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Example sentences for "utter"

Lexicographically close words:
utrique; utriusque; utroque; utrum; utrumque; utterance; utterances; uttered; utterer; utterers
  1. With as much benevolence as the heart of man will hold, but with an utter neglect of the costly apparatus of life, he exhibits to the world a new phenomenon in life--the Samian sage in the tub of the cynic.

  2. But there was a bench outside and Dolly sank upon this in a state bordering upon utter collapse.

  3. Dolly stared at him in utter amazement and then burst into laughter as she realised what it all meant.

  4. And the first step into the realm of giving is a like surrender--not manward, but Godward: an utter yielding of our best.

  5. The people laughed--it was the hard, grating, hollow laugh that sets the teeth on edge behind the lips that utter it.

  6. Such were the thoughts that Israel cherished secretly, though he dared not to utter them, lest he should seem to be bribing God out of his love of the child.

  7. One step more--" But just at that moment Israel turned full upon him, face to face, and the threat that he was about to utter seemed to die in his stifling throat.

  8. If it will be active, God will so order matters, in His infallible faithfulness and perfect wisdom, that the results of its activity will prove its utter defeat and confusion.

  9. But surely the god ought to have inspired them to utter patriotic responses, and thus to save themselves in case of such a miracle as actually happened.

  10. In this short treatise we have endeavored to prove the utter untenability of this theory.

  11. But finally, as the ball was drawing to a close, Ted heard Stella utter a slight scream, and saw her trying to draw her hand away from a young fellow, whose back was turned to him.

  12. The coyote watched him sharply, occasionally raising its head to utter its mournful cry.

  13. The experience of all the nations of Europe has shown that to attempt to wholly prevent smuggling, under the encouragement of high rates of duty, is an utter impossibility.

  14. I have lived; and I have learnt the utter misery which a deranged digestion and jarring nerves, acting and reacting upon each other, can inflict upon their victims.

  15. They answer: A happy lot We never yet possest, A happy lot For us poor shepherd folk existeth not; Then wherefore utter the strange jest That by an infant's birth we shall be blest With happy lot?

  16. The poor peasant was as if petrified; his blood stood still in his veins, and he could not utter a word.

  17. The folk-poet is careful to express no sort of censure upon his hero, but the boasts he is made to utter are sufficient guides to his character.

  18. So it is likewise with the rude musical instruments which the exigencies of his life have taught the peasant how to make; they utter tones more closely in harmony with nature than those of the finest Stradivarius.

  19. They stated that an armed force from Ray and Clay counties was to join a Jackson County force at the Fishing River ford bent on the utter destruction of the camp.

  20. It had been hastily but fairly well constructed, considering that the workmen had to handle their tools in almost utter darkness.

  21. They could fire just as accurately in utter darkness as in broad daylight, for the shells were hurled with mathematical precision, each one being timed to explode at a certain second.

  22. There was, therefore, great risk in attempting such a manoeuvre, for nothing short of utter blindness on the part of the Union commanders could make it successful.

  23. There was no reason other than Howard's utter want of appreciation of the gravity of the situation to prevent him from forming a strong line of defence to protect his right flank.

  24. Logically pursued this custom of inheritance would have led to utter disintegration, such as Germany exhibited in the fourteenth century.

  25. They were something more than centuries of transition, though the genius of a Gibbon has represented them as a long night of ignorance and force, only redeemed from utter squalor by some lingering rays of ancient culture.

  26. The utter simplicity of their daily life made Anthony's salary more than sufficient; they already possessed the resource of a bank account.

  27. Feeling the utter idiocy into which he was stumbling, he checked himself.

  28. After his father had left the breakfast-room he sat for a long time in utter mental incapacity to undertake any line of effort.

  29. Adriance had watched it with the utter indifference of his mates, merely attending to the duties assigned him and leaving Mr. Cook to solve his own perplexities; but this morning he hesitated beside the fiery, streaming little man.

  30. No outcry, no denial of complicity could have been so convincing as the utter stupefaction of the regard he fixed upon his friend.

  31. He gazed at her in utter marvel at such patience.

  32. To his utter dismay, she crumpled into his extended arms, her eyes shut.

  33. But Tony confronted an utter impossibility; he could not confess that he had sat until midnight in a park pavilion, with no more thought of life's common-sense routine than a sentimental boy.

  34. In her ignorance of Van Berg's motives, and in the utter impossibility of surmising them, she could scarcely come to any other conclusion; and she determined to punish him to the utmost extent of her ability.

  35. Then, his attitude of utter dejection so won her sympathy that she could not leave him without speaking, for she remembered how sorely in need she once had been of a reassuring word.

  36. She was no saint because she had cherished some good thoughts and impulses that day, and as for poor Stanton, he became so depressed that he lapsed into utter silence.

  37. What a fate for a man--to be tied for life to a woman who will, with sure gradation, pass from at least outward beauty to utter hideousness!

  38. Her swoon of utter exhaustion was long and deep, and when she rallied from it there were symptoms which led the physician to say that she must have absolute quiet and sleep, and he gave her strong opiates to insure the latter.

  39. I can get in without aid," and she sprang lightly into the buggy before her cousin could utter a word.

  40. Can it be that she has been made to feel her imperfection so keenly, and in such a way as to create only utter discouragement?

  41. If it is true every man has his price, every woman has a smaller---" Before he could utter another word a blow in his face from Stanton sent him sprawling to the earth.

  42. This is a dreadful reverse, and carries with it destruction to all our hopes--to mine, individually, utter annihilation.

  43. The man looked at her in utter amazement.

  44. In her utter bewilderment, she was confused into glancing at Jack Dalhousie's friend, who stood silent upon the sidewalk, two yards away.

  45. You can't know how your utter adorableness throws me off my guard.

  46. There is nothing but utter darkness till the true Light shines into their lives, and then and then only will the day break for these downtrodden, degraded beings.

  47. Yet despite all these drawbacks, it is a grand life, revealing to a man his own utter weakness, and making him rely more and more upon his God.

  48. The utter tranquillity of the place made one wonder if the grim business upon which we were engaged was indeed real, for here there was none of the dust and bustle of the previous day.

  49. It was an epic of endurance and utter indifference to hardship.

  50. Some were stretched straight out with faces upturned to the sky; others huddled up in strange attitudes; others again lay with their heads pillowed on their saddles; and all had utter weariness stamped in every line of their bodies.

  51. But the God of battles was with us, for the third shell, to our utter astonishment, not unmingled with relief, never came!

  52. In their successful attempt to defeat this project the Light Horse had the spirited assistance of the armoured cars whose utter disregard of danger saved the situation time after time.

  53. Oh that some minstrel's harp were near, To utter notes of gladness, And chase this silence from the air, That fills my heart with sadness.

  54. I must say, Master Pathfinder, that you sometimes utter opinions that are a little remarkable for a man who lives by the rifle; seldom snuffing the air but he smells gunpowder, or turning out of his berth but to bear down on an enemy.

  55. The utmost circumspection consequently became necessary, and each one was too much engrossed with his own thoughts to feel a disposition to utter more than was called for by the exigencies of the case.

  56. Mabel stayed to utter no more; but she was soon out of sight, running into the hut towards which she had been first proceeding.

  57. Still she was the first to speak; since Eau-douce could utter naught that would be disingenuous, or that would pain his friend.

  58. Still he was unwilling to utter aught that might be considered harsh to the uncle of Mabel; and his self-command was perhaps more creditable than his modesty and spirit.

  59. Mabel is too kind to refuse anything, or to utter harsh words to a dog.

  60. He tried to cry out but one of the verdant fronds enveloped his throat so tightly he could not utter a sound.

  61. The utter desolation which swept over him at the impact of his aloneness was more than he could endure, and he forced himself to think of something else.

  62. She contrived to say a few gracious words to everyone, and was shrewd enough never to utter something witty without making me take a share in it.

  63. It is very true that, wearing the costume of my sex, I should never dare to utter such words.

  64. Now she was waving her arms and trying to shout a warning, though her voice stuck in her throat and she was unable to utter more than a low croak.

  65. He recognized the utter futility of arguing with a man like Billy Wingo.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "utter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; air; arrant; articulate; blank; blurt; born; breathe; broadcast; categorical; chime; chorus; circulate; classical; clean; clear; coin; communicate; complete; comprehensive; conclusive; confide; congenital; consummate; convey; counterfeit; crass; dead; decided; decisive; declare; defend; definite; definitive; deliver; determinate; dictate; diffuse; disclose; dispense; disperse; disseminate; distribute; diverge; divulge; downright; egregious; emit; entire; enunciate; exclaim; exhaustive; explicit; express; final; fixed; flagrant; flat; forge; formulate; full; give; glaring; global; gross; heave; impart; implicit; indisputable; intact; integral; intensive; intolerable; issue; lip; main; manifest; mint; mouth; mumble; omnibus; omnipresent; outright; overspread; pass; peremptory; perfect; pervasive; phrase; plain; plumb; positive; precious; present; proclaim; profess; profound; pronounce; pronounced; propagate; proper; publish; pure; radiate; radical; raise; rank; rattle; regular; reissue; retail; reveal; right; round; say; scatter; sheer; shocking; sound; sow; speak; splay; spread; stark; state; straight; strew; superlative; surpassing; sweeping; talk; tell; thorough; thumping; total; ubiquitous; unbearable; unconditional; unconscionable; undeniable; undoubting; unequivocal; unhampered; unhesitating; universal; unlimited; unmistakable; unmitigated; unqualified; unquestioning; unrelieved; unreserved; unrestricted; unspoiled; utter; vent; ventilate; veritable; very; voice; whisper; whole; wholesale; word

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    utter astonishment; utter darkness; utter despair; utter silence; utter stranger; utterly destroyed; utterly impossible; utterly unable