She made direct for the spot where Lilian was filling the can; and by her quick, nervous gestures, and the lurid light flashing in her half-buried eyes, I could perceive that some hideous passion was stirring within her.
This book is not the fantastic, lurid picturing of the shames of women and the crimes of men.
There is no intention here to paint a lurid picture of Chicago's ulcer spots that might arouse passions and do evil.
Instead, luridstories were concocted in the back rooms of nearby roadhouses.
In the light of the swinging lanterns, a lurid spectacle.
After that, what with the lurid and insinuating stories printed, the state authorities began to look into the matter--and found no harm in us.
Sylvia, looking at the lurid light across the road.
A mist filled his eyes, and it was lurid and throbbed with a red pulse at every stride.
The shades of evening were deepening; and the dark visage of Coubitant looked darker than ever, while the lurid light of his deep-set eyes seemed to glow with even unwonted luster from beneath his shaggy and overhanging brows.
Long he gazed on the strange aspect of the wide savanna, as it glowed in the darkness of night, with a lurid and fearful glare, that only made the gloom more visible.
The lurid Boletus, though pleasant to the taste, is reputed very poisonous.
The lurid colouring of the young leaves is recalled in the flower-stems and calix, and enhances the colour effect of the whole.
The peaceful pictures of this little book, multiplied many thousand times, have to be set as a background to the lurid pictures of the Book of Judges.
What a lurid light is thrown back on the unreality of the people's return to God by their swift relapse!
Two torches burning blue anon A lurid flick’ring gleam display; While through the cloven rock the moon Sends forth a pale and wizard ray.
Now black the vault of heaven became; Athwart the vapours thick and close, While Loptur’s blood with terror froze, Glitter’d afar a lurid flame!
Like foam, the words then hurried fly, Which from his nostrils mounts the sky, And forms a column gleaming bright Amidst the lurid clouds of night.
Grim faces glow through lurid night With sweat of spirit shining bright: Only the dead on deck turn white.
The lurid plain gleams like a seething hell, And every rock and tree send forth their bolts of flame.
The scorching sun had gone up in the firmament, blazed from his meridian throne, and in lurid sultriness descended to his rest.
The papers started booming the discovery, it caught Molly's eye, and Molly passed on a particularly lurid account of it to Gran'pa.
I repeated the information and gave him lurid details of Molly's and Captain Morgan's miraculous escape.
The papers in which we advertised sent down young and persistent reporters to try and get lurid details for their insatiable public.
He described the gorilla in lurid and blood-curdling details, drawing a little on his imagination here and there.
The setting sun cast a luridflash over the figures of that strangely assorted pair.
In a few minutes the bright flame of their camp-fire threw a lurid glare on the trees and projecting cliffs of the wild pass, while they cooked and ate their frugal meal of jerked beef and biscuit.
Then, a lurid blaze began to flicker behind his ice-blue eyes, and a brickish color surged into his face.
There lay the rusty key, just visible through the lurid smoke glare.
Out in the open, he halted, staring aghast at the column of fire that soared heavenward and filled the night with lurid brightness.
Dark clouds hung overhead, but the eastern sky was aflame, casting a lurid glare across the edges of the draw as a stream of savages with painted faces and naked bedaubed bodies poured down against the corral.
Behind it, all copper-green, a broad, lurid band swept up toward the zenith.
I can't tell a yarn nohow," grumbled Drake, stamping about at great length and vigorously using the lurid silk handkerchief.
There is stumbling and clashing; crowds in drift; confused rallies; gangs of assassins breaking across the highways; doors opening upon lurid interiors full of drunken riot.
But my mental career has been lurid with experiences such as kill and damn.
It might throw an added light, albeit a lurid one, upon such doubt of her sanity as her own assertion had not dispelled.
Richard Leith's dark eyes turned on her face with a lurid gleam in their shadowed depths.
Richard Leith exclaimed, with lurid eyes, and a deathly-pale face.