Yo' knows dey ain't let no little runty nigger have no chilluns.
Naw sir, dey ain't, dey operate on dem lak dey does de male hog so's dat dey can't have no little runty chilluns.
Runty Goss then opened them one by one, our troops entered, and the victorious standard of my country floated on the walls of Allyghur!
Thomas Higgory, a private, and Runty Goss, havildar, were the only two who remained out of the nine hundred who followed Lieutenant Gahagan.
And here I must pause to give thanks to Fortune, which so marvellously preserved me, Sergeant-Major Higgory, and Runty Goss.
He was runty and his hair was a kind of discouraged red.
He cut a second and a third, and when he looked back he saw that his labor was appreciated; the runty cow was biting eagerly at the first tree-top, and the wobbly calf was restored to his own.
You said short stripe," said the indignant buyer, pointing the finger of scorn at the runty little skin.
The best farmers never plant grains from tips or butts of ears, since it costs just as much to plant and cultivate and harvest a runty corn stalk bearing a nubbin as it does a lusty, towering stalk with two good ears of corn on it.
Runty considered himself something of a diplomat, and he let it be understood while on the way to Mr. Scollop's office that he would present the case.
Where the exact truth lies it is far from me to say, but it may be pertinent to mention that Runty and Mr. O'Fake have started a saloon in the Bowery.
Runty took the chair, and in a few earnest and well-chosen words, he dispatched the Ossified Man for a pitcher of beer.
Tony, however, declares that the Brotherhood gave in, while Runty says it is stronger than ever and more than ever determined to protect the rights of its members.
Mr. Scollop sprang from his chair and ran upstairs in frantic haste to give directions for rendering the exhibition-room as commodious as possible, leaving Runty and his fellow-committeemen in quite a state of mind.
He, Runty Mott, had then left at once for San Francisco, put the deal up to Baldy Vickers and Baldy's gang, and they had waited for Dave Henderson to arrive.
The hope that the police might veer around to the belief that Runty Mott and Baldy Vickers were, after all, the men to watch, was no good either--Barjan had made that equally clear.
Runty Mott had told the story--and Runty Mott's story went!
It wasRunty Mott, a miserable little red-haired rat of a race-course tout and hanger-on.
Runty Mott and his crowd must have been trailing me.
A big, powerful gray car had swept around the corner of the first street behind him, and, slowing for an instant, was picking up Runty Mott and his companions.
I didn't know what was up until then, when I caught sight of Runty Mott and the rest of his crowd pushing in through the door.
He caught a glimpse of a face among them that he knew--a little wizened face, crowned with flaming red hair--Runty Mott.
It meant Baldy Vickers and Runty Mott, and Baldy Vickers' gang.
And most or all of those runty little slavelings behind you," waving his left arm contemptuously at the group, "will also die before they cut me down.
We men will have to deal only with the flesh and blood of those runtymercenaries of Tark.