Sweden is particularly active in this traffic, but I understand that sulphur pyrites are sent from Norway, and sulphuric acid made therefrom is an absolute essential to the manufacture of munitions of war.
Over each of these districts is, in time of war, a representative corps commander who is clothed with absolute power in that district, his orders superseding those of all civilian officials.
This department, however, did not seem to be in a position to issue orders to the corps commanders commanding the army corps districts of Germany, who had absolute control of the prison camps within their districts.
Why, with all that brave old man's ability to swing and spur his gang in absolute control, had not the lot of us burst through the circling enemy and made a bolt for it?
Possibly nine years old, he had picked up all the evil that a boy can learn behind the lines of a beaten Turkish army officered by Germans--which is almost the absolute of evil--and had added that to natural depravity.
It requires exceptional intensity of treatment, a broad, strong, yet flexible chord-technique, and an absolute mastery of the tonal resources of the piano.
This insuresabsolute flexibility and enhances the undulating effect.
But, as a whole, the tempo should be kept very steady, and a strongly marked rhythmic distinctness and precision are absolute essentials in the proper presentation of this, as of all Weber's works.
This shows how nicely the stimulus required to arouse hybernating animals is governed by the usual climate of the district, and not by the absolute heat.
In this district, where absolute proofs of the recent elevation of the land occur, such speculations can hardly be neglected by any one, although merely considering the physical geography of the country.
Although among the savages, the chief has absolute power of life and death over his slave, yet there is an entire absence of ceremony between them.
This election of one branch of the federal, by the State legislatures, secures an absolute independence of the former on the latter.
In this case, little inquiry is left for us to make, the arguments in favor of the law carrying us immediately and by inevitable consequence to absolute power over the press.
Our enemies have already had evidence that our present constitution contains in it the justice and ardor of freedom, and the wisdom and vigor of the most absolute system.
Thus it is of complicated nature, and this complication, I trust, will be found to exclude the evils of absolute consolidation, as well as of a mere confederacy.
This is a Senate, a Senate of equals, of men of individual honor and personal character, and of absolute independence.
This is, therefore, only a new mode of claiming absolute power over the press.
The great Congo forest, covering as large an area as France and the Iberian Peninsula, we can now certify to be an absolute fact.
This is essential, even if the stores should far exceed absolute self-support, which they will do if kept solely in charge of such men as we have named; but all the boys we train can't be merchants.
This had been my nearest approach toabsolute starvation in all my African experience.
Pungo Andongo Station has crossed the lines of sustentation and of absolute self-support, and is making money to open new stations in the regions beyond.
It releases with absolute certainty on both sides, and can be fitted in such a manner that it will allow the flat of the left leg to be brought close to the saddle.
But in the class I speak of at a certain age it appears to flower out into absolute brutality.
At least, that was the time my watch registered, though I early discovered that there was no absolute standard of the divisions of time.
I explained briefly to him my connection with the matter and my proposed line of action; and he naturally endeavored to satisfy me as to the absolute futility of such a course as I proposed.
It is an absolute violation of the agreement which you entered into with me not three months ago.
Secrecy must be kept, a secrecy so absolute that not even the birds of the air must see that our thoughts range beyond the forty rods surrounding Mother Jane's cottage.
Was I becoming over-sensitive to impressions or was there something really uncanny in the absolute lack of sound or movement in a dwelling of such dimensions?
Wise enough to keep her house in order," thought I, and actually found it hard to leave, so attractive to my eyes are absolute neatness and order.
There is no doubt, is there, about his being an absolute maniac?
They were in the first absolute devotion of their union, invulnerable, no germ of distrust, no crevice of possible separation.
When he recovered his senses he was inabsolute darkness and in considerable pain.
It was torture that prostrated the soul--not the passion of love and anguish which gave to the other mother the power of absolute self-control, and strength which could endure all things.
Shall we remain satisfied with the General Synod's doctrinal basis, of absolute assent to the Bible, and agreement with the Augsburg Confession as far as the fundamentals of God's Word are concerned?
In this case an absolute non-producer, non-accumulator.
The only perfect happiness is the birth of love; the only absolutemisery is the death of it; and it is such a tender growth that one careless word may chill it into death.
The details of the following chapters will show that the civil, legal, industrial and educational rights of women are so far secured as to give full assurance that they will be absolute in the near future.
The fifth ground for absolute divorce is as follows: "Where the woman before marriage has been guilty of illicit carnal intercourse with another man, the same being unknown to the husband at the time of marriage.
The community property, both real and personal, which includes all accumulated after marriage, is under absolute control of the husband, and at the death of the wife all of it belongs to him without administration.
After the death of either husband or wife, the survivor is given a life estate in one-third of the realty of the deceased and an absolute estate in one-half of the personalty.
Justice Temple rendered the decision as follows: "All these differences point to the fact that the husband is absoluteowner of the community property.
If there is no kindred of the husband, the widow comes into absolute possession.
And yet, with all the splendid work which has been done, the State has been slow indeed in granting absolute justice.
Never did Napoleon in the days of his most absolute power, or the descendants of Louis le Grand in those of their proudest state, contemplate this factious, restless race with such abhorrence as do the doctrinaires of the present hour.
He rose and flunked horribly in an attempt to classify an ablative absolute and answered "unprepared" when the Roman, maliciously pressing his advantage, insisted on his translating.
Now when Skippy spoke thus from his heart it was in absolute faith, without the slightest suspicion of the natural course which a habit inevitably must take.
I cling to the essential (that is the spiritual) truths of Christianity as the only absolute good left in our time.
But take the assurance from me that a man like Peak (and I am at one with him in this matter) regards with absolute repugnance every form of supernaturalism.
It has come down to us in anything but absolute purity--like a stream which has been made turbid by its earthly channel.
Absolute faith he had none; he was essentially a negativist, guided by the mere relations of phenomena.
Godwin had absolute faith in his power of dominating the woman whom he should inspire with tenderness.
Mark me; I don't say that they are capable of receiving much absolute knowledge.
Why must I make solemn declaration that I don't believe in absolute knowledge?
They seem very open-minded; you really can't expect absolute unconventionality.
My attitude is one of the most absolute discretion.
But Lady Whitelaw's sisters were in the secret, and was it likely that they maintained absolutediscretion in talking with their Twybridge friends?
We are on the point of starvation, not so much from absolute want of food, but from the want of nutriment in what we can get.
The worst point about him appears to be his want of consistency and miserable prevarication; but this may have been weakness rather than absolute absence of principle, or of any due sense of right or wrong.
HOW TO GET THE BEST OUT OF BOOKS 92 Is the Higher Education an Absolute Necessity?
But granting it to be the fact, don't you see the absolute futility of asking for thirty-five millions additional capital at such a crisis?
While Christiern was exercising his cruelty towards the Swedes, the Danish nobility, offended at his usurping absolute power, combined against him under the auspices of Prince Frederic, and finally succeeded in expelling him from Denmark.
Parliament and the king were to have absolute power over the colonies.
But Idleness taxes many of us much more, if we reckon all that is spent in absolute Sloth, or doing of nothing, with that which is spent in idle Employments or Amusements, that amount to nothing.
She keeps him from people because the doctor has ordered absolute quiet.
He had been saved from grievous disease only by a sound organism, which felt the absolute need of expending its superfluous energy.
Absolute infidelity was obliterated, and among men passed as something permitted, almost customary.
If I brought nothing more than that to this torpor," said Pan Stanislav, "it would be very much, for there is an absolute lack of energy.
Pan Stanislav became daily less absolute in some way, more condescending in his judgments of people, and milder, not only in relation to her, but in relation to all persons with whom life brought him into contact.
But is it true," asked the unmoved Bigiel, "that thou art in absolute need of this money?
At the same time he took it ill,--for example, that she did not love him with a certain exuberant and absolute love, and opened her heart to him only when duty commanded.
When it came her turn to read there was absolute silence.
Under some agents and owners these housekeepers have absolute control of the property.
We use the word poor so carelessly that there is confusion where absolute misapprehension has not developed as to the character of the largest, most receptive, most responsive and most responsible class of citizens of New York.
This rule is often as absolute as though they were the owners of the house.
The uncertainty of work, and the absolute dependence of the worker on wages, make snobbishness dangerous; that often proves a boomerang their observation shows.
But the mass of working men place their wives in a perfectly independent position by making them the absolute disbursers of their incomes.
The absolute impossibility of getting two equally good rooms in the neighborhood for the same rent kept the majority of the families.