He reached the road unawares; another report rang out on the edge of the wood.
The following day, the Tuesday of Holy Week, he was again at Alsheim, and handed to his father the report he had drawn up.
Presently, very far away, the dulled report of a carbine sounded, stirring a deadened echo among the hills.
When he had gone out again, the Special Messenger said very quietly: "I expect to report on the Moray matter before night.
Then the brain--that center of all man's reactions and the organ of all his consciousness--receives the report of the disturbance and translates it into terms of more or less disability.
Her very insistence only fastens his attention more firmly upon the false conclusion or makes him more convinced that his mind is giving him a true report from the senses of sight and hearing and taste and feeling.
For the nerve-cells and fibers--those inseparable parts of the body mechanism--speedily report the fact that they are being tampered with.
Somehow or other, however, perhaps from words he let drop, perhaps from glimpses caught of its progress, the report went about that it was very beautiful.
During these examinations, however, it has been customary to ask the students themselves to report any cheating that they may observe.
There's nothing we can do unless we want to report him to the police.
Then the thing for us to do is report him to the police.
The reason I didn't report to the police was that I was afraid of being involved.
If you won't give it up, I'll report you to the police.
Do you think we should report the professor to the police, Dad?
You'll report to him all right," agreed Captain Bricker.
I'll report you all to the Safety Director who is my friend!
Spreading out over the ship, the policemen returned one by one to report they could find nothing amiss.
On some of the vessels which came up from the French coast were men with marine glasses of extraordinary power, whose business it was to send an early and accurate report of the affair to the office of the War Syndicate in New York.
When the officers of the garrison mounted the hill before them and surveyed the place where their fort had been, there was not one of them who had sufficient command of himself to write a report of what had happened.
But before this report received due official consideration the idea had been suggested and elaborated in a dozen newspapers.
To counteract the effect of these, a full report was immediately made by the Syndicate to the Government of the United States, and a bulletin distinctly describing what had happened was issued to the people of the country.
We canreport the same lack of success with Superbissima.
In the February number of the Gardeners Monthly, a lady asks some of the correspondents who have tried the new Coleuses, to report thereon, whether as brilliant as their illustrated types, and if they retain their colors in bedding out.
I have not tried Henderson's, and only six of Dreer's, so I am not prepared to report very fully.
When the dreadful racket is over, when the shouts, shrieks, and report of fire-arms die away, Lady Ruth uncovers her eyes.
In his first report he told me the party I sought had been in Valetta only recently, but he believed she was now gone.
Some one has spread thereport that he is a spy, that his mission is to discover the details of the plot that is always going on among my people, for the rescue of Algiers from French hands.
A generation later the report of the Religious is not quite so sanguine: "They receive our religion easily and their lack of intellectual penetration saves them from sounding the difficulties of its mysteries.
The "Report of the Encomiendas in the Islands in 1591" just twenty years after the conquest of Luzon reveals a wonderful progress in the work of civilization.
The Commissioner must first report the offense to the Court in New Spain; if a trial was ordered, the accused must be sent to Mexico, and, if convicted, must be returned to the Philippines to receive punishment.
The fact of our not meeting with any emigrant trains made Maysotta's report more probable.
They had found that the report of the scouts was correct, and that we could not hope to be able to get through in that direction.
The report he gave us of Bartle, however, was truly alarming.
Judging from thereport of Winnemak's people who last came in, we had not much risk of encountering any of our foes; indeed, our whole thoughts were entirely occupied by Clarice and Rachel.
We did not entirely rely on Barney's report that the Indians had left the neighbourhood, though it perhaps made us less cautious than we would otherwise have been.
Clarice blushed and smiled, when the lieutenant told her how anxious he had been made by the report he had received from Maysotta, and how glad he was for the opportunity of returning.
They, or perhaps the white men, had heard a report that Uncle Jeff was the owner of fabulous wealth, of which they had resolved to make themselves the possessors.
To your companions, to Sister Frances, and above all to yourself, I trust, to make me a just reportthis day month.
Then a portion of the people returned to their homes; but yet more remained to make certain the report regarding the investigation was not a falsehood, devised for the purpose of inducing them to disperse.
I did not at the moment understand his meaning; but a few moments later, when the report had been read, all was clear.
The report from the War Department folks was sent when they thought that other body was Albert's.
Then followed more expressions of regret and sympathy and confirmation of the report concerning citation and the war cross.
In October, 1666, there was a rumour that Sir Jeremy Smith had killed Sir Robert Holmes in a duel, and Pepys was not sorry to hear it, although he soon found that report did not tell true.
The officers were to meet at least once a week at the office on Tower Hill, to consult, and take measures for the benefit of the navy, and were further directed to make a monthly report of their proceedings to the Lord Admiral.
Rider lets it be known that, as the town is full of the report respecting the wealth in his house, he will be glad if his friends will provide for the safety of their property elsewhere.
They are to make a monthly report of the state of the ships to the Vice-Admiral and the other officers.
Through good report and evil report he had been true to Henry; he was his intimate counsellor and devoted friend, and the only man who had any influence over him for good.
Now go to your quarters, dress yourself in your uniform, and present your report to me an hour hence.
Natives, paddling eagerly out to sea in their bidarkas to be the first to bring in good news or bad, had given him a report covering the period of his absence that filled him with dismay.
As I passed Danbury Place I heard the deafening report of heavy guns close at hand.
Those who have been down at the scene of the disaster report that it will be impossible to clear the channel in less than a week or ten days, using every resource of the dockyard.
Haarlem, Zandyport, Barkum, and Emden allreport that cables are interrupted.
The report received by the Admiralty had been treated as confidential until corroborated, lest undue public alarm should be caused.
All other papers, without exception, contained various accounts of the British defence at the point nearest London, but they were mostly of the scrappy and sensational order, based more on report than upon actual fact.
During the past week through that great hall the Minister’s deep voice, shaken by emotion, had been daily heard as he was compelled to report defeat after defeat of the British arms.
Report had it that the Germans had set a price upon his head, and that he was pursued everywhere by German spies--mercenaries who would kill him in secret if they could.
This report having got about, the people began building barricades in many of the principal thoroughfares north of the Thames.
They made haste to report the crime when they arrived at Standing Stone.
And when the report was sent broadcast that Young Jacob was among the fallen, the slaughter of the Tories at Kittanning was accounted doubly a victory.
Not that we are skeptical by nature, but we cannot help wondering at the somewhat amazing coincidence of the Alvarez report being issued just two weeks before the start of the Alvarez County Festival.
At the report of my pistol, I had heard a loud scream in the parsonage, and almost at the same time with myself Helen rushed up to the side of my brother.
The report of the pistol fired by Julia had also been heard upon the pirate brig.
But the report of my being an heiress was not needed, for when I entered society, to my mother's amazement, I created quite a sensation.
Nor did the most careful search among the old Squire's papers lead to the discovery of any record of the supposed report of the lad's death.
There was a falsereport of my death," said Ratman, glancing a little nervously at the tutor, who was diligently removing the mud from his riding-boots.