A complete knowledge of all the mysteries which have been gradually unfolded from the days of Galvani to those of Faraday, and of many others which are still inscrutable to us, is exhibited in this structure.
The remains consist of a complete skeleton, which was found deeply imbedded in firm soil.
Every new find, upon investigation, proves the truth of Virchow's words: "We must really acknowledge that there is a completeabsence of any fossil type of a lower stage in the development of man.
For a root of this species one agreed to give 4600 florins, together with a new carriage, two grey horses, and a complete harness.
The tide of battle turned, he obtained a complete victory, and was baptised by St. Remi.
These appropriations enabled the Roman Catholics to compile a complete calendar of flowers for every day in the year, in which each flower is dedicated to a particular saint.
The Melissa, or Garden Balm, was renowned among the Arabian physicians, by whom it was recommended for hypochondria and affections of the heart, and according to Paracelsus the primum ens Melissa promised a complete renovation of man.
A complete Rosary consists of fifteen large and 150 small beads, the former representing the number of Paternosters, the latter the number of Ave-Marias.
King Croesus threatened the inhabitants of Lampsacus that the destruction of their town should be as complete as a felled Pine, which, once cut down, never sprouts out again.
Scodra had shared war and defeat with king Perseus of Macedonia, brought about the complete dissolution of this principality (ii.
What is, historically, of special moment in their Latin authorship is the complete clinging of these provincials to the literary development of the mother-country.
Not till the sixth year of the war (172) does the complete conquest of the Marcomani seem to have been achieved, and Marcus to have thereupon assumed the well-deserved title of victory, Germanicus.
But out of the occupation of this last asylum of the Celtic priesthood there was developed a dangerous crisis in the subject territory itself; and the governor was not destined to complete the conquest of Mona.
Moreover, the complete absence of Roman traces in the interior of Wales, and the Celtic nationality maintaining itself there up to the present day, tell in favour of this view.
Nor, however well drawn the cartoons may be, can they be imitated as exactly and as thoroughly as by the hand of their author, who, seeing the work going to ruin, in despair leaves it to fall into complete destruction.
If thou exceed thy elder brothers' worth, And shine incomplete virtue more than they, Thou shalt be king before them, and thy seed Shall issue crowned from their mother's womb.
In her complete ignorance of such matters she had no notion as to the nature of the punishment to which he had rendered himself liable.
Robert Champion had probably not such complete control over his facial muscles as he would have desired.
It is only recently that I learned--to my complete surprise--that Exham Park was mine.
It seemed that whoever was responsible for that gunshot had, with complete callousness, left his victim to his fate.
When we first met, you told me that my liberty would be more complete with you than without you.
If you think that, for any cause whatever, you may be disposed to resent complete candour from an old fellow who has seen something of the world and who has your best interests very much at heart, please say so and I will not say a word.
Why, they're all complete strangers to me; I never saw one of them before, and haven't the faintest notion where they come from or who they are.
I still think that might have been the motive; partly, I confess, because I cannot conceive of any other, though the misapprehension was as complete as it was curious.
The newcomer spoke in a tone of voice which suggestedcomplete confidence that he would be welcome; a confidence, however, which was by no means justified by the manner of his reception.
It is a complete peasant face, but an Italian peasant's, and quite in the Raphael Fornarina style.
I have now written nearly three acts of another (intending to complete it in five), and am more anxious than ever to be preserved from such a breach of all literary courtesy and gentlemanly consideration.
To how many cantos this may extend, I know not, nor whether (even if I live) I shall complete it: but this was my notion.
I remarked in my illness the complete inertion, inaction, and destruction of my chief mental faculties.
Analysis of that will discover an anatomy complete enough to those who enjoy that kind of dissection.
There has been a complete fusion of the elements, and the molten stream that is poured for us is of glowing clarity.
But, significantly, the latest poetic utterance of Ireland is a cry of complete realization.
On the other hand there is nothing to which the word charm will strictly apply; an almost complete artistic austerity: but a profound and powerful study of human nature.
So, in perhaps a dozen different ways, the literary person of as many different types may find that he is just hindered from complete enjoyment of what he nevertheless perceives to be beautiful work.
It is a wonderful thing, too, in its independence, its almost complete isolation from literary tradition and influence.
The passages are almost too painful taken out of their context; and there may be some for whom they will rob the poem of complete beauty.
The noblest and most complete expression of that is in "The Lonely God.
But it is unnecessary to go further; and this last little poem (I will not do it violence by extracting any part of it) is perhaps the most complete vindication of our poet's theories.
But it is not quite complete as it stands; and an important article of it will be discovered by reading this poem through and noting the triumph of the ideal over the real, which is the essential meaning of the work.
But without such frivolous addition to anger, there was cause eno' in this marriage thoroughly to complete the alienation between the King and his brother.
Begin, Count of the Normans, and we willcomplete the rest.
There the fountains are lukewarm, and their influence is promoted bycomplete seclusion and repose.
There are umbrageous avenues, terraces, fountains, paths winding among flower-beds and away under the trees and through the shrubberies to nooks of complete solitude.
His 'Parliamentary Government in England' was described in the Edinburgh Review as 'one of the most useful and complete works which has yet appeared on the practical operation of the British Constitution.
The sky was now filled with an incessant light, frequent repetition melting into complete continuity, as an unbroken sound results from the successive strokes on a gong.
A motion of satisfaction enlivened her face as she read the complete inscription.
When the manoeuvre was complete he approached her.
At one time it was doubted if stuff enough could be found in the ship to plank her up with, and it was thought it might become necessary to break up the Rancocus, in order to complete the job.
Then Bob took off his tarpaulin and gave three cheers, while Mark walked aft, silently returning thanks to God for the completesuccess of this important movement.
He desired also to explore the coast and islands in that vicinity, in order to complete his survey of the cluster.
It was as large as the mainsail of a ship of four hundred tons, was complete as to shade, with the advantage of letting the breeze circulate, and had a reasonable chance of escaping from the calamities of a flood.
Everybody, indeed, was in high spirits, the launching of the schooner being regarded as a thing that would give them complete command of the adjacent seas.
A couple of hours' work was still required to complete this desirable task; and everybody set about his or her assigned duty with activity and zeal.
It was always an advantage to the assailed to have time to recover from their first alarm, and to complete their arrangements.
The remaining five were left behind, to complete a craft on which they had now been long employed, and which was intended to be the invincible war-canoe of those regions.
Once there, the different crafts were quite concealed from the view of persons outside, and it now remained to be proved whether their cover was not so complete as effectually to baffle a hostile attempt to find it.
An open book on the floor, and a portfolio standing near the shelves, complete the accessories.
The shield rests upon the ground and is supported by the oak tree which spreads over it; willows and pines complete the little group of trees, and beyond a stretch of water is seen.
Supporters, two men in complete armor, their beavers open, three ostrich feathers on the helmets, their breasts charged with a cross, and in the exterior hand a lance.
Wetmore, which is a copy of one of Maverick’s favorite designs, complete the number of his signed examples.
Indeed, one corner of the scroll dips into the water; a few brushes and stunted or dead trees complete the landscape.
A little patch of earth, two well-grown trees, and scant herbage complete the accessories.
A globe, open book, scroll, caduceus, and cornucopia of fruit complete the accessories.
Indeed, it had been undertaken more as an experiment than with the idea of sale; but the friends of the dead statesman urged him to complete it, which he did, and the print found a good sale.
A fragment of the scroll of a Chippendale frame, with one or two roses about, complete the decoration.
In mentioning a few examples of the plates recently made for societies and libraries, no attempt is made to furnish a complete list, nor even to mention all the attractive plates, but to speak of a few which seem of especial interest.
This is not thecomplete motto of the family of Penn of Stoke Pogis; it should be, Dum clarum rectum taneam, which means, While I hold to glory let me hold to right.
An open case of books on the wall, a closed writing-desk under it, and a print of Washington complete the furniture of the room.
Four large books in an impossible position; the topmost one has the name engraved upon the side; an ink-pot and two quills, with a sprig of holly, complete the ornamentation.
The horse made one last gallant attempt to break the English line, but the attempt caused their complete destruction.
They were staggering under the weight of all their plunder, and, to complete their misery, they were wet to the skin with a rain-storm which had raged all night.
The reader maycomplete the sketch should he find it sufficiently attractive.
Mr. Prime in a footnote remarks: "Mr. Henry O'Reilly has deposited in the Library of the New York Historical Society more than one hundred volumes containing a complete history of telegraphic litigation in the United States.
I shall exert all my energies to show a complete and satisfactory result.
There is a complete coincidence of views between us.
On the part of those he represented this confidence was so complete that their interests were committed to him without reserve.
He carried with him a complete telegraphic outfit and lost no opportunity to bring it to the notice of the different governments visited by him, and his official position gave him the entree everywhere.
But his life has been so useful, so happy and so complete that, for him, nothing remains to be wished.
It is destined to work a complete revolution in the mode of transmitting intelligence throughout the civilized world.
After some negotiation I was unable tocomplete the arrangement.
The season, however, despite these almost insurmountable difficulties, was a complete artistic success; and the Company I presented to my supporters in San Francisco was one that would have done honour to any European Opera-house.
It has been seen that at one time I was threatened with a complete break-up: my forces seemed on the point of dispersing.
It was not inattention but rather a complete incapacity for grasping the system on which everything worked.
But a complete tirade, probably the most brilliant in the whole drama, belonged to Janin: it was the one of the grandes dames.
She sent to thank General Dermoncourt; and, as a few details were erroneous, or lacking in complete accuracy, she offered notes to General Dermoncourt in case he should publish a second edition.
We each reserved to ourselves the right to put our names to the play in our complete works.
Fine scenes, noise, stir and magnificent decorations and, above all, a situation of the supremest interest in the fifth act, have made this drama a complete success.
The triumph seemed to us too complete for the short time it had taken to happen in.
Gaillardet, and my rights to be settled independently, as if I had been a complete stranger to the work.
After this, Adèle insists so much on her father's illness, and on the fact that the letter from her sister Clarisse is very urgent, that her husband gives her complete liberty to go where she wished.
At the time I was occupied with the publication of my complete works I received a letter from him.
Tony Johannot was, I believe, a completenovice in matters of shooting.
No, the monarchy and the nation were in a complete state of rupture.
I slept at Auxerre, wishful to give the good fairy we call Sleep time to complete his work.
This advice meant a complete breaking off of all the prince's military habits; so he hid his sufferings as much as possible, and had, at least, strength of will enough not to show it if he could not prevent being ill.
Madame was much astonished to find in a book where Republican sentiments were openly avowed such complete impartiality and courtesy.
That England ought never to attempt great military operations on the Continent continued to be a fundamental article of the creed of the Tories till the French Revolution produced a complete change in their feelings.
There was a Diving Company which undertook to bring up precious effects from shipwrecked vessels, and which announced that it had laid in a stock of wonderful machines resembling complete suits of armour.
His object was no less than a complete dissolution and reconstruction of society in the Highlands, such a dissolution and reconstruction as, two generations later, followed the battle of Culloden.
A well meant but unskilful attempt had been made to complete a reform which the Bill of Rights had left imperfect.
The whole spirit of the tribunal had undergone in a few months a change so complete that it might seem to have been the work of ages.
The feeling of the Whigs, though it had not, like the feeling of the Tories, undergone a complete change, was yet not quite what it had been.
He seems to have been under a complete delusion as to his own importance.
The ability, the industry and the strict uprightness of the great philosopher speedily produced a complete revolution throughout the department which was under his direction.
But it is certain that a complete rupture took place between his deputies and the servants of the Company.
The best thing that he could now do was to make the parallelcomplete by hanging himself.
The Marshal went so far as to promise his master news of a complete victory within twenty-four hours.
It was indeed a very distant day; and when it came neither minister nor elder attended; for even the boldest members shrank from a completerupture with the civil power.
It was intended for an aid to the young Engineer, and is not to be considered as a complete substitute for the more elaborate works on the subject.
When putting a truss together in its proper position, on the abutments, 'false works' must first be erected to support the parts until they are so joined together as to form a complete self-sustaining truss.
By again adding benzine and shaking, a complete solution of the fat is finally effected.
We only need you, dear Mr. Hitz, to completeour happiness.
This letter is to the editor of the Boston Herald, enclosing a complete list of the subscribers.
In this way she is able to get the meaning of those half sentences which we completeunconsciously from the tone of the voice or the twinkle of the eye.
The first two, Miss Keller's story and the extracts from her letters, form a complete account of her life as far as she can give it.
Her good friend, Mr. William Wade, had a complete braille copy made for her from the magazine proofs.
Mike admired the skill of the pilot, then realized the ship was on complete automatic, taking its impulses from radar bounced against the hull of the Space Queen.
We shall demonstrate complete faith in you by paying the seven thousand before we leave Outer Port.
Forasmuch as he persists in his denials," said the bailiff, "let him remain where he is until he shall have made a complete avowal of his crimes.
This list is not a complete one of the various rights and privileges granted by the charters, but only of the more important ones.
This interview took place in November, at Gisors, and ended in the complete discomfiture of the pope.
Each volume, while forming part of a complete History, will also in itself be a separate and complete book, will be sold separately, and will have its own index, and two or more maps.
The council met at Westminster and adopted a series of canons, whose chief object was the complete carrying out of the Gregorian reformation in the English Church.
But as usual he selected a site for a castle within the walls, and left a force of chosen knights under faithful command, to complete the fortification and to form the garrison.
Any complete description of the feudal organization must be understood to be a description of tendencies rather than of a realized system.
Wherever the act of submission occurred, it was in form complete and final for the city and for the chief men of England.
To protect and complete his new conquest, John began at once the siege of La Roche-au-Moine, a new castle built by William des Roches on the Loire, which commanded communications with the south.
The Earl of Salisbury and the Counts of Flanders and Boulogne with many others were taken prisoners, and the triumph of Philip was as complete as his danger had been great.