He was an advocate for unequivocal sincerity; and had often, in my presence, descanted on the evils which arise in society from the despotism of rank and riches.
However the regard which I have for you, is so unequivocal to myself, I imagine that it must be sufficiently obvious to every body else.
Their glances met, and there was such unequivocal love expressed in that of the pious marquise, that her royal disciple blushed with gratification.
And it would cost you but a word to give rank and anunequivocal position to my favorite daughter.
My beautiful mistress is noble and rich; she refuses all my gifts, and yet she is about to give me unequivocal proof of her love: she is about to leave her lovely Italian home, and fly with me to Munich.
He had his own reasons for not quitting Wythburn after he had received his very unequivocal "sneck posset.
Then he remounted his horse, and, with such show of valorous reluctance as could still be assumed after so unequivocal an overthrow, he made the best of haste away.
But the important inference, which you intend that inattentive or incompetent readers should draw therefrom, shall be scattered to the winds by the unequivocal testimony of no less distinguished a witness than yourself.
A grander or more unequivocaltestimony to our LORD'S eternal GODhead is nowhere to be found in Scripture.
We must absolutely be furnished, I say, with internal evidence of the most unequivocal character; or else with external testimony of a direct and definite kind, if we are to admit that the actual conclusion of S.
His version is said to have been exposed to certain corrupting influences; but the unequivocal evidence which it bears to the last verses of S.
They deliver themselves in the most unequivocal way.
This was a direct and unequivocaltestimony to the prescience of the good father, for to no ears but his own had the tidings been communicated.
A dubious expression of countenance, which Anthony but too well understood, accompanied these words; and villain was expressed by indications too unequivocal to be easily mistaken through every change and inflection of his visage.
Adam de Button hurried to the postern, where he saw two horsemen, bearing unequivocal signs of their allegiance to the renowned constable of Chester.
He has visited, compared, and meditated on the unequivocal vestiges of more than one hundred and fifty antique citadels, altogether neglected by the Greek and Roman authors.
All consented with unequivocal signs of gratitude.
In accepting the doctrine of a resurrection, we are to be guided by faith; which, however, is supported by abundant revelation, given in a manner unequivocal and sure.
His answer was an unequivocal endorsement of submission to the laws.
The head in particular expresses feeling in a mostunequivocal way.
Even the cuneiform system of writing, with all its extraordinary complexities, is believed by philologists to giveunequivocal evidence of Sumerian origin.
Strong as had been my conviction of the danger, I was shocked at this unequivocal opinion.
But the most direct and unequivocal testimony to the power of the Tuscans, and that that power was principally, if not entirely, derived from their maritime skill and commerce, is to be found in Livy.
These short and hasty glimpses sufficed, however, to convey all that was necessary to the eye of a man who had been nurtured on that element, where circumstances now exacted of him such constant and unequivocal evidences of his skill.
In the Bábí Dispensation, however, it was destined to be established in clear and unequivocal language, though not embodied in a separate document.
This was a severe labor, and followed by unequivocalpuerperal fever, or peritonitis.
Even iodine, which, as it is found in certain plants, seems less remote from the animal tissues, gives unequivocal proofs from time to time that it is hostile to some portions of the glandular system.
So the spinal canal, the existence of which, at least in the adult, has been so often disputed, appears as a coarse and unequivocal anatomical fact in many of the preparations referred to.
Perhaps this was said to ascertain my sentiments upon the subject, which I immediately, and in the most unequivocal manner, stated to be in direct opposition to the measure.
Adelheid returned his evident solicitude by a smile of love, but its painful expression was so unequivocal as to heighten the baron's fears.
By following those false lights, France has bought undisguised calamities at a higher price than any nation has purchased the most unequivocal blessings.
Thus have we presented a comprehensive summary of the most unequivocal and irrefragable testimony of the South against the iniquitous institution of human slavery.