Already we are taking the regular steps to obtain Probate of a very simple will, prepared very carefully in our Office, and by exceedingly skilful hands.
But perhaps, through Lady Waldron, he may be brought down in the regular course, and have the whole case laid before him.
Some naturalists have asserted that this sleep is a state of torpidity-- from which the animal is incapable of awaking himself or of being awakened, until the regular period of indulgence in it may have passed.
Their chase was too precarious to make it worth while; and they were only encountered accidentally by the izzard-hunters, when in pursuit of their own regular game.
This the regular bear-hunter well knows; and the knowledge renders him cautious about coming too close to a couchant bear.
Of course, between these colonies and Canton there is a regular traffic; and our travellers found no difficulty in proceeding to Borneo in a Chinese junk which traded direct from Canton to Sambos.
Among the planters of the Southern states this is a very common practice: only a few of them keeping what might be called a regular kennel of hounds, but many of them having five or six couples.
We can pick up the regular telecasts, but nobody outside seems to be paying much attention to us.
His two regular bodyguards, both on leave from the Literate storm troops, moved quickly to range themselves on either side of him.
A strong force was thereupon sent down for the defence of the city, under the Marquis of Northampton, and a regular battle was fought at the base of the hill on St. Martin’s Palace Plain.
About the year 1802, a few professional and amateur artists, drawn together by a similarity of taste and inclination, for the advancement of the arts of painting and design in their native city, began to associate to form a regular academy.
Kirkpatrick, in the early part of the eighteenth century, was the first who formed the plan of a regular historical narrative.
He was a great reader of the bible, and he was regular and exact in family worship, but he was a stranger to bigotry, no stickler for forms, and no friend to mysticism in matters of religion.
Gurney was regular in his attendance at the bank, but he found time for study at home, and he carefully read ancient historians in the original languages.
Next above is the arcade of blank arches, with semicircular mouldings, having regular bases and capitals, and continuing round the whole structure.
His congregation was formed into a regular Baptist church in May, 1788, and it remained so all his life.
The proceedings were reported in daily issues of the Norfolk News and the Norfolk Chronicle, and also in the regular issues of the Norwich Mercury.
The distance of that place was seventeen miles from Norwich; yet although he was necessarily obliged to omit the week-day preaching, he never once neglected the regular performance of his pastoral duties on Sunday.
We went then into a regular system of buying, they buying all the men of ours they could, and we buying all of theirs we could.
All his customers were Negroes, except one white regular customer.
After graduation from high school, he started to work with the same firm on a commission basis until he began business for himself as a regular broker.
The data from the State Census schedules of enumerators were tabulated in regular order as reported by them for each block or part of block for the Negro families that were designated as living in that street or block.
A regular congregation comprising members of both races was organized and a church building erected.
As soon as the African trade was closed, the interstate traffic began to assume the aspect of a regular business though for some years it not only continued to be of small scale but was oftentimes merely incidental in character.
The sugar district furthermore was the one plantation area within easy reach of a considerable city whence a seasonal supply of extra hands might be had to save the regular forces from injury.
In such a case the superintendent would combine the functions of a regular overseer on the home place with those of a "riding boss" inspecting the work of the three small outlying squads from time to time.
Slave offenders were commonly tried summarily by special inferior courts, though for serious crimes in some states by the superior courts by regular process.
The regular plantation midwife shall attend all women in confinement.
In the present arrangement there is eight hands regular imployed in spinning and weaving, four of which spin warpe, and it could be bought at the factory at 120 dollars annually.
For a slaving voyage a second flooring was laid some three feet below the regular deck, the space between forming the slave quarters.
The hiring of slaves from one citizen to another did not meet all the needs of the town industry, for there were many occupations in which the regularsupervision of labor was impracticable.
I have found that it is unprofitable to undertake anything on a plantation out of the regular routine.
Now I have no pain and am quite regular unless I overwork or stay on my feet from early morning until late at night.
She has becomeregular and feels much better since she began taking the Vegetable Compound and attends school regularly.
Good boy," he shouted as Madden changed the signal, and the fullback, who had gone back behind the goal line, came running up again to the regular formation.
Eye-tired from watching the moving panorama of country and town, Frank Armstrong slept, free from the regular nightmare of broad-jumping competition in which he never could quite reach his best.
Doubts were soon set at rest for the Yale team sprang back into regular formation and crouched for the signal.
While it surprised me how one young girl could so disturb regularworking hours and get things generally a-flutter, I could easily see that all she needed was a chance to be herself.
When hisregular letters ceased I cabled his firm for information.
On our voyage we overhauled one of the regular fowlers, a Tartar, with whom we had a rather hot dispute.
The road on leaving Ekaterinodar runs through marshes, and has been raised and constructed by Government engineers, who receive a regular subsidy to keep it in repair.
To all these questions I had regular stereotyped answers.
A mile or two further on we came across fresh tracks of a regular family of bears, who had been down to the high-water line looking for waifs and strays whilst we were sleeping at the Cossack station.
The Weehawken shield chambers have been described under the Land Tunnel Section, as they are of the regular masonry-lined Land Tunnels type, whereas the Manhattan chambers are of segmental iron lining with a concrete inner lining.
Grouting was also done through the regular grout holes of the metal lining around the openings.
These have shown that in the subaqueous part of the tunnel there is a regular tidal fluctuation of elevation, the tunnel moving down as the tide rises, and rising again when the tide falls.
The materials, such as ducts, sand, and cement, were brought into the tunnel by the regular transportation gang.
The hoods were bolted in place, and were removed and replaced by regular cutting-edge steel castings after the shields had passed the river lines.
Openings for the manholes were left in the duct bench at the regular stationing.
The shafts did not form part of the regular tunnel contract, but were built under contract by the United Engineering and Contracting Company while the contract plans for the tunnel were being prepared.
He was a regular little lamb--for ten days, at the end of which time the Yorkshire man was prostrated by a combined attack of dysentery and fever.
It was not a squall, but a regular breeze--the disrupted trade wind, eight points out of its direction but resuming business once more.
This news produced a feeling of isolation and discouragement which grew to positive panic, an hour later, on the report that a brigade of regular troops was on its way to Buffland to restore order.
They had begun, as such men always do, too late, and without any adequate organization, and the regular workers had beaten them with ridiculous ease.
The glimmering light, the unwholesome excitement, the servile credulity fixed by long habit, seemed to produce a sort of passing dementia upon the regular habitues.
They have a sleek, shiny blackness here, unknown to higher latitudes; and from its midst the great white eyeballs and large, regular teeth flash with a singular brilliance.
Regular corps of spies, letter-carriers and small purchasing agents were organized and recognized by army commanders.
The best bands of the country had flocked to the Capital, to drown bad blood in the blare of brass; and all available cavalry and artillery of the regular army had been hastily rendezvoused, for the double purpose of spectacle and security.
The chain of regular hospitals and even the temporary one--nearly emptied since Seven Pines--now rapidly filled and overflowed.
The skeleton of the regular army had just been articulated by Congress, but the bare bones would soon have swelled to more than Falstaffian proportions, had one in every twenty of the ardent aspirants been applied as matter and muscle.
As the heavy fog that had obscured the sun cleared away, the regular lines of the Federals advanced to the attack, raked and torn by batteries.
But any regular and systematized periodical literature the South never had.
It was impossible to keep the weary and half-starved men to regular routine.
So potent a factor in the aggressive power of the Confederacy was this foundry that it overtopped the regular government agencies.
In popular view, both Bragg and Beauregard were on probation as yet; and it was thought that upon the management of their respective operations depended their status in the regular army.
Munro assures me that the remains discovered could be deposited in a few years of regular occupancy by two or three persons.
Munro among Dumbuck and Dunbuie finds, seem to me rather too stupid fakes for the regular forger, and a trifle too clever for the Sunday holiday-maker.
At regular intervals he stopped in the middle of a column, muttered profane repetitions, and started at the bottom again.
You must think I'm a regular baby," she replied, with a touch of scorn.
Evan was thus acknowledged a regular bankclerk, and the laugh he vented was well tinctured with exultation.
I feel kind of sorry for him," said Henty; "he must be a regular booze-fighter.
Inquiring at the ticket office as to fare, Evan learned that in two days there was an excursion to New York for only twice as much as the regular fare to Buffalo.
Occasionally a regular customer came in to cash a cheque, and finding himself unable to get near the wicket went out in considerable of a rage, trying to slam the automatically-closing door.
The day's rush started in the regular market-day fashion.
At two o'clock it had resumed its regular aspect and there reappeared the helmets of the police, the sailors' caps, the turbans of the Moors, the Jews and the Christians.
Some were dressed in khaki, with the sobriety of the soldier in the field; others wore the regular red jacket.
It was laid out in regular squares, divided into five wards, had a Mayor and Board of Aldermen, a Daily Paper and volume of ordinances for the City Government.
Durant, who was afterwards Vice President of the Company had with a few associates taken a prominent part in the matter but no regular organization existed.
They were furnished the regular soldiers' uniform which they were permitted to modify to suit their individual ideas and taste.
A judge of the effect of clothes, frugal in food and regular only in habits.
Jack had made arrangements with the editor of the News to furnish him material for the weekly paper and to give him news as well if there happened to be any and he entered on his duties as contributor under a regular if not large salary.
Some of the boys smiled at the idea of putting the whole school under arrest but they all moved away and were shortly in regular formation going through their customary morning exercises.
I began to suspect, and more than suspect, that her hair was the stock joke of the regular customers.
Then, in the regular manner, I inquired as to the well-being of the jewels.
For, like miniature artillery-men, they actually fire off a regular volley of explosive gas in the faces of their pursuers.
And in truth the continuous rush of the Divine Logos is borne along with eager but regular onset, and overflows and gladdens all things.
The Jewish mind from the time of the prophets unto this day has thought in images and metaphors, and the personification of the Logos is only the most striking instance of Philo's regular habit of personifying all abstract ideas.
My father was a poet," Tennyson said, "and could write regular verse very skilfully.
It might be said of him that he told more stories than any one, but was by no means the regular story-teller.
I had been promoted into the first class (passing the second class over altogether) before this, so that I was a regular pupil of M.
Nor can this loyal husband and self-respecting Catholic and Professor undertake to appear to sanction this indiscretion, by keeping her informed of his health and welfare at regular intervals.
Also I find she is the regular spy of Madame Heger, to whom she reports everything.
Thereupon, with admirable promptness and enterprise, it was forthwith determined to organise the building and equipment of a regular fleet of balloons of sufficient size and strength.