Pity the poor groveling hack at the bottom who has not the brain-power either to understand or to control that which his very presence and necessities create.
Avarice is an absolutely base passion, and a grand poetical character cannot consistently be raised upon such a foundation, nor can a nature be at once groveling and majestic.
We are quite far enough from heaven, mount as many stairs as we will, without groveling by preference.
Instead of the youth of Greece ascending with free flight and all the future of the world before it, decrepit Italy, the Italy so rightly drawn by Marino in his Pianto, lay groveling in the dust of decaying thrones.
We have this quality held up to ridicule in the learned man and the ignorant man, for Sancho Panza is as much of an unrealist as his master, only he is a groveling visionary while Don Quixote is a soaring one.
The devotees groveling in abject superstition, offered up their Christ on the reeking, blood-stained altar, and ate his flesh and drank his blood to wash their sins away.
The man who had been groveling in the boat in sheer terror was now on his feet.
The other was groveling in terror on the boat's thwarts.
Get up, you black rascal," roared Ben, for by this time they had come up to the groveling figure and saw that he was even blacker than the redoubtable Pork Chops, who had run back to camp at top speed as soon as they had sighted the fugitive.
Count, groveling on the ground; 'only part of that money came from me.
She wanted to kiss his hand, but he hurried from the woman and left her groveling behind him.
Because thou hast done this, thou art accurst Above all Cattel, each Beast of the Field; Upon thy Belly groveling thou shalt goe, And dust shalt eat all the days of thy Life.
At one and the same time she was a naked slave-wench groveling under the whip, and the proud Devi of Vendhya.
She returned to her own dais, because that was at least more dignified for a queen than groveling on the floor at the feet of a sorcerer, and eyed him apprehensively, expecting reprisals.
New ways I must attempt, my groveling name To raise aloft, and wing my flight to fame.
Groveling on earth we still must lie, Till Christ the curse repeal: Till Christ descending from on high Infected nature heal.
Everything was perfect, from the wreath and veil to the tiny sandaled feet and lying there in her mute repose she looked more like some exquisite piece of sculpture than anything that had ever lived and moved in this groveling world of ours.
He writes a groveling preface; endeavors to excuse Kopernik for his novel idea.
Their main aim seems to be to reduce Copernicus to the groveling level of Osiander, making of his discovery a mere hypothesis; but occasionally they require a virtual giving up of the whole Copernican doctrine, e.
A rational mind may be, and often is, so narrow and groveling as not to aim at any higher good, to understand its nature or to believe its existence.
Why does he not rise from his groveling sphere in this small island, which floats in the ocean of space, as a small black speck, amid the numberless shining orbs?