When the Moor assumed regal state and affected Gothic sovereignty, his subjects were so offended that they revolted and murdered him.
This Moor hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been so clear in his great office, that his virtues would plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against the council which should censure him.
Strength and courage and hope seemed to come to her on Tippoo's back, facing the wind on the moor and gallopping over the wild, free way.
The wild moor was delicious; the freedom was delicious; only she was far from home and the afternoon was on the wane.
But it was a long, long way; the reach of moor seemed endless; for it was a very different thing to go over it on Black Maggie's feet from going over it on her own.
But it had none of any kind for Eleanor; and when she roused herself to think of it, she found she was in a distant part of themoor and drawing near to the hills aforesaid; a bleak and dreary looking region, and very far from home.
How beautiful the moor had been to her that morning!
You have not had rides enough over the moor lately.
Eleanor had a constant sense of that; but however, the ride was so capital, the moor so wild, the summer air so delicious, that by degrees she began to grow soothed and come down from rebellion to good humour.
Eleanor fled to the moor and to the wilds; walked, and rested on the stones, and thought; till she found thinking degenerate into musing; then she started up and went on.
After working for several years more as a brakesman at the Willington machine, George Stephenson was induced to leave his situation there for a similar one at the West Moor Colliery, Killingworth.
In 1808, Stephenson, with two other brakesmen, took a small contract under the colliery lessees for brakeing the engines at the West Moor Pit.
The railway from the West Moor Pit crosses this road close by the east end of the cottage.
He observed that the ropes which, at other pits in the neighbourhood, lasted about three months, at the West Moor Pit became worn out in about a month.
Speaking afterwards to a friend of his thoughts at the time, he said: “You know the road from my house at the West Moor to Killingworth.
Stephenson was again taken on as a brakesman at the West Moor Pit.
Other dogs, in thymy dew, Tracked the hares and followed through Sunny moor or meadow-- This dog only crept and crept Next a languid cheek that slept, Sharing in the shadow.
She concealed her litter in a whin-bush, brought the cattle home at the usual time with the utmost care, and, having delivered her charge, returned to the moor and brought home the puppies one by one.
A smaller one by two-thirds than the bowers, and larger than the kedges, used to ride steady, or moor with occasionally.
By former English maritime law it became the mother of wages, as the crew were obliged to moor the ship on her return in the docks or forfeit them.
A hawser smaller than the lower cables, and used with the stream-anchor to moor the ship in a sheltered river or haven; it is now more generally a small chain.
To moor quartering, between the two ways of across and along.
This was the public or day side of the mission; there was also the night side; for where the curiosity of the Moor is excited, it must be gratified, by fair or other means.
Mr. Frenerry recommends that a Moor should be treated not proudly, but with a certain degree of firmness, to shew him you will not be trifled with.
It often happens that a Marabout shrine will be visited by Moor and Jew, each investing the departed saint with his own peculiar sanctity.
A Moor was accused by the authorities of Mogador of being mixed up with the transaction, and immediately sent to the south, where he has not been heard of since.
On our entrance, the solitaryMoor raised his eyes, quietly, and said faintly, "Where is it?
I could not conceive the reason of a Moortaking such interest in feasts of the Jews.
Almost every distinguished Moor in the interior has built, or is building himself a spacious house.
Morocco itself is a city of profound gloom, where the Moor indulges to the utmost his taciturn disposition, and melancholy fatalism.
Sandie, the gillie whom she had known so well, with whom year after year she had passed so many pleasant and windy days on the moor or by the brown sparkling river, was barely recognisable.
His gloved hand touched his black horse, and the Camerons passed on over the wet moor toward Kilchurn.
They had crossed the moor and were entering a ravine between the hills, when Makian stopped, and looking back, motioned ahead.
I tell you, man, last night I was on the moor and it was alive with something.
The moorran here into a valley between two lines of hill, a cup bounded on three sides by the hills and on the fourth by the sea.
He had gone, as he so often did, over the moor to the Four Stones; he chose that place partly because of the Stones themselves and partly because of the wonderful view.
The most valuable work on Africa about this time is, however, that written by the Moor Leo Africanus in the early part of the 16th century.
By the other processes of agriculture, such as the transformation of moor and bog into cultivated land, and the clothing of bare hillsides with green crops or plantations of coniferous and hardwood trees.
As soon as Sancho Panza saw him enter arrayed in a shirt and a nightcap with the lamp in his hand, which showed him to be a very ugly man, he asked his master: "Will this by chance be some wizard Moor come to torment us?
When this advice is free I give, and honest, Probable to thinking, and, indeed, the course To win the Moor again.
Iago's soliloquy: But partly led to diet my revenge, For that I do suspect the lusty Moor Hath leap'd into my seat.
Pamina has tried to escape, and is put in chains by her keeper, the Moor Monostatos.
Others, again, describe his Moor as a masterpiece of burlesque, only inferior in its extravagance and nonsense to his Hamlet, which I do not think he ever attempted.
A few days later Mr. Carlyle was upon the moor again, but this time everything was very different.
She would be miles away from that dear peaceful spot, with only a rough country road to look out on, and the desolate-looking moor in the distance.
I am going up on the moor to tea--we are all going.
But it always was so on the down platform of the little Moor End station.
I am going to Moor End, but I have to get out at Kingfield, and change.
After the untidy old moor at home, it looks beautiful, granny.
I would love a picnic on the moor above all things," she said.
His eyes swept the moor anxiously, but in vain, and his fears increased, for a rider who had been not much hurt would surely appear soon, coming in search of her horse.
Moor End stood at the edge of the extreme end of King's Moor.
Up on the moor she threw herself down on a bed of heather, and with only the bees, and the larks, and the little westerly breeze for company, tried to think the matter out.
What be he a-doing here ten mile an' moor fro' a raäil?
And I would loove thamoor nor ony gentleman 'ud I loove tha.
An' I thanks ye fur that, Miss, moor nor fur the waäge.
The day the moor was dispatched to Barbary, the said jester waiting on the king at supper, the king called for his table-book, in which the jester kept a regular journal of absurdities.
Tayn't the same land to live in as it was when you used to come to our moor coursing, with the old lord; you remember that, I be sure, Mr Charles?
Caroline; "and for my part for a summer eve I prefer Mowbray Moor to all the Temples in the world, particularly if it's a sociable party and we have some good singing.
Crossing Mowbray Moor he encountered a great multitude, now headed for purposes of peace by Walter Gerard.
Her companions gazed on her with an air of affectionate reverence as she sang; each instant the stars becoming brighter, the wide moor assuming a darker hue.
Devilsdust, "and call a meeting of the people on the Moor for to-morrow evening.
The last light of the sun was shed over the Moor when Gerard reached it, and the Druids' altar and its surrounding crags were burnished with its beam.
The monster meeting of the Moor it was instantly resolved should be converted into a triumphant procession, or rather be preceded by one.
That he on that account had settled on a piece of land which consisted of moor and sand, and on which he would long since have starved if he had not also a beer saloon.
The place he vacated was again occupied by big John Mertens, who had a large farm on the moor between the Mohawk and the creek, near the church, and by some was considered to be better off than Herkimer himself.
The country continues to experience ethnic tensions between its black population and the dominantMoor (Arab-Berber) populace.
She reached the moor road by a short cut through, the back part of the town, and set out for Flint House in the velvety shadows of the early gloaming.
They went on again, and in a few minutes the car stopped at the end of the rough moor track, close to where the black cliffs dropped to the grey sea.
The moor and rocks were draped in black, and the only sounds which reached him were the disconsolate wail of the wind and the savage break of the sea on the rocks below.
The car stopped by the gate where the moor road ended.
It is scarcely twelve miles across the moorand moss," said Rae.
The moor track's under water, the ford just roaring full, and I'm thinking that to swim the Swift to-night is impossible.
The moor is white all over, and the air thick with sleet," he said.