But the mighty projectile that drove on him down the smooth slopes gained with every yard, for the thrusting pole swept the horses off their feet in plunge after plunge.
The hawser, made smooth as glass by attrition, was steely and stiff with the cold.
Down the half-mile of dusty declivity into Castonia, the only smooth road between the railroad and the settlement, the stage made its usual gallant dash with chuckling axle-boxes and the spanking of splay hoofs.
Yet even that lunatic's tracks have been patted smooth by the wind.
You want to keep your road sosmooth that every load of logs will go down there like a boy down a barn rollway.
He did not repeat this attention, but he pictured to himself those ample curves, so marvellously smooth and fine.
The sun played with the branches, and the ground was smooth as moss.
Then lighting the lantern, Thad tried the best he knew how to smooth over any footprint he or his companion may have made close to the fissure in the rock.
If you could only meet up with him once, I'm sure you'd know the tricky kind of man he is, just from his looks, and the smooth way he talks.
Some long anterior convulsion had upturned its strata, and the sweep of water, mingled with broken fragments of stone, had worn smooth the exposed edges, just as a similar agency wears the edges exposed at the present time.
Late as it was, when they reached their room, Joyce stopped to smooth every wrinkle out of her bridesmaid dress, and spread it out carefully in the tray of her trunk.
To her great relief the peeling process had been a short one, and thanks to the rose balm, not a trace of a blister was left on her smooth skin to remind her of her foolish little attempt to beautify herself in secret.
Cautiously as a cat she raised herself, then sat there in the darkness scooping out the smooth ointment with thumb and finger, and spreading it thickly over her inquisitive little nose and plump round cheeks.
Really, with his smooth shaven face, and clear ruddy complexion like an Englishman's, he doesn't seem much older than Malcolm.
Father is anxious to have a talk with him on the subject, and see if he can help to smooth the way, so the sooner he can come the better it will be.
I have had an absolutely smooth life--too smooth, I am afraid, for the growth of character.
Satan with his smooth tongue, "take me with you, and I will teach you three mysterious words which shall preserve you forever from sickness, age, and death.
For though the Blindworm is nearly a foot long he is so smooth and slippery that he can enter a hole which is almost smaller than himself.
He had once told his lawyer, in his premature joy, on that very day on which Mr Maguire had come to the Cedars, that everything was to be made smooth by a marriage between himself and the disinherited heiress.
The horn, not then an inch long, was black, smooth at the end, but wrinkled and directed backwards at the base.
The tail was covered with hair for two or three inches from the beginning, and the rest of it with a smooth scaly skin to the end.
His tail is shorter than that of either; his hair is longer than the panther's, but shorter than that of the ounce; it is frizzled when he is young, but smooth when at full growth.
From the smooth sumac they reap a harvest in midsummer, and in March they get a good grist of pollen from the skunk-cabbage.
The river was so smooth at times as to be almost invisible, and in its place was the indefinite continuation of the opposite shore down toward the nether world.
It is steep, steeper, steepest, till you emerge on the smooth level or gently rounded space at the top, which the old ice-gods polished off so long ago.
The ice-hills in the Taurida Gardens were not so high, and the descent was less abrupt: the course was the smooth floor of an intervening lake, which was kept clear for skating.
Over the Saybrook Bar there is a plunging of the vessel which horrifies him somewhat; but smooth weather follows, with long lines of hills half-faded on the rim of the water, and the country sounds at last all dead.
The sleds are small and low, with smooth iron runners, and a plush cushion, upon which the navigator sits bolt upright with his legs close together, projecting over the front.
The whole intercourse of life is arranged on the understanding that all personal contacts shall be smoothand civil, and such as to obviate the necessity of personal jostle and jar.
The work-worn hands, made old and hard by unselfish toil, become fair and smooth at a lover's kiss of long ago.
He liked the way her dark hair grew about her low forehead, her fair, smooth skin, and the mysterious depths of her eyes.
One day there comes a man to look at it, all the straight fine length, the smooth trunk.
And she clung to him hungrily, kissing the smooth little forehead under the rich tumble of hair, her tears falling on his face.
She laid her smooth fingers over his big ones, on the wheel, for a second.
He is liable to a continued change of feeling, and the scene of Providence is ever shifting; the current of his history may run on for a season in a smooth and even course, but it is constantly exposed to obstructions.
Its white paint had a new gloss; its blinds were an immaculate apple green; the lawn was trimmed as smooth as velvet, and it was dotted with scrupulous groups of hydrangeas and cannas.
She combed her grayish-blond hair in smooth ridges back from her broad forehead.
Boyne, overarched with massive unhewn rocks, its very ruggedness strikes an awe which the orderly arrangement of smaller and more reasonable thoughts, cut smooth by instruments inherited from classic times, fails so often to inspire.
We see the stone cist with its great smooth flags, the rocky cairn, and huge barrow and massive walled cathair, but the interest which they invariably excite is only aroused to subside again unsatisfied.
The long plait of hair and a smooth bare arm were round his neck.
Mrs. Dean was too high-principled a woman to attempt to smooth over her own child's offences.
Don't think for a minute that Miss Davis will be able to smooth things over.
She seemed to offer no resistance, her smooth cheeks growing warmer and warmer, even her lips passive; but suddenly he recoiled, and his heart stood still at his own outrageous daring.
Lady Casterley, upright in her chair, showed it only by an added decision of speech, a continual restless movement of one hand, a thin line between her usually smooth brows.
From sheer dread of going back before he came, she let her hair fall, though it was quite smooth and tidy, and began brushing it.
The tunnel was straight and smooth and very easy to walk through, so they made good progress.
My foot hurts, too," said the sailor, looking for a smooth place on the rocky floor to sit down.
Her voice is rather high-pitched, and, though polite and well-bred enough, she lacks that ease and smooth courtesy which can only be acquired at the time when one first learns the elegances of life.
Broglie, whose passion for argument, scornful manners, and exclusive devotion to Lord Granville did notsmooth or sweeten his relations with the rest of the diplomatic corps.
The hard point must of necessity be pressed with a degree of force to make the desired impression on the paper, and the result is a smooth hollow.
If this be smooth and hard, and the writing has not been dried with blotting paper, but allowed to dry naturally and slowly, it will become black much quicker than if the paper be rough and of an absorbent nature.
The fine, hard point used to trace the autograph leaves a smooth hollow, which can be seen through the glass on examining the back of the cheque or document.
It stood upon the slope of a hill, and immediately below were a succession of terraces, with walks of smooth green turf, and exotic shrubs, which in summer must be most luxuriant.
Yes, he deserved this smooth course his love was running!
With a circling sweep from somewhere out in the gloom it cut in close to the lofty mesa beneath tall clean-graded descents of sand, smooth as a railroad embankment.
She continued to parry him, but this was not a very smooth start for eight in the morning.
But now he has quite reconciled himself to his lot; and with a head smooth and sheeny as the egg of the ostrich, Smith goes on through life, and feels no pang at the remembrance of the ambrosial curls of his youth.