As a substitute for this she proposed to try the uses of conversation, to be conducted in a somewhat systematic way under efficient leadership.
There is something more revolting in the systematic destruction, disfigurement, and robbery of the ancient monuments of Rome, heathen and Christian, at the hands of her modern rulers and their belongings.
Most of these had been previously members of the State Guard of Kentucky, and consequently had enjoyed the advantage of systematic and scientific drill.
The Primitive; Sacred, or Mystic; and Philosophic Periods.
In this respect they stand alone among the nations of the earth.
The mechanico-dynamic system was a sort of compromise or mixed system, which was held in high honor by the most eminent physicians and better minds of the last century, and has even been prized by Sprengel as the best of all.
Subsequently, in the middle ages, magic experienced an accepted andsystematic development.
In such a case we may consider as actually proven by hypothesis what observation and systematic experiment, continuous and logical, were intended to prove, and failed.
While "a systematic German propaganda deliberately attempted to poison the integrity of a section of the people," to quote Mr John X.
It is the most systematic and perspicuous of his rhetorical works, but seems to be but the rough draught of what he originally intended.
Just as later sovereigns were wont to meet their deficits by debasing the currency, so the kings of Judah had learned to augment their revenue by a systematic falsification of weights and measures.
The administration of justice was corrupted by systematic bribery and perjury, and the lives of innocent men were ruthlessly sacrificed under the forms of law.
This is the religious world, to which Hegel gave a systematic expression, bringing method into the nonsense and completing the conceptual precepts into a rounded, firmly-based dogmatic.
Both officers went about the work of gathering the evidence in a thoroughly systematic manner.
I felt as if, from the order of the systematic world, I had plunged into chaos, obscure, contrary, unintelligible.
Perhaps in no part of the world has she met with sosystematic and determined an opposition.
In discussing the plays I have endeavored to deal with them in a large way, laying hold of each where it is most interesting, and not caring to be either systematic or exhaustive.
The constant and petty surveillance, the deliberate alienation of boys from all ties of home and kindred, the systematic training in duplicity and adulation, were certainly not well calculated for a school of manhood.
No arrangements of a systematic nature were made for the conveyance of private letters.
They are a class which contains the germs of all that goes to make up good citizenship, and the best proof of it is the patience with which they endure the systematic neglect of their more fortunate fellow-countrymen.
Then, dexterously removing the man's jacket and shirt while he still remained unconscious, Dick rapidly proceeded to give his patient a systematic overhaul, with the object of ascertaining the precise nature and extent of his injuries.
A systematic arrangement and vigilant inspection of schools, stands intimately connected with their prosperity.
Works for the youth of our schools, should be filled with substantial and systematic knowledge.
They are a complicated concern, and like all such concerns, they require great and systematic attention.
What we find in Goethe, we find also in a manner in Browning: an insight which is also foresight, a dim and partial consciousness of the truth about to be, sending its light before it, and anticipating all systematic reflection.
There is room and need for the higher synthesis of philosophy and poetry, as well as for the more palpable and, at the same time, more narrow colligating conceptions of the systematic sciences.
There is such deliberate earnestness and systematic consistency in his teaching, that Hegel can scarcely be said to have maintained that "The Rational is the Real" with greater intellectual tenacity, than Browning held to his view of life.
The inference is not from thoughts to things, nor from things to thoughts, but from a partially known world to a systematic theory of that world.
But it is probable that a great portion of the women of this nation can not secure any such systematic mode of regulating their expenses.
Another important item in systematic economy is, the apportioning of regular employment to the various members of a family.
But it is sometimes the case that women who could and would carry forward a systematic plan of domestic economy do not attempt it, simply from a want of knowledge of the various modes of introducing it.
There is no point in which the economy of charity has more improved than in the present mode of combining many small contributions, for sustaining enlarged and systematic plans of charity.
Another reason for early rising is, that it is indispensable to a systematic and well-regulated family.
In time, a habit will be formed, of doing a few things at regular periods, and in a systematic way.
A wise economy is nowhere more conspicuous, than in a systematic apportionment of time to different pursuits.
It is wise, therefore, for all persons to devise a systematic plan, which they will at least keep in view, and aim to accomplish; and by which a proper proportion of time shall be secured for all the duties of life.
The tyranny that men in office exercise over the multitude, and each other, is perfectly agreeable to the systematic subordination which the law has sanctioned.
Systematic demonstration by comparative tests has been made by the Vermont station and preference for northern-grown seed seems, to be justified.
Foreword This brochure is not a systematic treatise in catechetical form intended to cover what the writer holds to be most important to know about California agricultural practices.
We could only "coyote round," as a western man calls desultory digging, but saw how rich a treasure to the archaeologist would be exposed by systematic excavations.
Systematic development has been carried on in very few mines as yet, but the indications promise great things for the future.
Teachers are not to be blamed if she does not receive this kind of attention, as there are abundant opportunities now in America to receive systematic training under teachers as thorough, as able and as inspiring as may be found in Europe.
It is systematic and constant in all the Italian masters of the seventeenth century, and in most of the Dutch.
I suspect that it commenced, or rather that it first became the fashion, under the Dort or systematic theologians, and during the so called Quinquarticular Controversy.