It will, perhaps, startle the average reader when the statement is made that whisky and its near relatives just referred to, particularly when diluted by water, are by far the least harmful of all alcoholic drinks.
It is more wholesome when taken without lemon juice, and like coffee it is less disposed to produce trouble if largely diluted with milk, or if taken without cream or sugar.
He bathed the wound with a little diluted wine, and brought the edges of it as near together as he could, and confined them with a suture, administering a mild aperient.
Ipecacuanha was administered; and that having sufficiently worked, a small quantity of diluted sulphuric acid was given.
I then ordered that it should daily be carefully washed, and dilutedtincture of myrrh be applied to the wounds.
I have seen a drachm of it diluted with a pint of distilled water, rapidly allay cuticular inflammation.
I next, with the forceps and knife, cleaned the others, and ordered the diluted chlorinated lime to be alternated with tincture of myrrh and water.
If there have been any previous ulcerations, or the slightest fetor, the mouth should he frequently washed with a diluted solution of the chloride of lime; one part of the saturated solution, and eleven of water.
The decayed and loose teeth being removed, chlorinated lime diluted with 15 or 20 times its bulk of water should be applied to the gums.
Pour on half a pint of oyster liquor diluted with two wine glasses or a jill of water, and the juice of a lemon.
But the colour (particularly if black) may in most cases be restored by rubbing the place with hartshorn; which if very strong should be somewhat diluted with water, or it will leave a tinge of its own.
A shorter and more usual method is carried out as follows: The solution of chloride of zinc is prepared by adding bits of zinc to some commercial hydrochloric acid diluted with a little (say 25 per cent) of water.
For optical purposes the best plan is to use a paint made up of "drop" black, ground very fine with a little shellac varnish, and diluted for use with alcohol.
Finally, the compound is diluted by adding oil of lavender up to a total weight of 1400 grams (of oil).
If the dilution is still further diluted until it is scarcely visibly clouded, the animals inoculated remain alive and a noticeable improvement in their condition soon supervenes.
Tuberculous guinea pigs, on the other hand, are killed by the injection of very small quantities of such diluted cultivations.
According to Koch, his remedy, consisting of a brownish liquid, is easily perishable as soon as it is diluted with water; he recommends the preparation of the dilution of the remedy with a 5 per cent.
For use this fluid must be more or less diluted and these dilutions are perishable when made with distilled water; Bacterian vegetation soon develops in them and they become turbid and are no longer fit for use.
Through repeated heating as also through the mixture with the phenol the efficiency of the diluted solution appears to be curtailed after a time and for that reason I have always used solutions as fresh as possible.
I have already shown that carbonic acid diluted with air induces an enhancement of the rate of growth, but its long continued action induces a depression (p.
With diluted carbonic acid the acceleration may persist for an hour or more.
The natural and nutritive juices of the vegetable, the sugar and albumen, are retained instead of being drawn out and diluted by boiling in several pints of water, and consequently wasted and thrown away.
For the cure of sore eyes a paste of strawberry plants and pepper was prescribed, to be diluted for use in sweet wine.
The solution is used by shaking a few drops into the cup or, diluted with an equal volume of water, it is run down the main channel when the latex flows.
The latex is now in glazed-tile tanks, in which it is further diluted to the required standard by means of a recording instrument.
Each tapper's latex isdiluted with a quantity of water.
This can be done with reasonable approximity by placing both instruments in a tall vessel containing well-mixed and diluted latex.
In the ordinary way this would entail a great deal of labour in handling the diluted latex.
These latices are always diluted to a uniform standard daily.
The latex is diluted with two, three, or four volumes of water and coagulated with acid in a vessel which is rotated with a churning motion.
But we still have only 1 gallon of real latex present in the diluted latex, and it is only necessary to add sufficient acid to coagulate this gallon--i.
In modern practice, however, undiluted latex is usually diluted to a standard which may vary on different estates from 1-1/4 lbs.
The latex is diluted down to standard in the cylinders, the truck is moved opposite the compartment to be filled, and a light movable gutter is placed beneath the vent of the outlet pipe.
The rubbish bins of Harper's and the Century have opened their lids not to new movements but only to the diluted imitations of new movers, etc.
Blood diluted with saliva and rubbed on glass, beautifully distinct 5.
He stated that copper, for example, and discs of cloth or pasteboard, moistened with diluted nitrous acid and solutions of muriat of soda and sulphuret of potash, and arranged in the order named (viz.
Currant juice and wild cherries, apple sauce, diluted lemon juice, are all of great benefit.
Dose: From one-half to three teaspoonfuls a day, pure or diluted in milk, according to the individual directions given.
Of alcoholic drinks the best is light wine (bordeaux), first diluted and later in its natural state.
For a similar reason acid drinks, such as lemonade, raspberry vinegar, and diluted raspberry juice, are of the greatest services in inflammations and fevers.
If there are many morsels of casein apparent in the same, the quantity of milk must be reduced and given in diluted form.
Lay the trussed chickens in a pot, and pour over them a large cupful of your soup-stock diluted with as much boiling water.
Cut each giblet into three pieces, and put on to boil in stock made of the remnant of your mock turtle soup, diluted with water and strained.
Soak two cups of bread-crumbs in a cupful of yesterday’s gravy, dilutedwith a little of your soup-stock.
He had his hand on his own treasure, was in the act of taking it, trembling a little, but more elated, as he stood in a ruby flood only partially diluted by the broken window behind the blind.
They faced each other in the rosy light, now doubly diluted by the open door, and Pocket did not move.
Inks which appear when exposed to light:-- Diluted solution of nitrate of silver.
Bake in hot oven or boil ten minutes and thicken with raw yolks of two eggs diluted in cream.
Cover the cream entirely with a layer of selected fresh whole strawberries, and apply, with a decorating brush, lightly diluted red currant jelly; spray the top with finely chopped pistachio nuts.
A definite small quantity of common air is diluted with a fixed large quantity of dustless air (i.
The vapour rising under the tray is not diluted by the mixture with the drier air which is occasioned by the passing wind; therefore, though only cooled to the same extent as the air outside, it yields a heavier deposit of dew.
Frost is a wonderful artist; during the night he has been dipping his brush into something like diluted schist, and laying it gracefully on the smooth panes.
When the skin is irritable more oil should be added, or it should be diluted with a little water.
The next step is to fill a burette (which must be graduated to grains) with the diluted urine to 0.
Diluted with six volumes of distilled water, it gives no precipitate with chloride of barium or nitrate of silver--indicating absence of sulphuric and hydrochloric acids.
By digesting nitric acid (diluted with about half its weight of water) on iron or ferric hydrate.
If for internal use it must be diluted with four times its volume of spirit.
A solution of soluble Prussian blue in either oxalic or hydrochloric acid, slightly diluted, and afterwards further diluted with water to the proper shade of colour.
When this latter has been sufficientlydiluted with the decarbonised iron the operation is complete.
Diluted with twice or thrice its weight of water, it is employed as a collyrium in chronic ophthalmia, and in specks on the cornea.
At the age of a month one teaspoonful of orange juice may be given; it should be diluted with water and sugar added if it is tart.
It is not, as some think, a diluted version of Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Taoism, or of any special religion.
But, luckily for the curious, there is a species of diluted Indian-hater, one whose heart proves not so steely as his brain.
When, however, the gas was diluted with a little more than double its volume of common air, he was enabled to breathe it for nearly a minute, when it produced a slight degree of giddiness, and an inclination to sleep.
In a diluted form, it may destroy by its specific influence upon the blood, which would seem to be of a highly sedative character.
Mr. Watt's observations on the respiration of diluted hydro-carbonate by man, and the experiments of Dr.
The fallacy of this theory was soon demonstrated by a few coarse experiments, made on small quantities of this gas procured, in the first instance, from zinc and diluted nitrous acid.