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Example sentences for "unbending"

Lexicographically close words:
unbelievably; unbeliever; unbelievers; unbelieving; unbend; unbends; unbeneficed; unbent; unbeseeming; unbiased
  1. Prone toward conciliation in every fiber of his life, how did he inwardly, how could he openly vindicate his unbending determination to uphold his faith, and carry through the war?

  2. And in that sturdy loyalty of that lone man a seeing eye discerns nothing less than the unbending majesty of a Nation's self-respect.

  3. Physical law--what tragic issues its stern, unbending course brings with terrific incidence on man!

  4. Reveal to us the larger goodness and love that speak through the unbending laws of Thy world.

  5. It is true I had my Sundays to myself; but Sundays, admirable as the institution of them is for purposes of worship, are for that very reason the very worst adapted for days of unbending and recreation.

  6. She was particularly excellent in her unbending scenes in conversation with the Clown.

  7. But comedy is not this unbending thing; for this reason, that the same degree of credibility is not required of it as to serious scenes.

  8. His knowledge of the Scriptures, the force of his reasoning, the purity of his life, and his unbending courage and integrity, won for him general esteem and confidence.

  9. Among his neighbors, liberality, affability, and active sympathy mark his social intercourse, and unbending integrity and justice all his dealings.

  10. I took the hand she held out with a dignified, unbending air, and it was as calm in mine as if her breast had been at peace.

  11. In the emergency the most far-seeing recommended a more unbending policy of extermination.

  12. Mullá Ḥusayn was a man of profound scholarship and unbending will.

  13. He was arrogantly unbending at the start of the Báb's incarceration, and would not allow any follower of the Báb to stay in the town, even for one night.

  14. In the character of Mr. Clarke were combined unbending integrity and conscientiousness, with great kindness of spirit and manner.

  15. His stern and unbending regard to principle sometimes occasioned a roughness of exterior, and occasionally appeared to assume an austere and unkind aspect.

  16. I was 'unbending over a book,' that was all.

  17. I shall not long interrupt the unbending process.

  18. On this boy Mrs. Ponsonby had founded all her hopes of a renewal of happiness for her cousin; but when she had left England there had been little amalgamation between the volatile animated boy, and his grave unbending father.

  19. General Grant's campaigns were varied in their requirements and, but for the fertility of his resources and his unbending will, might often have ended in disaster.

  20. At such a moment, with so recent an instance of danger to your cause from treason, I wonder not at Washington's unbending justice.

  21. That eye once so bold was now lifeless, that mouth which bespoke an unbending cheerful mind was closed, the features rigid; but still the smile, that last dying salute with which he greeted his master, played upon his lips.

  22. He dwelt upon the extraordinary mixture in his character, the foundation of which was truly great, but was too often disturbed by rage, malice, and unbending pride.

  23. George von Fronsberg had been the first to keep them in some measure in subordination, and by the renown of his name, by daily exercise, and unbending severity, succeeded in forming them into something like an army.

  24. I speak of those who deduce political conclusions not from laws of nature, not from sequences of phenomena, real or imaginary, but from unbending practical maxims.

  25. The order in which truths of the various degrees of generality should be ascertained, cannot, I apprehend, be prescribed by any unbending rule.

  26. People employed unbending the | Sails and cleaning the Decks.

  27. I hope it may indifferently entertain your lordship at an unbending hour.

  28. On this principle we must refer Shakspeare's representations to a more unbending standard than a poet's fantasy.

  29. His unbending Toryism made it impossible for him to give any satisfactory explanation of so complex a fact as the French Revolution, or accurately to estimate the forces that were to shape the Europe of the 19th century.

  30. Throughout the whole of Acts Paul never stands forth as the unbending champion of the Gentiles.

  31. He recalled the unbending and deadly hatred with which that little woman spoke so quietly of the supreme vengeance of the fallen, of the revenge for long years of oppression.

  32. The Church, unbending in this matter, has remained upright and entire.

  33. Dudley looked as confused as one of his mould and unbending temperament might well be, though he stubbornly refused to understand the allusion of his offended companion.

  34. Notwithstanding the austerity of the old man's character, and the nearly unbending severity of his brow, the milk of human kindness had often been seen distilling from his stern nature in acts that did not admit of misinterpretation.

  35. There is some ground for believing, that the great parent of evil early looked with a malignant eye on the example of peacefulness, and of unbending morality, that the colonists of New-England were setting to the rest of Christendom.

  36. The youths of the dwelling regarded his unbending brow, and the undisturbed gravity of the eye it shadowed, with a respect akin to awe.

  37. Old Mark Heathcote occupied the chair in which he had been left, with that calm and unbending gravity of eye and features which were then thought indispensable to a fitting sobriety of spirit.

  38. She was so adorably girlish in her reasons for engaging board from Charleston aristocrats without even seeing the bedrooms, and with absolutely no idea of what remuneration those unbending dames would expect.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unbending" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adamant; aloof; constant; direct; dogged; dour; even; firm; fixed; flat; flinty; formal; fundamentalist; grim; hard; hidebound; horizontal; immovable; immutable; implacable; inelastic; inexorable; inflexible; intractable; intransigent; iron; ironbound; ironclad; irreconcilable; level; lineal; linear; loyal; merciless; monolithic; obdurate; obstinate; offish; orthodox; perverse; precise; puritanical; recalcitrant; rectilinear; relentless; right; rigid; rigorous; rockbound; rocky; settled; severe; smooth; stalwart; staunch; steadfast; steady; steely; stern; stiff; straight; streamlined; stubborn; tough; true; unaffected; unalterable; unapproachable; unbending; unbent; unbowed; unbroken; unchangeable; uncommunicative; uncompromising; undeviating; undistorted; uninterrupted; unkind; unmoved; unrelenting; unshaken; unswerving; unyielding; upright; vertical