Miss Delmege for once voiced the popular feeling by ejaculating coldly.
One who knew him well in those years has described him to us as a sweet-voiced lad, moving about the pleasant playing-fields of Eton with a thoughtful eye and a most kindly expression.
Each felt aggrieved that the other had not modified his habits to secure his society a little longer; but as Roger voiced it in his thoughts: 'Always a stubborn beggar, Nick!
How quiet it was, but for a distant dog or two, and the stilly shivering-down of the water drops, and the far vibration of the million-voiced city!
And on that summer evening she voiced complaint again.
Now she voiced childhood's unvarying lament--"I wants my mamma!
The Diet showed enough common sense to refuse to follow the lead of a writer crazed with Jew-hatred; yet the opinions voiced by him gradually took hold of the Polish people, and prepared the soil for sinister conflicts.
The forest was noisy with the cry of birds, and flocks of shrill-voiced paroquets raised an uproar in the tallest trees.
The dense canopy of green overhead was alive with fluttering wings; the groves echoed to the cries of all the loud-voiced thicket denizens.
If he had not known she was innocent, he should have set down her tone to defiance; it was exactly the sort of low-voiced defiance which he had expected from her when he had supposed--what he had supposed.
He had not known himself how much attached he was to the mild-voiced clergyman until it had become probable that soon they should hear that voice no more.
The demands of the country for a responsible Cabinet were voiced by the Duma and by the best men.
Noske voiced the views of the German Democracy in saying: "We are offered from abroad to organise a Revolution.
There was so much odd gentleness in the way he voiced his ruthless theory that Barclay was touched.
It is Professor Arturo Labriola, the brilliant leader of the Italian syndicalists, who has voiced perhaps most concretely these strictures against socialism, although they abound in all syndicalist writings.
The sun shines down on Jerez; and its cleanliness, its prosperity, are a rebuke to harsh-voiced contemners of the grape.
Sometimes you are warned by a deep-voiced 'Cuidado,' but more often a pannier brushing you against the wall brings the first knowledge of their presence.
He voiced “serious objections against the Russian campaign before the defeat of England”, according to notes of the German Naval War Staff.
Gaston laughed at them, and called her funny names when she voiced them to him.
Resenting the treatment Jude had given him when he had voiced his observations about Gaston and Joyce, he had gone to the tavern to nurse his wounded feelings where company and safety abounded.
She had no need to command; her desires seemed granted before she voiced them--poor, pretty Lola!
Many directions were shouted by the captain and repeated by a shrill-voiced boy before we were allowed to step on shore over a precarious plank.
It was a difficult task, my lord," replied Heriot; "your father was voiced generally as the wisest and one of the bravest men of Scotland.
And the other high-voiced women flock to kiss the sword.
They filed silently back to Rusty Brown's place, invited the cook in for a drink and were refused with soft-voiced regret and the gracious assurance that he would wait outside for them.
It was unofficial, that verdict, but it was unanimous and voiced with enthusiasm.
Not till the roan gave up completely and owned obedience to rein and voiced command, did Andy take further thought of the reward.
At supper, he made friends with a genial-voiced insurance agent--the kind who does not insist upon insuring your life whether you want it insured or not.
On went the chase, the flying echoes in retreat, the deep-voiced thunder in pursuit.
A tide of joy awoke within the dreamer; he was horsed on the thunder; he was leading the field; he was close on the heels of the game; he was captain of the host to an innumerable company of loud-voiced and meaningless things.
Well, it is queer to have him disappear that way," voiced Mollie.
A Phoebe bird or a Phoebe girl always seemed to me to be demure and quiet and thoughtful and sweet-voiced and fond of dim forests, while I am a frivolous, laughing, sunny individual who likes the open air and doesn't care for shadows at all.