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Example sentences for "decided"

Lexicographically close words:
decesse; decet; deceyued; decia; decide; decidedly; decides; deciding; decidua; deciduous
  1. Old milk changes blue litmus paper to a bright red because of its decided acidity.

  2. It is then not surprising that the introduction into the intestinal tract of bacteria of the type Bulgaricus in the form of tabloids has not met with any decided success.

  3. When the House met in August, it was decided by the Liberal Unionists, under Lord Hartington's leadership, that their policy henceforth was essentially to combine with the Tories to keep Mr Gladstone out.

  4. In the reign of John of England the future of the islands was decided by their attachment to the English crown, in spite of the separation of the duchy of Normandy.

  5. A hard-fought conflict, in which the Greek infantry displayed admirable firmness, was decided in favour of Philip through the superior organization of his army.

  6. At the battle of Poitiers, in 1356, it was he who decided the day and saved the life of the Black Prince.

  7. In the open lake the British naval force should have been the superior, but at anchor in the bay the Americans had a decided advantage.

  8. He remained in England less than a month, during which time the government (the second Gladstone administration) announced that they had decided upon his restoration.

  9. My second brother having made the same proposal, decided upon going to the Indies, embarking the portion that fell to him in trade.

  10. When we had decided upon this the renegade told us not to be uneasy, for he would lose his life or restore us to liberty.

  11. Indeed they decided upon it principally because of the sunniness of the rooms and its generally cheerful character.

  12. It will be well in connection with molecular weights to consider how the formula of a compound is decided upon, for the two subjects are very closely associated.

  13. It is important that the same standard should be adopted for the determination of molecular weights as has been decided upon for atomic weights and equivalents, so that the three values may be in harmony with each other.

  14. It will thus be seen that the structure of a compound must be known before the valences of the atoms making up the compound can be definitely decided upon.

  15. By the time all have become King Ducks the game is over, or it may be decided in advance that when one has made five or ten points, the game shall end.

  16. As soon as it is decided to try the game, each player hurries to secure a good sized stone, or where this cannot be had, a club or a half brick will do.

  17. Hopping on one foot over the line into number one, and still keeping one foot raised, he makes a hop-kick with the other and sends the potsherd out of the number to that in the right or left section, as may be decided on in advance.

  18. There may be a penalty decided on in the game of jack stones, but it is not usual, and so may be placed among those contests of skill in which success is its own reward.

  19. One can have brick, wood, iron, tree or any other kind of object tag, the principle being that so long as the pursued has his hand on the object decided on in advance, he cannot be touched.

  20. The bull can be selected in any one of the ways I have suggested, or in any other way that may be decided on.

  21. If the boys had not already decided on a game, it would be safe to wager that the first thing they started off with was the old and ever- popular game of tag.

  22. Any goal can be decided on in advance, but usually the striker, after making a hit, runs and touches the pitcher's base.

  23. The order of play is usually decided on by knuckling down and rolling for the opposite side of the ring.

  24. After sides are chosen and it is decided which shall have first innings, the Outs take to the field and the Ins post themselves at the bases, one base for each.

  25. But when boys of the same school or association meet for a game, it is necessary that the leaders should be decided on in advance, as also the means by which the respective sides must be chosen.

  26. The number of points that is to count for the game is decided on in advance, and when a player has served the full amount, he is declared victor, and another game is in order.

  27. This decided Margaret, and she kissed Kate, looked under her lashes at the boy, and heaved a little sigh.

  28. Thus provided with money and knowledge, Gerard decided to marry and fly with his wife to Italy.

  29. The dignitary decided for the more cheerful rite, but not without a struggle; and with its marks on his face he accompanied Margaret to his daughter.

  30. The town had to buy a new rope for everybody hanged, and present it to the bourreau, or compound with him in money: and she was not in his opinion worth this municipal expense, whereas decided characters like her late confederates, were.

  31. A very frank nature will, on occasions, use extreme frankness to cover the deficiency of it, and he decided that the whole truth, very openly stated, was less liable to involve him in difficulties than the subtlest prevarication.

  32. She had decided only a week ago that he was happier, or would be happier with another than with her.

  33. Mrs. Grampound had a very decided opinion about it, and she expressed herself fully.

  34. She had decided for herself that she was not going to fall in love with anyone; men seemed to her to be very little loveable.

  35. It is not a question to be decided by your judgment.

  36. And, since you have constituted yourself guardian of the boy, I may as well tell you that the Company has decided to set aside a yearly sum for his maintenance and education.

  37. It had been decided that after the summer holidays, she should become a member of the fashionable school which Isabelle and Marion attended.

  38. First however they decided to return in their steps and reconduct their domestics out of the country.

  39. The result of the meeting and of the information given by Joliet was that the priests altered their purpose and decided to proceed to Sault Ste.

  40. This decided us, and occasioned our returning by the same road as we had come, and continuing my journey, I found the nation of the Pisierinij etc.

  41. As it was Holy Week the whole party decided not to leave the spot until they had kept their Easter together.

  42. Disheartened, the fathers decided to return to Kandoucho or All Saints to await the spring.

  43. After meeting the first Legislature elected in Upper Canada during the fall of 1792 Simcoe decided to make a journey overland to Detroit.

  44. He now decided to go to New York if possible, where there would naturally be more literary society, and openings for a writer.

  45. He took him to the foreman, who decided to try him on a Polyglot Testament, with marginal references, such close work that most of the men refused to do it.

  46. Two years later, having been invited to Great Britain by two prominent Christian men, he decided to take his friend, Mr. Ira D.

  47. She decided at once to go with him, and, hastily collecting a few articles, departed that evening for Baltimore.

  48. And again, "I have several times been more than half decided to return hastily home: I am only restrained by the wish of improvement.

  49. After four years he decided to return to Italy.

  50. This same year, the town of Danvers, his birthplace, decided to celebrate its centennial.

  51. It was decided to put the first pipe between the double tracks of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad.

  52. They thought him very "unlikely ever to become a Christian of clear and decided views of gospel truth; still less to fill any extended sphere of public usefulness.

  53. Early, learning his absence, and having been reinforced by twelve thousand troops, decided at once to give battle at Cedar Creek.

  54. Seven months after this, Sir Humphry decided to travel upon the Continent, and asked Faraday to be his amanuensis.

  55. He decided to go to Birmingham on Christmas Day, to visit an uncle whom he had never seen.

  56. When he arrived, he was so ill and homesick that several times he decided to give up art and go back.

  57. I suppose it was partly on that account, now, that you decided upon coming here?

  58. But Eva hesitates--she has never yet given me a decided answer.

  59. He decided that they were the same, after all.

  60. Desperately afraid, the pagans judged that they could not protect their lives with their shields, and decided that the only way to escape death was to flee on foot.

  61. The next day they decided to make a procession, with appropriate mourning, to the Temple of the Lord.

  62. After a few days, the man who surrendered the citadel received baptism, together with the other pagans who decided to take communion in the name of Christ.

  63. It was decided to wage wars that could win no triumphs.

  64. This man, partly because of his reputation, partly because of his preaching, had assembled a very large army, and decided to set out through the land of the Hungarians.

  65. Hideously defeated, the Turks went about finding new forces with which they enthusiastically decided to go to battle again, carrying ropes with which they proposed to tie up our men and bring them back to Khorasan.

  66. The leaders, after consulting with and obtaining the approval of the clerics and bishops were were able to be present, decided to choose a bishop for this city.

  67. However, thinking that the story, splendid in itself, might become even more splendid if attached to the name of a famous man, I have decided to attach it to you.

  68. After messengers had announced that the fleet had arrived at Jaffa, the leaders held a meeting and decided to send a group of knights to the harbor to guard the ships and the men in them.

  69. Our men suffered from the intense heat, and, their insides parched with unusual thirst, weary and unable to find relief, they decided to pitch their tents near the city.

  70. In 1862 my husband decided to come home once more, as there was less need for our services.

  71. In my planning I decided to paint and etch on linen.

  72. After remaining a few years there, his parents decided to emigrate to America and came to San Francisco, where a son had preceded them in 1854.

  73. It was decided that on the Fourth of July there should be a dedication of the log cabin and a patriotic programme.

  74. During the year of 1853 it was decided that I should have an opportunity to finish my education, having left school at fifteen.

  75. We decided to return to California, business was demoralized and uncertainty reigned and we had been four years from home.

  76. After a decided rattling at a heavy dark oaken door of an ancient-looking mansion, a dull, grim old Chinese made his appearance, wondering who was disturbing his slumbers at such an early hour.

  77. The war was still in progress when my husband decided in November, 1861, to return to California.

  78. The individual finds everything decided for him.

  79. It was decided that a ball be given at the watering-place to aid the noble efforts of the widow of Chief Justice Waite to avert the disaster, purchase the park, and erect a monument over the ashes of the mother of Washington.

  80. She decided to make two visits,--one to the family of Charles and the other to the widow and orphan children of Samuel Washington.

  81. It was decided that billiards, as "a game where wagers were laid" were included in the order.

  82. According to Virginia customs, her only daughter would naturally have been named for her mother and grandmother, but here, again, affectionate gratitude for an elder sister's love to a motherless girl decided the name.

  83. Later, he caught from the companionship of the schoolboys the names of the heroes of antiquity, giving decided preference to Pompey and Caesar.

  84. There was a decided Mary Washington Renaissance.

  85. That belief, indeed, ultimately decided his determination; but a thousand other considerations had previously led him up to a point, where it wanted but one word to change the balance in either direction.

  86. At length, however, there was a step upon the stairs, and her beating heart decided the matter in a moment.

  87. Then he sat in the driver's seat and practiced with the levers, until he decided that he understood them thoroughly.

  88. Now that he knew that Graves had used his credentials from Colonel Throckmorton, he decided that it would be foolish to claim his own identity.

  89. So Harry decided to submit to the inevitable with the best grace he could muster.

  90. He decided quickly not to say anything against Graves.

  91. He had decided that there was some system of signal wires that rang an alarm when a trap was sprung.

  92. So when the war started, I decided I'd keep my eyes open, especially on any strangers who came around.

  93. Suddenly he decided to throw caution to the winds.

  94. He decided to turn the set-back into at any rate a minor victory and went in person to the kitchen for chupatties such as the servants ate.

  95. As a student of human nature he decided that Tom Tripe's pride was the point to take advantage of.

  96. An "accident" in Yasmini's palace, he decided would be nearly as risky as murder.

  97. He gained thirty seconds for reflection by lighting a cigar, and decided to change his ground.

  98. Then I shall trust you and we shall always understand each other," decided Yasmini.

  99. And it was decided to send an American, lest there be too much talk among the British themselves.

  100. Samson, who believed among other things in keeping all inferiors thoroughly in their place decided on the instant to rub home the lesson while it smarted.

  101. If we were alone--" Tess decided to face the situation boldly.

  102. The chief was intelligent and friendly, and appears to have interposed no obstacle to the proposed journey into the interior, but Palgrave decided to go on by sea to the town of Sharjah, on the northern side of the peninsula of Oman.

  103. Accordingly he decided to remain and take part in the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, which was to take place that year, in November.

  104. IN 1760 the Danish government decided to send an expedition to Arabia and India, for the purpose of geographical exploration.

  105. Whether my own opinions are wel supported by history and etymology, must be hereafter decided by able and impartial judges of this subject.

  106. This question, left to the commonwealth, would be decided by a great majority, in favor of the settlers, and against the very principles of right on which the State holds the jurisdiction.

  107. In most States, it would be decided in the negativ.

  108. I would observe further, that the reezon, why appeels from the verdict of a jury were not allowed, iz simply this, that the jurors were supposed to hav decided from their own knowlege.

  109. In the meantime Mr. Blane conferred with Mr. Paterson, and having been assured by him that he would take a kindly interest in the boy, and allow him to return at the end of the year if he wished, he fully decided to let him go.

  110. And Blue Bonnet, noticing the care-worn look in the eyes of her "missionary girl," decided that being the eldest of a big family might have its disadvantages.

  111. We were afraid you had decided to run off and hide at the last minute," said Kitty, slipping her arm around Blue Bonnet as if determined not to risk losing her a second time.

  112. Blue Bonnet decided that she was going to like the whole Judson family.

  113. That sounds as if I meant to go back again next fall, when really it isn't decided yet.

  114. Have you all decided what color you want your bathing-suits?

  115. After much debating and grave consideration in his most profound manner, young Abbott had decided that the cut was not deep or wide enough to warrant his sewing it up.

  116. It was decided that the party from Camp Judson should remain over until the next day, since all had risen too late for the desired early start.

  117. We have decided to give you a week's notice to get a new place.

  118. The serpents came to the badger's wauzh,[26] and decided to watch.

  119. His fear would scarcely permit him to accede to this plan, but the recollection of his father's words and looks decided him.

  120. After living in this confinement for some time alone, he decided to go out.

  121. Finally she decided to enter the lodge and get it.

  122. At length everything was in readiness, and they decided on a day to set out.

  123. I said good-night to Elaine, then decided to step outside and have a smoke before I turned in myself.

  124. She said she wasn't sleepy, and that she'd decided to come back down for another look at the presents.

  125. In the afternoon I consoled myself for my herculean efforts in the direction of culture by going out for a bicycle ride on a hired machine, to which end I decided to devote my pocket-money.

  126. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decided" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    decided advantage; decided majority; decided that; decided upon