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Example sentences for "outright"

Lexicographically close words:
outride; outrider; outriders; outrigger; outriggers; outrival; outrun; outrunning; outruns; outrush
  1. I won't say anything outright about the ring.

  2. Jane laughed outright as she re-read the letter.

  3. Tradition says that some thirteen persons, probably women and children, were killed outright at the garrison.

  4. The storekeeper asked Ajax outright if there were truth in the rumour that we were to be decorated with the blue ribbon, and my brother hinted mysteriously that even stranger things than that might happen.

  5. Did you watch her enjoy that dance with a kid like Ken, and then snub me outright when I asked her to dance the next one with me?

  6. And Dodo laughed outright at the old pewter she had gone wild over in England, and now scorned in America.

  7. The girls giggled aloud and hurried after Mrs. Fabian to keep from laughing outright at the ambitious salesman.

  8. Eleanor laughed outright at the picture of a visiting dominie sitting on the edge of a chair with his toes slowly freezing, while his parishioners tried in quaking tones and with teeth chattering to entertain him.

  9. But it seemed to Jimmie Dale, even with the sense of peril more imminent with every instant, that he could have laughed outright in savage mockery at the irony of the question.

  10. These twelve millions or more were what he and his immediate accomplices had stolen outright from the Erie Railroad treasury.

  11. Great sums of money were distributed outright in bribes in the legislatures by lobbyists in Vanderbilt's pay.

  12. It is indisputably clear that hundreds of millions of acres of the public domain have been obtained by outright fraud.

  13. Hundreds of millions of dollars of public funds were given outright to the capitalists, but not a cent appropriated to provide work for the unemployed.

  14. These different components of the railroad-owning class had gathered in their money by either outright fraud or by the customary exploitative processes of the times.

  15. Thus, the proceeds of a part of the stock obtained by outright fraud, either by his father or himself, were put into Government bonds.

  16. What had once been regarded as outright theft and piracy were now cloaked under high-sounding phrases as "corporate extension" and "high finance" and other catchwords calculated to lull public suspicion and resentment.

  17. The question was opportune, for it gave Mrs. Carraway a chance to laugh outright with some other ostensible object than her husband.

  18. Felix had sold himself for money as outright as ever a woman of the streets had done.

  19. It was not its size that aroused interest, overtopped as it was by many others, but its uniqueness; for, though a hive of humming industry, it did not house a single business that was not either owned outright or controlled by J.

  20. He cried and roared and beat his breast, and, to tell the truth, it was many days before he dared go home; for he was afraid lest his old dame should kill him outright on the spot.

  21. So one day when she sat there, sad, and sobbing, and sorrowful, he came up to her and asked her outright why she was always in such grief.

  22. But, meanwhile the youth had taken the ox and gone off with it; and when the man came and saw his ox gone, he began to cry and bewail, for he was afraid his old dame would kill him outright when she came to know that the ox was lost.

  23. It seems probable that to each of these leaders he revealed what he thought would most attract him in the scheme; but that to very few did he reveal an outright proposition to break up the Union.

  24. Deaths outright from exposure and starvation are now perhaps uncommon, but for the multitude there are only miserable houses, uncomfortable clothes, and bad and insufficient food; fractional starvation and exposure, that is to say.

  25. If he were so cold-hearted and calculating, why not hit the servant on the head again and again with the same pestle so as to kill him outright and relieve himself of all anxiety about the witness?

  26. Meantime, Dmitri had said outright on the previous day that he was glad that Ivan was his rival, and that it was a great assistance to him, Dmitri.

  27. Now though these tidings were not so altogether ill, yet were those ladies sore troubled thereby, and especially Atra, who swooned outright when she had heard the last word thereof.

  28. The old carle laughed outright now, and said: How so, dear child?

  29. They sold it outright for two millions and a half.

  30. If he would only kill her outright it was all the mercy she would ask.

  31. Lamson being so good and generous and kind--it helped him to float a big issue of wildcat mining stock that netted him a couple of millions, and ruined a dozen men outright when it collapsed.

  32. Twenty of my men were killed outright during the night.

  33. How many men were drowned outright none either can exactly tell.

  34. If Shelley talked to the Duke of the Tremadoc embankment in the style in which he wrote about it to the Welsh agent, his Grace of Norfolk must have found it difficult to refrain from laughing outright at the youngster.

  35. Why did he not tell Mr. Wedgewood outright that he wanted it for Mary Wollstonecraft?

  36. Affording no indication that Shelley felt he was putting himself under a pecuniary obligation to the man of business, the language of the note precludes the assumption that he was asking outright for a loan of money.

  37. Some particularly pious phrase of my elder cousin's irritated me extremely, and I avowed outright my entire disbelief in the whole scheme of revealed religion.

  38. In my uncle's presence there had been a sort of glamour that had prevented an outright refusal.

  39. I say outright whatever I think, whether it sets well or not.

  40. Some facts are relatively unimportant, and it is much better to tell these outright than to spend a long time in trying to lead pupils to discover them.

  41. To secure this office, caucuses and conventions were packed and votes secured by methods little short of outright bribery.

  42. Many were killed outright by the fall; others had broken legs or broken backs, while some perhaps were uninjured.

  43. Unless, during his life, he has given them outright horses and other property, at his death they are entitled to none of his possessions.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outright" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; all; altogether; arrant; barefaced; black; blasted; blessed; blinding; blinking; blithering; blooming; born; categorical; classical; clean; clear; complete; completely; comprehensive; conclusive; confounded; congenital; consummate; crass; damnable; damned; darn; dashed; dead; decided; decisive; definite; definitive; determinate; direct; downright; egregious; entire; entirely; exhaustive; explicit; express; final; fixed; flagrant; flat; free; freely; fully; glaring; global; goddamn; gross; implicit; indisputable; infernal; intensive; intolerable; largely; omnibus; omnipresent; openly; outright; peremptory; perfect; pervasive; plain; plumb; positive; precious; profound; pronounced; proper; pure; radical; rank; regular; round; roundly; sheer; shocking; shoulder; stark; straight; superlative; surpassing; sweeping; thorough; thoroughly; total; totally; ubiquitous; unbearable; unconditional; unconditionally; unconscionable; undeniable; undoubting; unequivocal; unhampered; unhesitating; universal; unlimited; unmistakable; unmitigated; unqualified; unquestioning; unrelieved; unreserved; unrestricted; unspoiled; utter; veritable; whole; wholesale; wholly