Footnote 247-2: This child was Ann, who soon after was betrothed to Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, the second son of King Edward.
Probably it was a second leaf added to a more lengthy epistle.
His second wife was Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Sir Miles Stapleton, Knight, of Ingham.
The second and third arguments remain the most cogent.
The second approach can be described as fundamental: determining by a series of controlled experiments the effects of exposure to space-flight conditions upon comparative mammalian physiology, with emphasis on man.
However, serious limitations are imposed on thesecond if the severity of the Martian climate is considered.
The secondachievement along these lines was in 1962 when the chimpanzee Enos made several orbits around Earth and performed continuously on a complex behavioral task.
There seem to be no medical records of the second crusade.
The eye anointed with an ointment of vervain was supposed to possess second sight.
The second hall was enlarged and improved in 1786, and it still stands.
All these facts go to prove that the ancient science known as alchemy was originated by the Chinese, and not by the disciples of Mahomed, who only acquired the knowledge at second hand.
The doctor was with my master the second time, on 17th January, and received for his pains 15s.
At this period physic was divided into three schools; the first cured by diet, the second by medicines, the third by manual operations.
Most of these articles are mentioned by the second Pliny, who was killed during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which buried Pompeii.
Pedacion Dioscorides, born in Anazaba in Cilicia, was a Greek physician, who lived in or about the second century.
His second wife had a grown-up family; her name was Mrs. Seymour.
And then Oliver, though he is only the second son, has fifteen hundred a year, and they say he is his uncle's heir.
I looked round, half mad with terror and rage; a second more and I should have been strapped on the table too.
My second companion dragged the lame man forwards, and pushed him in with so much violence that I could see him fall forwards on his face on the floor.
His success this time was more marked: he received a medal of the second class.
HIS BEST YEARS The same year that he failed for the second time in the competition for the Prix de Rome, Bastien-Lepage painted The Portrait of M.
If she rides over her first fence incorrectly, she should not be allowed to do so a second time without being put right.
Second Edition, re-written, enlarged, and with about 150 new and original Photographic Illustrations added.
Ordinary second flighters in the Shires would probably prefer the Galway "loose stone wall" depicted in Fig.
In order to meet the second requirement, she should rest her weight on her right leg, which in any case will have less fatigue to bear than the left one.
I must not omit mention of the necessary flask and sandwich case, which are generally given into the charge of the second horseman; but if a one-horse lady goes home at the change of horses, she will not require a "snack.
A man was holding her horse's head, and a second attendant, with a spur in his hand, was digging the unfortunate animal on the near side under her habit, which he was holding up for the purpose.
If it is necessary for people who stay out all day to ride second horses, it is equally important that the one-horse lady should know when her mount has had enough.
They had been over the same hurdles at the second lesson, and too much can hardly be said in praise of a system that has such results to offer in so short a space of time.
Her manner was a sufficient warning; and I did not broach the subject a second time.
But in you this second faculty is wanting, else you would not willingly forego so great a pleasure as its exercise affords, and love nature like one that loves his fellow-man, but has no words to express so sweet a feeling.
And perhaps, if I ever should succeed in getting back, it would only be to encounter a second Roger Tichborne case, or to be confronted with the statute of limitations.
Remembering what their punishments were, I had the prospect of a secondlong separation from Yoletta, and the thought of such excessive severity, or rather of such cruel injustice, made me wild.
They are now taking advantage of this second spring to lay by a sufficient provision before winter sets in.
Presently, on a second and lower summit of the long mountain I had ascended, I caught sight of a person on horseback, standing motionless as a figure of stone.
Hence in the eyes of the great majority his second accession bore the appearance of a humiliation inflicted upon France.
The first step in the reaction was the election of Rousseau to lead the revolt, the second was a revolt against Rousseau.
In the second place, it presupposes the welfare of the child to be the one vital and all-important matter, a presupposition which only adherents of the principle of authority can be expected to accept without proof.
It is curious that no notice should be taken of His paternal relation to the second person of the Trinity.
The first, he himself correctly observes, is the product of inspiration, the second of reflection.
There was in reality no element of greatness in Napoleon's compulsory second abdication, and his plan of placing himself under the protection of England was simply a rash one.
On the morning of the day on which this famous Te Deum was sung, the Government organ, Le Moniteur, published by Bonaparte's express order a review of a book, the second edition of which was dedicated to him as the restorer of the church.
If this be the case, what becomes of tradition and authority and revelations at second hand?
Originally written in Old French, sometime in the second half of the 12th Century A.
In colour they were not alike: the first was white as milk, the second black and not at all bad looking, while the third was dappled all over.
Before all the excellent knights, Gawain ought to be named the first, and second Erec the son of Lac, and third Lancelot of the Lake.
He makes a rush at the second one, who, like the first, thought to give him joy by telling him of his own evil fate.
There my lord Yvain almost lost his wits a second time, as he approached the spring, with its stone and the chapel that stood close by.
It was near sunrise on the second morning of his delirium that Bobby suddenly ceased to speak and lay very quiet--so quiet that an awful dread came into Skipper Ed's heart.
He had remembered heat from his childhood here on Sirius' second planet with the Earth colony, but not heat like this.
With the twenty-second century Earth population hovering at the eleven billion mark, colonies were sought everywhere.
The second night they found a small spring with brackish but drinkable water.
At the first thundering report the steeds began to rear and plunge; at the second they grew quite still, alertly pricking up their ears; one or two of the old racers slightly pawed the ground.
If she rejected the proposal, and declared she did not care for the youth at all, he would lay the second offer before her.
My second treasure, my joy, the hope of my soul, remains here.
But just you try a second time, and I'll show you who is the best man.
At the first question Martin only shrugged his shoulders; in answer to the second he replied that the steward of the estate had given it to him.
Another second and his rival would have been trampled to death.
In the second place, Matilda did not buy them at the original price, but got them from the prima donna for next to nothing, after she had worn them once or twice; the things were as good as given away.
He had just demanded from Monsieur Griffard the last hundred thousand florins of the second million promised to him.
It seemed as though he had hardly closed his eyes the second time before he was awakened by a light hand pressed upon his forehead.
This second man seemed to be looking at the two boys, and to be waving his hand and giving directions to the driver.
The second son follows in the footsteps of his brother, and like his father is cruel, bloodthirsty, revengeful.
At the second call one saw the silhouettes of tiny bodies dropping from branch to branch ever nearer to the boy below.
The second tumbler was a huge fellow more than six feet tall, with a shaggy mane of black hair.
That same day he made the long journey a second time, bringing the bear his dinner, with a comb of wild honey which the Hermit had found on the way home.
Some, however, still lingered from curiosity and with the hope of a second performance.
You must go out of this gate, and cross Cleveland Terrace, take the second turning to the right, and the first to the left, and you will be in Upper Dunedin Terrace.
If the doctor approves, we will have a second opinion; we will have the great throat doctor, Sir Hindley Richmond, down.
Thorold has to play second fiddle now; I am a little sorry for him sometimes.
I shall tell him that Mr. Ward has influential friends, and that they wish a second opinion.
The second act had already commenced, and until it had ended there could be no conversation between the sisters.
And he was esteemed only second to Antoninus, though as a great poet has said, "Longo proximus intervallo.
Romanus, too, and Vincentius, the tribunes of the first and second battalion of the Scutarii, being convicted of aiming at things beyond their due, were banished.
Subsequent ages also removed other obelisks; one of which is in the Vatican, a second in the garden of Sallust; and two in the monument of Augustus.
Constantius, at this amazing and unexpected event, seemed as if struck by a thunderbolt of fate, and having at once summoned a council to meet at the second watch, all the nobles hastened to the palace.
Again, the sun is conceived to appear double when a cloud is raised higher than usual, which from its proximity to the eternal fires, shines in such a manner that it forms the brightness of a second orb as from a purer mirror.
It is natural for us, after discussing these topics, if we would act fairly, now to come to his virtuous and laudable actions; since if he had tempered his vices fairly with them he would have been a second Trajan or Marcus Aurelius.
He was the tribune of the secondclass of the Scutarii, and had been left at Ancyra, it having been arranged that he should follow afterwards.
First Lord of the Admiralty in Lord Melbourne's second Administration, 256 Augustus, Prince, of Prussia, ii.
The seventeen Peers who had assisted to carry the second reading on the 11th of April relapsed into the Conservative ranks, and the result was, for the moment, such as to stop the progress of the Bill and turn out the Government.
Max, who was suffering from too much of the second Miss Lingon--a young lady who looked upon him as an Adonis.
The characters seemed to run together as she opened this second envelope, took out a little folded note in another hand, read it, and then for a few moments the room seemed to swim round.
Alicia, you may shake hands with your new governess," said Mrs Marter again, evidently addressing the second daughter, who did not move.
Sir Philip's chariot is to have four horses, and the first and second grooms are to ride post in blue and silver, and black-velvet caps.
But I know why she's anxious," said the second Miss Lingon.
The answers came by the mid-day post on the second afternoon, when, Ella being pale and unwell, one of the upper servants had been sent with the children for their afternoon walk.
In the second version what he sees when he lifts the mysterious veil is--“wonder of wonders--himself.
The first number gives the chapter; the second number the page in Wieger’s edition.
Most of the romanticists indeed showed themselves very imitative even in their attempts at uniqueness, and the result was a second or third hand, or as one is tempted to say, a stale eccentricity.
Our builders were with want of genius cursed; The second temple was not like the first.
The first point to observe is that according to Aristotle one is to get his general nature not on authority or second hand, but is to disengage it directly for himself from the jumble of particulars that he has before his eyes.
The credo that Perdican recites at the end of the second act of “On ne badine pas avec l’Amour”[164] throws light on this point.
This is the solution of the problem of happiness that Goethe offers at the end of the Second Faust, and we may affirm without hesitation that it is a sham solution.
Once more the mad, unreasoning desire sprang up in Atalanta's heart, and, leaving the course, she picked up the second apple and put it in the bosom of her tunic beside the first.
So for the second time did he lose Eurydice; and if his grief was great before, it was ten times greater now.
The two charming love-stories which come second and third in this series, though unquestionably Greek in origin, reach us from Roman sources, and bear clear evidence in their form and spirit of belonging to a later age.
The former tale is ascribed to a late Greek epic poet, Musaeus, of whom nothing else is known; and the latter we owe to Apuleius, a Roman philosopher and man of letters in the second century A.
She threw the second loaf to Cerberus as she passed, and for the second coin of gold Charon took her once more across in his boat.
V Meanwhile, the second visit of the sisters to Psyche in her beautiful home had but served to add fuel to the fire of their envy.
The first one carried in her hand a skein of thread, the second a spindle, and the third a pair of great sharp shears.
And once again he saw the gleam of her tunic beside him; and again he slackened his speed for a moment, and sent a second gleaming apple into the air.
Now Paris was the secondson of Priam and Hecuba, and brother of Hector, the pride of Troy.
This done, he raised his voice and cried out with a monotonous ululation, and at once a second voice cried out in a long wailing call.
They were now quarrelling over that ever-fruitful cause of antagonism--the second woman in the life of a man.
Yet, strange to say, the flamingo-like Eugenie Guise, was fighting for the second woman, not against her.
When the two wags returned to the front street of Askatoon, they were just in time to see the second meeting of Orlando and Mazarine.
There is always a second course," observed Von Sendlingen slowly.
Césarine did not give him a second look and neither he nor Clemenceau, with whom he was chatting on politics, more than glanced up at her.
It was the young nobleman who had aided her flight with Clemenceau at Munich, and of whom she had not cherished a second thought!
She could only be the bride in the second life--for eternity.
But he shrank from acting as his father had done, and mainly because he saw that, if ever the world knew that he loved Rebecca, it would say that he had slain his wife to clear the path to the altar for his second marriage.
Daniels was more polite, for he warmly accepted a second cup of coffee as soon as she, without any attempt to displace Mademoiselle Daniels at the urn, took her place beside her.
As she held out her hand, he offered his and, like a fawn clearing a hedge, she bounded up, just touched with a winged foot the iron step, and cleared the seat with a second leap.
Second Gent thinks they had better not interfere with any of the Regulations.
Again through the aid of Durand Laxart she obtained a second interview with the rough Captain of Vaucouleurs.
Not waiting for a second word, Tilly darted like lightning out at the front door, through the yard, bolted o'er the fence.
Fifteen days later there was a second letter, and then they arrived with some degree of regularity to cheer lonely little Adrienne, watching, waiting, and living on their coming.
During her entire after life she kept that anniversary, the seventh of March, in grateful remembrance of her triumph, as a sort of second birthday.
She was staring at him in astonishment at such an unchivalrous act, when a second volley was fired; a ball whizzed past her, and the officer fell heavily against her, then lifeless to the ground.
Only too well the young man had known when he started out on this second expedition that the queen's mother whom he so dearly loved, would never be willing to have any acquaintance with these strangers, for she distrusted them.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "second" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.