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Example sentences for "waxen"

Lexicographically close words:
wawn; wax; waxberry; waxe; waxed; waxes; waxeth; waxing; waxlike; waxt
  1. A bishop walking up the nave of Siena must feel as a Roman felt among the waxen images of ancestors renowned in council or in war.

  2. It is difficult to believe that the lemons have not grown into length by their own weight, as though mere hanging on the bough prevented them from being round--so waxen are they.

  3. There, too, is Solomon's seal, with waxen bells and leaves expanded like the wings of hovering butterflies.

  4. The pangs of the ocean crossing had given her sweet girlish face a waxen transparency.

  5. He was dripping wet, his eyes were staring blankly, his nose was running, and his eyelids were red and inflamed, while the tip of his nose was waxen white.

  6. Even a few moments after the stethoscope had been removed, one could see the ring it made on his bluish, waxen skin.

  7. Soon afterwards the woman heard something fall down the chimney, and looking out she saw a waxen effigy of her baby, stuck full of pins, lying on the hearth.

  8. The general--for so his dress proclaimed him--was playing with a stylus and a waxen tablet, while the young Greek read.

  9. It is somewhat strange that this same ceremony of the waxen image to destroy the object of our hate was also employed to obtain love.

  10. A man was wont to fall into fits at the sight of a spider; a waxen one was made, which equally terrified him.

  11. On the origin of the waxen “Agnus Dei” and its connection with the oldest baptismal rite, see my art.

  12. The marks are made upon the waxen disc, and they are afterwards reproduced in sound, recorded upon metal plates to remain for ever as a definite reproduction of the human voice.

  13. When Madame Melba sings into the gramophone, her voice agitates the membrane, which in its turn agitates a needle, which in its turn again makes certain marks upon a waxen disc.

  14. He passed not one but several rifles as he went--he even caught the glint of one muzzle among the waxen rhododendron leaves but pretended not to see it, and though on him every barrel was trained, not a trigger was pressed.

  15. Waxen masses of laurel were filling out and flushing with the pink of blossom.

  16. Not one tinge of crimson flushed the waxen whiteness of her cheeks; not one shadow of brown redeemed the pale insipidity of her eyebrows and eyelashes; not one glimmer of gold or auburn relieved the dull flaxen of her hair.

  17. A sudden change came over Lady Audley's face; the pretty, roseate flush faded out from her cheeks, and left them waxen white, and angry flashes lightened in her blue eyes.

  18. She was ready now for her second bridal, and she looked like some pure waxen figure in her dress of white, with no vestige of color in her face, and her great blue eyes shining with a brilliancy which made them almost black.

  19. It remained only to arrange the curls of the lordly wig over the waxen brow.

  20. The sun, that had risen as he stood there thinking of Jenny, shone down on his altered face, but, though it shone very fiercely, it did not melt his waxen features.

  21. At first he had felt that his waxen mask, though it had been the means of his happiness, was rather a barrier 'twixt him and his bride.

  22. For the shaft had pierced the waxen figure through the heart, or just where the heart would have been if the figure had been human and not waxen.

  23. Nor does he suffer his rays to melt any waxen mask made by me, until its wearer doff it and it be done with.

  24. Finally, the waxen figure of a man was carried on by an assistant and propped against the trunk of a tree.

  25. As for my poor bride, whose love I stole by the means of that waxen semblance, of her I cannot ask pardon.

  26. Like a panther she sprang upon him and clawed at his waxen cheeks.

  27. So, while Julius heated the inner side of the waxen mask over a little lamp, Mr. Aeneas stood over Lord George gently smearing his features with some sweet-scented pomade.

  28. Did he come forward and reveal the identity of the Brown Friar, there would still be the deadly evidence of the waxen image and the unaccountable and mysterious death of Yvon de Mereac.

  29. Sagana, the ghosts uttered dismal and piercing shrieks; and how by stealth they laid in the earth a wolf's beard, with the teeth of a spotted snake; and how a great blaze flamed forth from the waxen image?

  30. The waxen stood in a suppliant posture, as ready to perish in a servile manner.

  31. O Lydia, when you commend Telephus' rosy neck, and the waxen arms of Telephus, alas!

  32. She starts her nest underground or in a surface depression, forming a number of waxen cells, roughly globular in shape and arranged irregularly.

  33. In 1843 a German bee-keeper, Krechner by name, conceived the idea of first dipping fine linen into molten wax, then pressing the sheets so made between rollers, and thus forming a waxen midrib on which the bees would build their combs.

  34. For some of hem waxen in feldes {and} some in mou{n}taignes.

  35. For al be it so þat sherewes waxen as wood as hem list a[gh]eynes good[e] folk.

  36. These were graven on waxen tablets, the writing on which could easily be changed, and for making and repairing of which the sacrist had to furnish the wax.

  37. Do they not teach euen straight way the plãtes whyle they be yet tender, to put awaye theyr wylde nature by graffynge, and wyll not tarye tyll they be waxen bygge and myghtye?

  38. Their soft leaves, waxen white And odorless, too ill accord With my dark mood to-night.

  39. Upon the velvet cover Some hand has placed a wreath, White as the waxen features Of the baby that lies beneath.

  40. Victor said, "This waxen mimic and copy of life had always made him sad, and that he could not even see his own wax counterfeit in St. Luna without shuddering.

  41. But Flamin turned his quivering face side-wise toward the waxen shadow of his friend and rigidly crooking his head away stared up at it.

  42. A woman was carrying a little glass case hanging before her, wherein there slept a swaddled waxen angel; she begged, like the rest, as if for this child, and the little one supported her better than if it had been alive.

  43. As a rule the delicate waxen bells of this plant turn yellow a few hours after they are plucked,--but my little bunch was as brilliantly fresh as ever.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "waxen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    anemic; ashen; blanched; bloodless; cadaverous; colorless; dead; dim; dingy; discolored; doughy; dull; faded; faint; fallow; flat; ghastly; gray; grey; haggard; lackluster; leaden; livid; lurid; lusterless; mat; mealy; muddy; neutral; pale; pallid; pasty; peaky; sallow; sickly; toneless; uncolored; wan; waxen; weak; white