In fact, above the notes of triumph with which the victors celebrated their joyful homecoming might be heard the discordant voices of these chagrined opponents, charging trickery and corruption.
Lincoln’s fellow attorneys, conceding the disinterested skill with which he harmonized the discordant elements of a matter in controversy, at times coöperated with him by persuading their clients to accept his good offices.
Whithersoever they went, the Lord confirmed their testimony by His Spirit; thereby thousands were led to forsake their false and discordant religions and become obedient unto the Gospel.
At the time referred to, he occupied a well furnished upper room, and directly after his appointment to the presidency, after retiring to bed at night, he was aroused from sleep by the most discordant noises.
A serious beginning suddenly and unexpectedly takes a merry, jocose turn, producing in Heine's elegiac passages the discordant endings so shocking to sensitive natures.
Harsh, discordant notes do not express the poet's real disposition.
Discordant chirps assailed his ears from the lattice where the climbing rose put forth its few last blooms.
From above came discordant rumblings and eloquent, but smothered remarks on the general subject of trunks.
The way was open to Nashville and the discordant commanding generals of the Confederacy paused.
Once more the question of the little fort in the harbor of Charleston had plunged the discordant Cabinet of the dying administration into the convulsions of a miniature war.
A military dictator clothed with autocratic power could have subdued thediscordant elements and marshaled the resources of the country to meet the crisis.
The Internationale, true to the discordant elements of which it was composed, adjourned without effecting anything or coming to any conclusion.
All around blazed countless fires, and the air resounded with discordant cries.
The change contemplated was the vastest that could possibly be conceived, the union of the discordant elements of human nature in a system entirely above the capabilities of that nature.
Whence dates the division of Germany intodiscordant factions?
It is divided intodiscordant factions, it is an ailing trunk, with many members, but without a head.
The third, a nocturnal tumult, received the whimsical name of the night of barking, from the discordant clamors, which were compared to the inarticulate sounds of the fiercest animals.
It was unskilled in the propriety of style and method; they blindly confound the most distant and discordant institutions, the phalanx of Sparta and that of Macedon, the legions of Cato and Trajan, of Augustus and Theodosius.
In such an excited frame of mind, with the nerves wrought up at the thought of the day's work and with all these discordant pictures thronging into our consciousness, sleep becomes impossible.
If he stand in a discordant poise he will walk in a discordant chaotic way and will be continuously fighting to stand up.
We must reject every discordant thought and accept accordant ones regarding the coming day.
The greater part of the aristocracy of England thought little of him; but the burst of grief from the English people silenced in an instant every discordant voice.
Then Brenton lost his temper and departed on his heels, leaving his wife, the nurse, and the fretful baby wailing aloud in a discordant trio.
It was the prerogative of this detested traffic to separate from evil its concomitant good, and to reconcile discordant mischiefs.
And as the cavalcade passed from sight the Orchestra struck up their wild discordant clamor, the voices and the laughter broke out again, and Bohemia became herself again.
The Orchestra died away in a discordant wail; the guests stopped, with glasses raised half way to their lips; the waiters stood as if petrified.
It is weak in the discordant antecedents of the cabinet; they must all make some sacrifices and work uncomfortably.
The non-residents were diligently and rather unscrupulously worked upon, and they made a formidable set of discordant elements.
The gentlemen will now enjoy a little refreshing sleep; to further which enjoyment, they very coolly and unceremoniously commence a pot-pourri ofdiscordant snoring.
You can’t possibly mean that,” he cried, with a discordant little laugh, for he was used to the free Western notions on these subjects.
He should always avoid discordant and inharmonious company while practicing his psychic power.
Too frequent, prolonged, or discordant seances; inharmonious conditions and sittings, when you are already jaded and exhausted, are therefore to be avoided.
No matter how various and discordant they were in many things--no matter how much there was to bear and overlook--her patience and her thanks for their sympathy in the great idea were always sufficient for the work also.
The discordant note thus struck grew sharper and louder during the year.
Cutlasses crashed together, boarding-pikes smashed and hacked, and pistols growled and spattered in one discordant roar.
Do we not detect in this first adventurous and practical patron of North America, many of the seemingly discordantqualities which mingle so commonly in the versatile life of our own people?
Christianity and the King--I blush to unite such discordant names--were protected in equal co-partnership.