Beyond the wall line on that side vestiges of ancient buildings are visible in various directions, and the plain is strewn with fragments of bricks, tiles and rubbish.
Such attractions as the buildings possess are due rather to the richly coloured tiles with which many of them are adorned, or to inscriptions, like the Kufic inscription, dated A.
Depending on coloured tiles and gorgeous fabrics for their rich effects, nothing of the buildings of the times of Harun al-Rashid or Mamun, once counted so magnificent, have come down to us.
That mosaic work has been found in Persia, composed of star and cross shaped tiles of different colors fitted together, and that similar tiles are made in Spain at the present time.
It is found, for example, in the form of tiles as a wall decoration, and as a material for inlaying.
The friezes above mentioned consisted of tiles with alto-relievo heads of Christ and the Apostles.
For at least four centuries tiles formed the staple production of the potters of England.
These tiles were occasionally embellished with painted flowers, and designs in blue, red, and yellow.
Very fine examples are found in the wall-tiles taken from the different mosques.
The tiles of this kind date mostly from the time of the Mogul Dynasty.
Abaquesne worked until 1557, and after that date the manufacture of tiles was continued by others.
Some of the early Lambeth ware is very skilfully painted, the tiles with a blue ground being especially commendable.
First, having lit another lantern which was kept there, he removed with the sharp end of the pickaxe a large patch of the encaustic tiles exactly in the centre of the depression.
But as the roof was slated, and as it was found necessary to pave the hollow with tiles and cut surface drains in it, the result did not clearly prove its use as a dwelling place before the Roman conquest.
But notwithstanding all the encaustic tiles in the world, damp will gather in a hollow like this, and the damp alone was an objection.
The tiles have mostly old designs, taken from some mediƦval examples still to be seen in the south choir transept and under an arch on the east side of the northern.
The designs of most of thesetiles were taken from a few old ones still to be seen in the choir transepts.
At the top of the dark marble altar steps there are tiles again.
Only in the houses of magnates was recourse had to tiles imported from China or slates of copper-bronze.
In the earlier period, it is to be remembered, tiles were used almost exclusively for temple roofs.
The palace was roofed with green tiles of Chinese manufacture and a few private dwellings had roofs made of slate-coloured tiles, but most of them were shingled.
This injunction was only partly obeyed: tiles came into more general use, but red walls offended the artistic instinct of the Japanese.
BOASE is probably aware that the sixteen tiles from the Great Guard Chamber at Caen, which supplied the subject of Mr. J.
It should be observed that the number of tilescomposing the two tablets now to be seen is forty; whilst the number, as stated Gent.
Thomas and Eden Warwick 545 Decorative Pavement Tiles from Caen, by Albert Way and Gilbert J.
The pool was dry, thetiles that had formed its floor were prized apart with weeds; ribald wild grape-vines ran amuck hither and thither; and over all was a drenching-sweet scent of trailing honeysuckle.
At length he stood before the paternal mansion; he saw the gloomy tiles and half-closed window-shutters.
He paints the tiles of a chimney-corner; they are as green as the peacock's eyes in the sunshine.
Bricks are cold, stone is cold, tiles are cold; but cement!
Not only is porcelain made there in great variety, but earthen-ware and tiles largely.
The blue and brown Scripture-tiles were made in great numbers, and found a wide and ready sale.
TILES were made from an early period in Holland, and during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in great quantities.
He comes, and asks him if he has not seen a house with beams of gold and with tiles of diamonds, and the rest of gold and silver; and he tells him how it was taken away from him.
Then the young man comes and asks the sun if he has seen a palace which has its equal nowhere, with its laths of gold and its tiles of diamonds, and the rest of gold and silver.
Bricks of adobe and also burned bricks and tiles were made at every Mission, I believe, and in later years tiles were made for sale for the houses of the more pretentious inhabitants of the pueblos.
Like the monastery, the church is roofed with tiles which were manufactured at the Mission by the Indians.
Heaps of ruined tiles lie here and there, just as they fell when the supporting poles rotted and gave way.
He removed the baptismal font to his church, and unroofed some of the old buildings and took the tiles and timbers away.
Tiles were made and put on the church roofs in 1795; more houses were built for the neophytes, and all roofed with tiles.
The floor is paved withtiles from one of the abandoned Missions.
The adobe walls are covered with painted wood, and the tiles have given way to shingles, just like any other modern and commonplace house.
It should not be forgotten that originally the mill was roofed with red tiles made by the Indians at the Mission; but these have entirely disappeared.
For the same reason probably, or from poverty or ignorance, most of the funeral tiles and slabs bear no inscription whatever.
Vast numbers of tiles bearing impressions of the die upon them are found, but these are merely the stamps of the imperial brick kilns, with the names of the reigning sovereigns.
The stream was filled with wood and boards, and even whole roofs, with the tiles on, went floating down.
Over the arched portal stand marble statues by Schwanthaler, and the roof of brilliant tiles worked into mosaic, looks like a rich Turkey carpet covering the whole.
She saw again the ghiassas drifting down the great river, laden with dourha; she saw the mosque of the blue tiles with its placid fountain, and its handful of worshippers praying by the olive-tree.
Kaid turned fanatic, Nahoum on the tiles watching for the Saadat to fall, things trembling for want of hard cash.
Now, I have heard that to-morrow night Prince Kaid will sit in the small court-yard of the blue tiles by the harem to feast with his friends, ere the army goes into the desert at the next sunrise.
A little tomb, with pent-roof andtiles in the shape of violet leaves (unnumbered).
After 600 they were roofed with flat tiles in imitation of the Lombards.
If after placing the four lions you fall into the error of placing four other tiles of another pattern, instead of only three, you will be left with four places that must be occupied by plain tiles.
No tile is in line (either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) with another tile of the same design, and only three plain tiles are used.
He feared that the tilesof the houses would fall upon him as he walked in the streets.
The black over-glaze transfer-printing came into Staffordshire in imitation of the transfer-printed delft tiles of Liverpool.
Liverpool tiles obviously differ from Bristol tiles inasmuch as the former were printed after 1756, but of course before that date Liverpool delft tiles must have been painted as they were elsewhere.
There is one subject picture representing Hogarth's March to Finchley, and it was certainly executed more than once as there is one set consisting of forty-two tiles and another of seventy-two tiles of the same subject.
The Chertsey tiles are of different shapes, sometimes being round or half-circular to meet the exigencies of the design, and in general they are very quaint and original in their conception.
But as the tiles at Malvern and at Chertsey are finer than any found on the Continent it opens up a field for conjecture.
It is generally believed that the monks made these tiles themselves in the great religious houses, and possibly some of them may have had foreign inspiration or have been made here by foreigners.
It was Sadler and Green, of Liverpool, who together in one day by their invention printed as many tiles as it would have taken a hundred painters to do in the same time.
Mr. William de Morgan has for many years been known for his lustrous tiles and work of fine originality and strength.
That Shalmanesar also stayed at Nineveh is proved by the inscriptions; that he possessed a palace in the ancient city of Asshur is proved by the stamp of the tiles at Kileh Shergat.
Tiles from this ruin on the Tigris, from this city of Asshur, establish also the fact that a prince named Samsi-Bin, son of Ismidagon, once ruled and built in this city of Asshur.
Assyria, according to the inferences to be drawn from the evidence of the first Tiglath Pilesar and the tiles of Kileh-Shergat, could not be placed later than the year 2000 B.
Tiles of Kileh-Shergat bear the stamp, "Palace of Shalmanesar, son of king Bin-nirar.
The stamps on the tiles of these ruins tell us that the name of the city was Asshur.
The tiles of a heap of ruins at Asshur bear the inscription, "Tiglath Pilesar, the favoured of Asshur, has built and set up the temple of his lord the god Bin.
Above the slabs the masonry of the walls was concealed by tiles coloured and glazed, or by painted arabesques.
Oldenburg, looking at what had been done and casting an inquiring glance at the roofs of the houses on both sides of the barricade, where men were busy taking off the slates and tiles as he had directed.
I should scarcely have believed this miraculous escape, had I not seen the broken tiles and rafters through which he fell, and heard the attestations of numerous witnesses of the accident.
These clay hives fastened to tiles supply me with fresh records each summer.
On the tiles hanging from the walls of my porch I see her, with her red scarf round her body, stalking with sublime assurance over the ridged expanse of nests.
Under my erroneous denomination of Chalicodoma sicula are really comprised two species, one building its nests in our dwellings and particularly under the tiles of outhouses, the other building its nests on the branches of shrubs.
Take a dozen tiles from the roof, those with the biggest nests on them, and put the new ones in their place.
Go and ask our next-door neighbour's leave and climb to the roof of his shed, with some new tiles and some mortar, which you can fetch from the builder's.
My sedulous attendance, during the best part of July, in front of the tiles hanging from the walls of the arch, allowed me to reckon the inoculations.
Here, on a level with my head, placed so that they can easily be observed, hang some tiles removed from the neighbouring roofs in winter, together with their enormous nests and their occupants.
And, first of all, to what extent does the Cat deserve his reputation of being able to return to the beloved home, to the scenes of his amorous exploits on the tiles and in the hay-lofts?
Her most cherished site is the lower surface of the projectingtiles of a roof.
When the sun goes down, the Mason-bees leave the nest and take refuge somewhere or other, perhaps under the tiles of the roofs, or in little corners of the walls.
I then moved the tiles to the table in my study, in order to investigate their secrets with the most scrupulous care.
The Sicilian Mason-bee prefers company to a solitary life and establishes herself in her hundreds, very often in many thousands, under the tiles of a shed or the edge of a roof.
I have seen some of these nests, under the tiles of a shed, spreading over an area of five or six square yards.