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Example sentences for "high"

Lexicographically close words:
hierophants; hierro; hies; hiest; higgling; highball; highballs; highbinder; highbinders; highborn
  1. High above the pond, under the flaming cupola of heaven, strings of wild ducks appeared as if tied together by black crosses.

  2. Let me tell you that both of those ladies are of such high quality as you rarely find.

  3. It is high time that God, Who rules the world, should give new proofs that He in reality rules.

  4. Gronski, for whom Dolhanski had such high regard that he permitted him alone to jest about him, said that if Dolhanski only had as great a gift of making money as he had of spending it, he would have been a millionaire.

  5. III Ladislaus complied in every particular with Miss Anney's injunctions for, immediately after she left, he dozed again and did not waken until the rays of the sun, which had ascended high in the heaven, fell on his head.

  6. I said if Mary is going to school at all to-day it is high time she was starting.

  7. My especial attack of this kind came to me when I was barely eighteen, the spring I was being graduated from the Andersonville High School.

  8. An' the next minute I met her in the hall, as I just said, her head high an' her eyes blazin'.

  9. Charles, if Mary is going to school at all to-day it is high time she was starting," she said.

  10. Dr Morison is indebted to his high office (!

  11. As fast as the Allies got across the Scheldt, Marlborough formed them along the high grounds stretching from Bevere to Mooreghem Mill, with their right resting on the Scheldt.

  12. But the English general defeated this device by bringing the stores up in flat-bottomed boats from Ostend to Leffinghen, and thence conveying them in carriages, mounted on very high wheels, to the camp.

  13. High white porcelain urn-like stoves heated the suite of rooms.

  14. Sir," said he, "I am a man of high aspirations and peregrinations and can have nothing to do with such low-down scopangers as yourself.

  15. John Hay, quoting old Jack Dade's description of himself, was wont to speak of this group as "of high aspirations and peregrinations.

  16. Boston and Charleston were in high party times nearest alike of any two American cities.

  17. These attacks were sometimes irritating and sometimes comical, but they had one characteristic feature: Each started out apparently under a high state of excitement.

  18. Below the surging subterranean flood that stirred and lifted him to high attempt, he was a comedian who had tales to tell, and told them wondrous well.

  19. That dinner was not a conversational success on the part of Jones, a fact which she scarcely perceived, being in high spirits and full of information she was eager to impart.

  20. He found himself in High Street Kensington, in Hammersmith, and then in those dismal regions where the country struggles with the town.

  21. He entered a breakfast room, light and pleasantly furnished, where at a breakfast table and before a silver tea urn sat a lady of forty or so, thin faced, high nosed, aristocratic and rather faded.

  22. The left and right walls divided the Henshaw back yard from the yards of the houses on either side, the wall immediately before him divided it from the back yard of a house in Minerva Terrace, which was parallel to the High Street.

  23. He was a straight, plain, common-sensical man with a high respect for women, and the position of leading character in a bad French comedy was not for him.

  24. They talked, the gentleman with the barometer passing from the weather to politics, from politics to high finance, from high finance to himself.

  25. The inner metatarsal tubercle is large and high and its shape varies.

  26. At high elevations the species sometimes breed in the rainy season; also, individuals sometimes breed in the short dry season (summer canicula) in July and August.

  27. This is due primarily to the emphasis on certain harmonics at a high frequency (sometimes as high as 9000 cps.

  28. Smilisca puma is outstanding in having a high pulse rate, which is approached only by that of S.

  29. Joe’s meal proved an excellent one, and the fact that they were so high above the earth did not affect the boys’ appetites in the least.

  30. But the next instant he was almost flung back into the sea again, as the little craft righted, and the lad, with his unconscious burden, was carried high above the boiling waters.

  31. The mighty propeller began to beat the air as the Discoverer soared buoyantly, and yet in stately fashion, high above the houses and tree-tops.

  32. It seemed almost too good to be true—the idea that before many hours had passed they would be flying high above old Mother Earth in a cloud cruiser, that for completeness and effectiveness surpassed their wildest dreams.

  33. A crop of sparse gray locks crowned his high forehead and was scattered sparingly over his large, but well-shaped head, which was bare.

  34. It may be added that the motor was of the four-cycle type, and, despite its high horse power, weighed but a trifle over 250 pounds.

  35. In a few moments they were high above the tree-tops, and the professor ordered the lights turned on.

  36. While the thought was still pulsating through their minds, and their hearts beat high with apprehension, the dreaded thing happened.

  37. Excitement ran high on board the Nomad when Nat proclaimed that he was almost certain he had seen an arm wave from the small craft.

  38. It is known to be situated on an island in the midst of a lake high up on an Andean plateau in Bolivia.

  39. But, all things considered, she had made a good run and all on board were in high good humor as they foresaw the end of the voyage.

  40. He is very full-blooded, and his face of a high colour.

  41. The "Vue du Colisee" was one of the paintings that first gained for Corot the high consideration of the more discerning among his artist friends.

  42. This is the quality in his work, much more than a fastidious refinement nearer the surface, that gives it so high a distinction.

  43. The brow, high and bare, crowned with hair in the coup de vent style, is furrowed with lines.

  44. Irroy holds a high position as a vineyard-proprietor in the Champagne, his vines covering an area of nearly 86 acres.

  45. Active fermentation speedily sets in and lasts for a fortnight or three weeks according to whether the temperature chances to be high or low.

  46. Glass is an amorphous and unelastic substance which, although it will stand a high pressure once, often succumbs when put to a second test by the action of the fermenting wine.

  47. At the black grape vintage, which precedes the gathering of the white varieties by some three or four weeks, the fruit is conveyed to the press in high tubs, carried on men’s backs, and holding about 40lbs.

  48. The temperature of this hall is carefully regulated; the windows are high up near the roof, the sun’s rays are rigidly excluded, so that a pleasant coolness pervades the apartment.

  49. We tasted here several sparkling hocks distinguished by their high flavour and refinement, with sparkling moselles vintaged in the best localities and equally excellent in quality.

  50. The still red wine of Rilly has long enjoyed a high local reputation, and to-day the Rilly growths are much sought after for conversion into champagne.

  51. If on being tested with a manometer the wine should indicate too high a pressure, it is at once removed to a cool cellar, consequently the average total breakage rarely exceeds 2¼ per cent.

  52. Susy and Prudy muffled themselves and danced down stairs in high glee, for such a fearful storm as this was an event in their lives.

  53. Then the bedstead had very high posts, with a ball stuck upon every one, like a head on a pin.

  54. In this country there stood on a high hill a round tower, and at the top of it lived an old wizard.

  55. When Michael entered he sat looking at an enormous book full of coloured pictures of little men and women about three inches high each.

  56. This done, he pointed to where, on the wall high up, hung a gleaming golden sword, the handle of which was set with precious stones.

  57. She sat in a room high up in one of the towers, clad in a black velvet dress, and she watched the lightning from the window, and laughed at each peal of thunder.

  58. I will begin at once;" and he went straight on to the common, and when he had collected the geese together lay down to watch them in high good humour.

  59. His heart beat high as he looked at them, for in their midst, most beautiful of all, sat the Princess Joan.

  60. So they took him off to a stone tower outside the garden gates and thrust him into it, and locked the door, and there was only one little window high up and barred across with bars, and from it he could see the palace and the gardens.

  61. Around it was a high wall, and outside this a moat, without a bridge.

  62. He came down to breakfast in high spirits, for he had just heard that an old aunt was dead, and had left him a great deal of money.

  63. So they went on in high good humour, the donkey carrying the pedlar's wares, and the raven sitting on the donkey's back driving away the flies.

  64. Ford lifted his head, and holding it high and defiant, looked at O'Mally and said slowly: "I got that money from Hollings Harland for reporting to him the affair between Johnston Barker and Miss Whitehall.

  65. On the way home, going at high speed, Heney, rounding a corner, ran into a wagon and found himself face to face with a pair of angry farmers.

  66. I don't know what time it was, but the sun had swung round to the window, when I heard steps in the passage and a woman's voice, high and quavering.

  67. The neighbors, high and low, soon got acquainted with them and found them nice genteel ladies, the mother very quiet and dignified, but Miss Carol a live wire and as handsome as a picture.

  68. Then Jack poured champagne into our glasses and raising them high we drank their healths, and then clinked the rims together and laughed, and wished them joy.

  69. Many a high pressure day I've had in my twenty-five years but none that had anything over that one.

  70. For the deep-toned Sabbath church bells high up in the steeples had been ringing out their welcome to all, even the strangers in their midst--"Bim!

  71. In fact, Hans loved everything and everybody about him, from the small naked worms which crawled about among the clods of earth, up to the strange and beautiful stars which shone so high above his head.

  72. So he lifted the spear which he carried at his side, from its leather socket, and raising it high in the air, he hurled it swiftly at the beast who was ready to spring upon him.

  73. As he looked he saw sweep down out of the high heavens two glad angels of God, robed in pale, shining green.

  74. He loved to hear the birds sing and to watch them fly high in the air, and he often threw crumbs upon the ground for them to eat.

  75. His shining wings, spread high above his head, seemed to waft the boat along by some invisible power.

  76. Near the top of a high, high mountain there lived a great giant.

  77. Quick as a flash of lightning one of the angels descended from his high post, and, with a touch of his flaming sword, turned the snake, which fled in dismay.

  78. At the foot of a high hill, on the top of which stood a grand old castle, was the stone hut in which he lived.

  79. Had they not watched it lift huge waves high in the air and dash them against the sharp rocks?

  80. Cedric went up to the window and looked out, but it was so high that he could see only the blue sky and a soft white cloud.

  81. Reads like some of the stuff we have to translate in High School," added Harry.

  82. Bob and his chums attended High School, but owing to the fact that the building was being repaired the usual fall term would be two months late in opening.

  83. But toward morning he fell asleep, and the early winter sun was quite high when he opened his eyes.

  84. I advise you that you read The Cardinal's malice and his potency Together: to consider further, that What his high hatred would effect, wants not A minister in his power.

  85. His whistle was again returned, and a moment after the form of a man was seen protruding itself through the trees that crowned the high bank under which they stood.

  86. He is charged with high treason," repeated the Officer; "and I must fulfil my duty.

  87. Our soldiers are fighting at his command, our provinces are governed by his creatures, our high posts are filled by his friends.

  88. The first of these seemed, from the superscription, to be a common official document; but the second attracted all his attention, and made his heart beat high by presenting to him the genuine hand-writing of Pauline de Beaumont.

  89. But as for Monsieur de Blenau, he has confessed himself guilty of a crime little short of high treason, in forwarding those letters to a foreign enemy.

  90. But, Monseigneur," he replied, "the Count is charged with high treason.

  91. The Lord High Executioner told us that His Majesty had been very irritable yesterday.

  92. The Lord High Executioner was acting in his stead.

  93. Found that the Lord High Chamberlain had been removed yesterday.

  94. The high prices prevailing during the past few years have undoubtedly changed to some extent the small grower's financial position.

  95. The spool revolves at a high rate of speed, and the thread is wound evenly upon it.

  96. The proposal demands the installation of high pressure baling machines at the gin, capable of producing a bale with a density of thirty-five pounds a cubic foot.

  97. The North, having this growing interest in an industry struggling against the experience and ability of the more firmly established English market, sought naturally for the protection given by a high tariff.

  98. With high prices prevailing in the home market, the manufacturer was not called upon to exert himself to stimulate sales in regions where competition would inevitably be keen and profits small.

  99. He was thus at once human and invulnerable, a high priest dedicated to freedom.

  100. Once she had passionately desired beauty, the high school and the story of Helen of Troy notwithstanding.

  101. One of them, over which she lingered, was of a charming, old-fashioned garden spattered with sunlight, and shut out from the world by a high brick wall.

  102. Another prominent feature is the high tension interrupter D, which cuts the electric circuit of the tube in and out, in synchrony with the camera mechanism.

  103. In the ordinary projector, if the celluloid film is stopped in the gate for a fraction of a second, and is exposed to the light, it flares up instantly, owing to the great heat emitted by the illuminant and the high inflammability of the film.

  104. Otto Fuechs, professor of engineering at the German Technical High School of Bruenn.

  105. On the other hand, it offers unique attractions to the private investigator, for the time occupied in preparing a film that reveals the wonders of Nature invariably commands a high price if it has the elements of popularity or novelty.

  106. Notwithstanding the high pitch of efficiency to which the factory was brought by these methods, Mr. Aldrich felt convinced that still further speeding-up might be accomplished without over-driving the men.

  107. The chronophotography of continuous movement has been brought to a high stage of perfection by the searching experiments of Professor Einthoven.

  108. Notwithstanding the high speed at which the celluloid ribbon is moved through the camera, there are no signs whatever of tearing.

  109. Which I at last must break my heart upon, For all God's charge, to his high angels, may Guard my foot better?

  110. A chancellor of England, the high administrator of the laws of property, could then amuse his leisure with constructing a Utopia, where property, with all its laws, would undergo strange mutation.

  111. The high blank walls of these latter, pierced only here and there by two or three of the narrowest possible lancet-holes, give it something the air of a fortification.

  112. High manners, splendid entertainments, and all the habits and indulgences of the life of courts, had fled from France only to be revived in Flanders.

  113. We'll on and in, nor need the pealing tromp (Once wont the lordlings thronging here to usher to the pomp) To kindle our dull phantasies for yon triumphal show That lights the roof so high aloof with the whiteness of its glow.

  114. Bertram, a peasant-born poet falls in love with the Lady Geraldine, a woman of high rank and very extensive possessions.

  115. It was high time to be off, when the yellow fever, the deadly vomito, had thus made its triumphant entry, and was ruling and ravaging like some mighty man of war in a stormed fortress.

  116. There is, however, a high order of talent which is considered quite apart.

  117. She will awake, but never again to that fine sympathy with nature, that exquisite perception of all high and holy things, I have first made her know.

  118. It comes to us when our souls soar above the labarynthian forest of opinions and theories, high into the clearer atmosphere, untainted by the dust and smoke of our daily lives.

  119. Like the many, she allowed her prejudices to control her, and avoided all opportunities of making the acquaintance of a worthy woman, one who was fast becoming life and light to minds of a high order.

  120. Give men and women liberty to enjoy themselves on high social planes, and we shall not have the debasing things which are occurring daily, and are constantly on the increase.

  121. I seemed to be placed in a close, high building, into which all the light that could enter came from above.

  122. When day broke over the hills another morning burst on his senses, and Clarence Bowen, of the gay world, was not the same as before, but a man of high resolves and noble purposes, trying to live a better life.

  123. A strong current of individual life, too, is setting in, which inspires every speaker and writer with high and noble thoughts, and they are forced to give bread and not stones to the multitude.

  124. The belief in the transmigration of souls is of high antiquity, and is worthy of more than a passing thought.

  125. If men and women come not together on high planes, they will meet on debasing ones.

  126. Rouse to some work of high and holy love, And thou an angel's happiness shalt know.

  127. It stood on a high hill, or rather on a mountain shelf, shaded by lofty trees which seemed like sentinels stationed about to protect it from all intrusion.

  128. The British who were streaming down from the high ground about Wytschaete and Messines consisted of five brigades of cavalry (perhaps 4000) and one brigade of the newly arrived Lahore Division.

  129. YPRES and the high ground east of the canal were on no account to be lost, and furious counter-attacks were therefore delivered against the intermingled German units.

  130. The Bavarians, however, not only maintained their positions, but, by an irresistible attack on the 9th and 10th November, took the high ground on which ST.

  131. The high water-level greatly influenced all movements over a very large area.

  132. This might be expected, but what can be the meaning of a fire caused by a high tide?

  133. In most Continental cities a watchman takes his stand during the night on the topmost point of some high building, and gives notice by either blowing a horn, firing a gun, or ringing a bill.

  134. This great man, his brain teeming with vast designs of this high sort, came now to his end.

  135. Athenians, it strikes me it is high time you looked for some other friend than the great king.

  136. Inferior in birth and position to none, while in wealth superior, he was for the rest a man of high ambition.

  137. Whereupon Agesilaus went off in high dudgeon; though as to sending troops to stop them, (4) the idea seemed impracticable, as the peace was based upon the principle of autonomy.

  138. Thus the men in Piraeus were soon again reduced to their former helplessness, while the ardour of the city folk rose to a proportionally high pitch under the auspices of Lysander.

  139. That such thoughts should pass through his brain strikes me as by no means wonderful, as these are thoughts distinctive to all men of high ambition.

  140. But Mr. Harwood found more pleasure in watching her face than he did in gazing at the long crescent slope of the bay, and at the white houses that peeped from amongst the vines, or at the high convent of the hill.

  141. She knew it was below the line of high water, and now not more than a couple of feet of the ledge were uncovered.

  142. Here and there a polish upon the surface of the black oak panelling gleamed, but all the rest of the high room was dim.

  143. He could hardly define the inconsistency of which he was conscious, but as the phaeton drove rapidly along the red road beside the high peak of the mountain he became more deeply impressed with the fact that it existed somewhere.

  144. It was to a certain circle of young women in good society that he preferred addressing himself, for he knew that to each individual in that circle he appeared as the prophet and high priest of art.

  145. Glory be to the most High for this greatest of all His mercies!

  146. High indeed were the mountains and rocks on either side, and on one towered the black pines of the far-famed forest; the path was steep but gradual, along a narrow murmuring torrent, which in a wet season must have been very fine.

  147. She writes:— I heartily enjoyed the Courts, the Judges, and the High Sheriff, and every part of my entourage.

  148. Taken altogether, he was without a parallel in his day; and this memoir, written con amore by a friend, does justice to his great worth and high character.

  149. The entrance is near the house, which is, however, perfectly concealed by a thick shrubbery and high trees, skirting a winding gravel walk up to the house, which bursts upon you very beautifully indeed.

  150. She was almost jealous for the credit and good name of the medical profession; and very anxious that its members should be held in high esteem, and their services liberally remunerated.

  151. Both my friends looking well and in high spirits; felt thankful to see them so; all good be with them!

  152. Finding that he was just returned from Scotland, and was au fait of all the proceedings there, and that his connexions were those of high life; I asked where Lord Daer was, and lamented that he was not one of the arrested members.

  153. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "high" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    high and; high angle; high bank; high forehead; high heaven; high hill; high lands; high mass; high misdemeanor; high noon; high northern; high power; high price; high quality; high resistance; high rock; high speed; high standing; high tower; high trees; high velocity; high voice; higher court; higher order; higher place; highly seasoned