Such associations often break out in decadent country communities where, with fewer and feebler offspring, lax notions of family discipline prevail and hoodlumism is the direct result of the passing of the rod.
Please she must, even though she can not admire, and can so easily despise men who can not lead her, although she become thereby lax and vapid.
The state authorities began to realize that their lax methods of railway supervision were being used as an argument for increased Federal interference.
The juries are either too kindly or too lax or too much corrupted by the nature of their own work.
This may very well have been the case, but Medwin was a man so lax of memory, tongue, and pen that his evidence, unconfirmed, counts for little.
Those who have become lax through bad habits, should set about acquiring good habits, like that of going to the Sacraments frequently.
Those in whom the wish is father to the lax judgment should make war on the passion that leads them astray.
A bad conscience that is in vincible error is divided according to its effects into the scrupulous and the lax conscience.
This is the golden mean between a laxand a scrupulous conscience.
One may belax and scrupulous about the same kind of things.
In particular cases a lax decision of conscience may be due to want of sufficient consideration or to a sudden storm of passion that obscures the reason, when one has no time for deliberation; and thus it is inculpable.
A conscience entirely lax takes an easy and indulgent view in all things.
According to the greater or less responsibility of the one in error, a lax conscience is either malicious or not malicious.
Is a lax person held responsible, if he does not know that he is lax?
In its worst state, when there is little hope of cure, a laxconscience is said to be seared or cauterized (I Tim.
We cannot be sincerely persuaded, that God looks with aversion on dispositions which we revere as good and noble; or that he regards with lax indifference the selfish and criminal passions which awaken our own disgust.