When the bird reached the threshold it stopped, and without warning gave vent to a prolonged series of shrill, unmusical sounds.
The mellifluence and flexibility of the vowelly language were favourable to unrhymed verse; while the poverty of the poetic diction, and the unmusical verse of France, could never venture to show itself without the glitter of rhyme.
Some become equivocal by changing their signification, and some fall obsolete, one cannot tell why, for custom or caprice arbitrate, guided by no law, and often with an unmusical ear.
Crickets noisily were proclaiming their presence and the not unmusical notes of the tree toads joined in a chorus that arose from every side.
Indeed there was something in the sunshine of the summer afternoon and in the not unmusical sounds of the winged grasshoppers in the adjacent orchard that was soothing to the excited boys.
Not a sound was to be heard save the noisy flights of the winged grasshoppers or the occasional unmusical sound which proclaimed the presence of locusts.
I think the most unmusical ear, the most cursory attention, cannot fail to discern immediately how much more flowing and smooth is the movement of this.
But later Schindler pitched into Liszt for his Beethoven interpretations, hotly swearing that they were the epitome ofunmusical taste.
Liszt once had musical and unmusical Europe at his feet.
Little by little, however, the sound developed itself into a somewhat mournful melody or refrain, chanted by a not unmusical voice.
The alarm calls are an unmusical dzit or yert and a string of beady, metallic notes.
Mrs. Farwell describes the Blackpoll's song as "a succession of hesitating, staccato, unmusical notes varying greatly in volume.
I had a whiff of his strained, unmusical voice, and behold!
It undoubtedly sprang from a desire to put an end, by the power of ridicule, to these unmusical disturbances of the public peace.
But unluckily, this is just the end of our concert season; and now comes the annual fair, and our unmusical time, and I shall not play again here till next autumn.
I was going to send you another song to-day, but could not get on with it, which annoys me; so you must even rest satisfied with this dull, unmusical letter.
Tchak and a short unmusical call uttered with spread wings and tail.
Their notes, as a rule are limited to a few unmusical calls, which, with our Cedar Waxwing, are usually uttered when the bird is about to fly.
I now called together those who had previously quizzed me for my unmusicalname and shewed them, (for naturally they had not heard it) the famous thema formed out of my name.
When it does essay a madrigal, its shrill, unmusical syllables are anything but pleasing and welcome to the cultivated ear.
A troop of allouattes commenced a concert, their unmusical howlings echoing through the forest.
Duppo brought us a large wood-cricket, called the Tanana, the wonderfully loud and not unmusical notes of which we had often heard.
A singer must reject any unmusical sound and, above all things, rule out any departure from the pitch.
Five discordant tones compose their scale, unmusical and untrue chords, or, one might say, discord.
Theirs was an odd and awkward courtship--its language a medley of unmusical squeals and grunts; and if a difference arose it was settled by one curling up into a ball till the other had forgotten the quarrel.
The old badger invariably uttered a low but notunmusical greeting when she returned to her family at dawn.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unmusical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.