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Example sentences for "catatonic"

Lexicographically close words:
catarrhs; catastrophe; catastrophes; catastrophic; catastrophism; catbird; catbirds; catboat; catcalls; catch
  1. Moeli that it was hard to differentiate from a catatonic state.

  2. With the exception of Kirby, whose work has already been discussed in the introduction, we have been able to find only one author who has attempted any symptomatic discrimination of the recoverable and malignant catatonic states.

  3. The resemblance of the benign stupor to certain dementia præcox types is not merely a matter of identity with catatonic features (catalepsy, negativism).

  4. Kirby’s first claim is that there are probably fundamentally different catatonic processes, deteriorating and non-deteriorating.

  5. The stupor merged into a catatonic state merely by the development of the inconsistency in her affective reactions.

  6. The Catatonic Syndrome and Its Relation to Manic-Depressive Insanity.

  7. There is never any difficulty in diagnosis where a stupor appears as an incident in the course of a recognized case of catatonic dementia præcox.

  8. These catatonic aptitudes may be discovered by resort to clinical tests, such as letting the arm fall from the horizontal position.

  9. He went back to the front and stayed there, but shortly developed catatonic signs with visual hallucinations and delusions of persecution of a non-systematized nature, such as poisoning, being magnetized, etc.

  10. For nine months he showed a variety of symptoms apparently consistent with the diagnosis hysteria, but then developed catatonic and paranoic symptoms clearly warranting the diagnosis dementia praecox.

  11. To be sure, the stuporous and catatonic cases are not very much in evidence in the army; when such cases do occur, it is easy enough to evacuate the patients to a hospital for observation.

  12. This case is the only catatonic one found by Boucherot in his war group.

  13. In short, it seemed as if this patient was a case of catatonic dementia praecox.

  14. So here he continued to remain alone in this posture of a defecating dog, within this strange catatonic trance, and with a numb aching in his head.

  15. To that he sensed or understood but not enough to be motivated out of his catatonic state for he had lost sovereignty and restraint of himself.

  16. Kutner,[8] in a work on the catatonic states in degenerates, describes this condition at length.

  17. The symptomatology of his psychosis could easily be mistaken for that of catatonic præcox, and, as a matter of fact, had been so diagnosed by the first observer.

  18. Although recognizing a good many hysterical features in these patients, he prefers to place these catatonic conditions under the general group of the psychoses of degeneracy.

  19. It partakes of Kutner's "catatonic states in degenerates" as well as Raecke's confusional hallucinatory disturbances in these individuals.

  20. He is untidy in his habits, another common catatonic characteristic, but is it to be expected that a catatonic, in the height of his disorder, will abstain from his filthy habits when threatened to be punished for these?

  21. Raecke further calls attention to the manifold similarities which these conditions may show with catatonic processes.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "catatonic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.