Letters spoke my father's health not restored: he was languid and spiritless and lacked vigour; he would try the air of Switzerland; he would spend the winter in the Pyrenees!
But the spiritless condition which this event threw her into was shortly relieved, and her mind opened again to the agitation of hope, by an article of news which then began to be in circulation.
Mute, mean, andspiritless to them must seem The maid who is no more than woman.
His bearing was proud, but there was no sparkle in his eye; he seemed spiritless and ailing; he showed no confidence in his magnificent army.
Napoleon was no longer seen on horseback; sometimes he drove, but generally he trudged among the men, to all outward appearance as spiritless as any one.
In spite of all this fervor of praise Rose felt herself to be a very dejected and spiritless beauty.
Orthodoxy had instilled a formal, but oftenspiritless faith.
Signs of an awakening were here and there, but not at the university where Lutheran orthodoxy still maintained its undisputed reign of more than a hundred years, though it had now become more dry and spiritless than ever.
They are the elements that distinguish the living, acting forces of achievement from the spiritless forces of failure.
The sparkling champagne was perfectly still; the very punch was "drowned" in the bowl, spiritless and stagnant.
This observation will apply to each succession of kings, who, from vanity and a desire of distinction, will in general studiously avoid any step which may lead to a suspicion that they are so spiritless as to imitate their predecessor.
You will meet with few images without recollecting the spot where we observed them together; consequently, whatever is feeble in my design, or spiritless in my colouring, will be amply supplied by your own memory.
There is a subdued and spiritless expression about the Eastern Jew, of which the comparatively tolerant European can picture to himself no possible idea until he has looked upon it.
The evening was passed in spiritless conversation, or in listening to the piano-forte, upon which Indiana, with the utmost difficulty, played some very easy lessons.
Intensely interesting--a history that reads like a romance, and compared with whose marvelous story indeed most modern romances will seem spiritless and tame.
She had waited, through dull andspiritless years, for her chance of life; it was written, in that book which no man shall read, that her life in that fuller sense was to be but a short one.
Faint and spiritless as they were, its streets were insupportable.
Mr Quilp seemed rather puzzled by the strange, even spiritless way in which all this was said; but as the old man nodded his head and repeated 'on Friday morning.
How old and spiritless he had become; he could scarcely stand against the wind!
Even the spiritless little Indian ponies, accustomed to many ingenious kinds of abuse, rebel at this.
His head he held in spiritless fashion on a level with his knees.
I know not how it is,' he at length said to his intendant, 'but I never could have supposed that I could have felt so sad and spiritless at Jerusalem.
The feelings of the soldiery also forbade a spiritless abandonment of the holy city of the Upper Dnieper that stands as sentinel to Russia Proper.
They were the work of the senile and spiritless King, Charles IV.