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Example sentences for "especially those"

  • Many of the rivers, especially those of the west coast, are obstructed by bars at their mouths that render them difficult of access.

  • The tufa deposits which radiate from it extend as far as Rome; various small craters surround it, while the existence of warm springs in the district (especially those of Vicarello, probably the ancient Aquae Apollinares) may also be noted.

  • If the reader will consult the works of many eminent geologists who have explored the Alps, especially those of MM.

  • In this poem the descriptive powers of Ercilla are remarkable, and his characters, especially those of the American chiefs, are drawn with force and distinctness.

  • The mysteries of Demeter, especially those celebrated at Eleusis, inspired the most animating hopes with regard to the soul after death.

  • I also found much comfort in reading the Scriptures, especially those places I thought most concerned my Condition, and as I grew to have more understanding, so the more solace I took in them.

  • His friendship for Grant I have already alluded to, but it extended in a lesser degree to all his comrades, especially those of West Point.

  • I heard of his speeches, especially those in respect to resumption.

  • So great was his beauty in infancy, that people, especially those of the poorer classes, would follow the nurse who carried him about in order to look at and bless his lovely face.

  • Then, sir, I would advise you to lose no time in doing so; you must visit all the bookstalls, sir, especially those in the bystreets and blind alleys.

  • Others depend on the affective factor and are ruled by the disposition of the moment: association by contrast, especially those alike in emotional basis, which have been previously studied.

  • The plants often bear spines, especially those growing in arid districts in Australia or tropical and South Africa.

  • Algerian prawns, especially those of Bona, are large and of a delicate flavour.

  • The sites of several ancient towns in Acarnania are marked by well preserved walls, especially those of Stratus, Oeniadae and Limnaea.

  • Recommended as a restorative in debility, chlorosis, and other diseases of debility, especially those of a nervous character.

  • A pint or more daily; in chronic catarrh; and as a wash in chronic skin diseases, especially those of the head, in children.

  • Children, especially those of a scrofulous habit, and elderly persons, are generally the most liable to chilblains.

  • Headache is often symptomatic of other diseases, especially those of the inflammatory and nervous kind, rheumatism, &c.

  • Agreeable to this teaching of Scripture the Fathers, especially those of the East, assert the substantial indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the souls of the just.

  • The Fathers, especially those of the East, are unanimous in upholding the orthodox teaching of the Church.

  • Sermons, caricatures, pamphlets, and songs, especially those of Dibdin, served to stimulate martial ardour.

  • Meanwhile the Spaniards from their part of the island had overrun certain districts, especially those to the north of Port-au-Prince.

  • Illustrated catalogues are of very indifferent value, especially those of auctioneers, which too often offer the result of sophistication so cleverly disguised that to an inexperienced eye the repair is not palpable.

  • His journeys, especially those to distant parts, were undertaken in a state of unconsciousness and generally a short time before the commencement of a fit.

  • It is well known that cancerous tumors, especially those of the stomach and large intestine, are frequently met with, which present an abundant gelatinous material, more or less completely filling the spongy, fibrous meshwork.

  • The muscles of the extremities, especially those of the legs, are oftenest affected, but I have known the head as rigidly retracted as in tubercular meningitis, and have seen cases in which strabismus has been an early symptom.

  • Again, chronic suppurative processes, especially those due to disease of the bones and joints, are a frequent antecedent of amyloid degeneration.

  • This is permitted by the propulsion of the excess of blood into the capillaries and veins, which become consequently distended, especially those of the abdominal organs.

  • It is generally most marked in grave cases, especially those attended by severe diarrhoea, but I have seen it highly developed in cases in which the symptom was not present at all or but little developed.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "especially those" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    especially abundant; especially adapted; especially common; especially from; especially important; especially interesting; especially since; especially the; especially those; especially true; especially when; feel just; fold division; general government; hundred tons; life freely; methyl violet; name written; naval strength; organic being; organized beings; perfect copy; political thought; sweet milk; temperate climates; till half