He combined apology, farewell, and dismissal in a courtly little bow, and as though undoubting that the other would pass on, plunged again into the picture.
She was the very impersonation of that obstinate rationalism that grew up at the New-England fireside, close alongside of the most undoubting faith in the supernatural.
He listened to the explanation of their misfortune from his father with respectful silence or short, undoubting comment.
He can be extremely the reverse, upon occasion; but he is, perhaps, the man of all others in whose good feeling I have the most undoubting faith.
The undoubting faith in a Supreme Being, who ordered aright all the ways of His creatures, even when apparently remote from happiness, remained unshaken.
Then we shall be able to admire, without the slightest disturbance of our prepossessions: we shall hate and despise with that true ruminant relish which belongs to undoubting confidence.
But it seems as if it were the prevalent opinion in Paris, that an unfeeling heart and an undoubting confidence are the sole qualifications for a perfect legislator.
These gentlemen perhaps do not believe a great deal in the miracles of piety; but it cannot be questioned that they have an undoubting faith in the prodigies of sacrilege.
Men took their politics, as their liquor, "straight"; and this father of mine was an undoubting Democrat of the schools of Jefferson and Jackson.
At Nashville the night of the nomination a party of Whigs and Democrats had gathered in front of the principal hotel waiting for the arrival of the news, among the rest Sam Bugg and Chunky Towles, two local gamblers, both undoubting Democrats.
With undoubting confidence we submit the issue to the candid judgment of the patriotic people of the country, under the guidance of that Providence which has hitherto blessed and preserved the Nation.
As an antiquary himself, Cormac must have been bred up in undoubting belief in the justice of that claim, and must have given judgment in favour of its antiquity and validity, before his accession.
Believing firmly in this system--looking forward with undoubting faith to such an eternity--the Scandinavians were zealous to serve their gods according to their creed.
What then is faith but the infinite self-certainty of man, the undoubting certainty that his own subjective being is the objective, absolute being, the being of beings?
The Christians, on the contrary, in the undoubting certainty that their personal, self-flattering wishes will be fulfilled, i.
In a word, he adopted the project with that undoubtingand unshrinking purpose, with which to will is to accomplish.
What a solace Christianity must be to one who has an undoubting conviction of its truth.
The quiet and undoubting self-confidence with which he entered upon this enterprise, is one of the most remarkable events in the whole of his extraordinay career.
Not only himself, but to find him loving Rose for her father's sake, undoubting of him through all.
The information was given to him with clear and undoubting words.
No selfish pleading, no imperative demand, only a right to ask in undoubting confidence that which it was hers to give or to withhold.
Emmerence "had good learning," and did not believe in spooks or spirits; but in Firnut Pete she had the most undoubting faith, for she knew how many people had been compelled to work for him.
Florian shuddered; and it pained him to see the undoubting faith with which Crescence received his words.