When, however, the glottis is somewhat narrowed, the breath brushes past the vocal chords, and an h is produced; this we may call a voiceless glottal continuant.
In standard English the h is a glottal continuant only when there is precise and emphatic utterance.
Scripture says: "Physiologically stated, the action for a vowel is as follows: Each glottal lip consists mainly of a mass of muscles supported at the ends and along the lateral side.
This adjustment of the glottal lips "presumably occurs by nervously aroused contractions of the fibers of the muscles in the glottal lips.
The form of the puff, sharp or smooth, is determined by the way in which the glottal lips yield; the mode of yielding depends on the way in which the separate fibers of the muscles are contracted.
The glottal lips vibrate differently for the different vowels.
In Cebuano publications the glottal stop of these words is never indicated.
This sound is produced in a fashion similar to the t' and k', but with the release of the breath from the ch position and from the glottal closure.
Or, in actual speech, the difference between Johnny earns and Johnny yearns, is that the former has a glottal closure between the two words.
This sound is similar to ch', except for the tongue position, and involves the release of the breath from the glottal closure in the same way as the other glottalized sounds.
The distinctive final glottal stop is usually lost before a following word in the phrase: hindí sya not he, Hintú na!
I have not written the glottal stop in this position, as it may always be taken for granted (§ 14).
If the syllable has a word-accent and the glottal stop is lost in the phrase, its accent is often spoken like a primary word-accent on an open syllable: Walá sya.
A final syllable ending in glottal stop (§ 14) often receives a higher degree of stress than a corresponding syllable with a different final.
In frequently used words, especially in more rapid speech, the intervocalic glottal stop is often lost.
The articulating organs and their share in the production of speech sounds: lungs, glottal cords, nose, mouth and its parts.
On the other hand, the glottal cords may be brought tight together, without vibrating.
The two other types of glottal action determine the nature of the voice, "voice" being a convenient term for breath as utilized in speech.