I made a hole after the fashion of well-sinkers; I dived like fishermen.
Adèle promises in a fashion which means that she will break her promise.
I always liked the Indian fashion of answering questions by deeds instead of words, where the circumstances admit,--it is so much more significant and satisfactory, besides the world of lying it often prevents.
You can fashion puppets with bodies of flesh and souls of turmoil, and so you must sit down and do a great thing.
He paused, and gazing in absent fashion at the topmost rose on the climber in the porch, asked whether I could take three!
In a dull resigned fashion he took up his household duties again, made harder now than before by the scandalous gossip of the aggrieved Mr. Stevens.
Now take a man of this type, and let him be also a philosophic amateur, unwilling to mix a hodge- podge system after the fashion of a common layman, and what does he find his situation to be, in this blessed year of our Lord 1906?
Men who are strongly of the fact-loving temperament, you may remember me to have said, are liable to be kept at a distance by the small sympathy with facts which that philosophy from the present-day fashion of idealism offers them.
You are both right and both wrong according as you conceive the verb 'to go round' in one practical fashion or the other.
We hardly know our own preferences in abstract matters; some of us are easily talked out of them, and end by following the fashion or taking up with the beliefs of the most impressive philosopher in our neighborhood, whoever he may be.
The convolvulus blossom in the bud is twisted or contorted round and round, part of the cup being folded inside, while the five joints of the corolla are folded outside, much after the fashion of an umbrella when rolled up.
After our usual Protagorean fashion we regard man as the measure of all things, and pay little heed to any part of the compound fruit-cluster save that which ministers directly to our own tastes.
The former, among whom were some really good-looking brunettes, had all adopted the English fashion of dress, with parts of native costume retained.
Their own thick hair was all the cap they wore, excepting two or three men of superior rank, who wore cloths wrapped in turbanfashion on their heads, and a voluminous plaid-like garment on their shoulders.
So it is, they tell me, in England; but we have a different fashion here, as you see, and quite as foolish.
They live in the crude, primordial fashion of their forefathers.
Pete stretched our tent wigwamfashion on some old Indian tepee poles, and, without troubling ourselves to break brush for a bed, we all soon joined Stanton in a dreamless slumber upon his rocky couch.
We could not pitch our tent wigwam fashion with an opening at the top for the smoke to escape, as to do that several poles were necessary, and we had no means of cutting them.
My study of these animals has led me to conclude that the smaller shrews of Arizona and New Mexico intergrade in a clinal fashion with the shrews of Colorado and in fact represent but one species.
His scruples thus removed, he continued his journey, leaving his good steed to choose what direction he pleased, as was the fashion with knights-errant when they set out on their adventures.
It means--it is a word that people say--It is the fashion to say it.
In quick dramatic fashion the story unrolls before your vision: "So the soldier cut the witch's head off.
It happened that the king's son gave a ball, and invited all persons of fashion to it.
In these simple versions the point to the story is made clear in natural fashion without undue moralizing.
In a blundering, fishy fashion he thought about it; he wondered whether the little eddy looked as it used to look, and whether caddis-worms and young mosquitoes were really as sweet and tender as he used to think they were.
It seems quite fitting that a writer beginning his career in such fashion should finally write the most scholarly historical and critical account of the development of the short story, The Short Story in English (1909).
Whether it was the nature of the place or the people, I cannot tell, but great feet had been the fashion there time immemorial, and the higher the family the larger were they.
They had only the tools and household goods they brought with them, or such things as they could fashion with their own hands.
The Treasures of the Wise Man" represents another class of Mr. Riley's poems in which he moralizes in a fashion that makes people willing to be preached at.
The old fashion of transacting public business after dinner is not unworthy of remark and contrast with the present custom.
Omnipotent fashion has migrated to Cheltenham, though no comparison can be made with Clifton on any other score.
Elderly he said good-night to his elderly wife, and in elderly fashion packed himself off to bed.
He chid himself; nobody but a poet has a right to abandon his mind to universal inevitable regrets, since only a poet's hand can fashion a fresh garland for the tomb of youth.
I'm the fashion for three or four seasons--that's what I am.
She would have found it harder to despise Harry, if he had served Isobel after the same fashion as he had served herself.
They were unknown in England in the reign of Elizabeth; for it was then the fashion to strew the floor with hay and rushes.
The Romans adopted the Eastern fashion of reclining at their meals, at the close of the second Punic war, about 200 years before Christ, when Scipio Africanus brought some little beds from Carthage, which were thence called Punicani.
It is far better to dress coarsely and out of fashion and be strictly clean, than to cover a dirty skin with the finest and richest clothing.
They are still, as a general rule, the home of the most highly cultivated people, as well as of the rudest and most degraded, and unquestioned arbiters of fashion and social observances.
According to the hours now infashion in our large cities, ten o'clock is quite early enough to present yourself at a dance.
A man to whom nature has given a handsome beard, deforms himself sadly by shaving--at least, that is our opinion; and on this point fashion and good taste agree.
A man of fashion avoids nothing with more care than that.
Fashion often compels us to violate this principle, and dress in the most absurd, incongruous, unbecoming, and uncomfortable style.
But Fashion is not responsible for all the incongruities in dress with which we meet.
But it often happens that when a taste or fashion is at the point of death, it undergoes a forced and temporary revival.
It has been said by a great moral philosopher that fashion supplies the place of reason.
It would seem as if fashion never could take repose but in supreme irrationality.
But fashion has so ordained it: and a good play and after-piece were well represented to a house which, from the little intermixture of the lovely sex, somewhat resembled the auditory of a surgeon's dissecting theatre.
Fashion could not supply the place of reason, if reason were not absent; and most irrational and unaccountable indeed are all her ladyship's ways.
In OEnone and the Lotus Eaters he handled Homeric subjects, but in a romantic fashion which contrasts markedly with the style of his later pieces, Ulysses and Tithonus.
Nevertheless, the fashion spread, and "he who could do nothing else," said Dr.
In a country of endowed grammar schools and universities hardly emerged from a mediæval discipline and curriculum, he wanted to set up Greek gymnasia and philosophical schools, after the fashion of the Porch and the Academy.
His dress was very plain and simple, and the fashion of it between the Asiatic and the European; but he had on his head a light helmet of gold, adorned with jewels and a plume on the crest.
John Dyer's Fleece was a poem in blank verse on English wool-growing, after the fashion of Vergil's Georgics.
Other ballads were shortened, popular versions of the chivalry romances, which were passing out of fashion among educated readers in the 16th century and now fell into the hands of the ballad makers.
It gave English poetry a didactic turn and started the fashion of writing critical essays in riming couplets.
Within the cramped and starched regularity of the heroic couplet, which the fashion of the time and his own habit of mind imposed upon him, he secured the largest variety of modulation and emphasis of which that verse was capable.
And it had not yet become the fashionto profess a mysterious inexpressible joy in the observation of natural scenery.
It was once the fashion for gallants to dye their beards various colours, such as yellow, red, gray, and even green.
Kings and their courtiers were not slow to follow the example of the Head of the Church and the ruler of kings, and the fashion soon spread among people of all ranks.
That is to say, I've known him after a fashion for years, but seen little of him.
The old lady took the Princess Eglantine in her arms, and kissed her, and joggled her, and clucked at her, after the fashion of all good aunties.
As these fairies have been rather out of fashion lately, I will tell you just how she was dressed.
What matter--the Huzoors gave him bread after their fashion and he was unfaithful to the salt of it.
As lumber could not be afforded they would make a grain storage by laying a square of rails after the fashion of a rail fence, then they would line this with hay or straw to fill in the large spaces between the rails and put the grain inside.