposit of nacreous substance round some nucleus, mostly of foreign origin.
Arabesques proceeded from lozenges of lapis lazuli, wove their patterns on the cupolas where, on nacreous marquetry, crept rainbow gleams and prismatic flames.
Muhafiz Ali, somewhat disappointed, produced a necklace of his finest false pearls, and the sahib examined it with the air of one who knew the difference between the nacreous sea-jewel and blown spheres of essence d' Orient.
Strands of nacreous spheres reflected a soft radiance from the lamp; luster of cream-colored satin.
Special deposits of the nacreous matter around foreign bodies form pearls, the foreign nucleus being usually of parasitic origin (see PEARL).
These two layers, therefore, when once formed cannot increase in thickness; as the mantle grows in extent its border passes beyond the formed parts of the two outer layers, and the latter are covered internally by a deposit of nacreous matter.