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Example sentences for "unpoetical"

Lexicographically close words:
unpleasing; unploughed; unplowed; unplumbed; unpoetic; unpoisoned; unpolarized; unpolished; unpolitical; unpolluted
  1. When he was of age his father established himself as a wine-merchant at Cheltenham, and Sydney afterwards exercised the same not unpoetical trade.

  2. Here are unpoetical lines which might have been written in prose, but Wordsworth had to give us some preliminary information so that we could follow his story.

  3. I quote from Wordsworth's Michael, one of the finest things in English literature, yet unpoetical in the first part: Upon the forest side in Grasmere Vale There dwelt a Shepherd, Michael was his name.

  4. He is certainly the most unpoetical of all God's creatures.

  5. A poet is the most unpoetical of anything in existence, because he has no identity; he is continually in for, and filling, some other body.

  6. But all that did not make him unpoetical in their eyes, and many of them, most of them, who were absolutely mad on him, went so far as to say that he did it like a swell!

  7. Such," says he, "is the very unpoetical detail of the life of a poet.

  8. Through the taste and improvement of this gentleman, it is now a beautiful spot, although fifteen years since it presented a very bare and unpoetical aspect.

  9. On the other side of the valley is an extraordinary mountain, very high, and wanting a large piece in the middle, as if cut out with a chisel, leaving two straight parallel sides, and called by the unpoetical name of the armchair.

  10. There was a portrait of Red Jacket, which gave me a most unpoetical low-life impression of that great palaverer.

  11. Yet 'tis strange how marvellously unpoetical these people are!

  12. I do loathe my most impotent and unpoetical craft!

  13. Whether they have a right or not to publish the poetical side of their married life, it is too much to ask them to give you the unpoetical also.

  14. On the authority of the most unpoetical of critics, we must still hear that the poet has no line so bad.

  15. I confess a critic might be allowed to be somewhat fastidious in this unpoetical diction on the high-way, which I believe Dryden never used.

  16. Surely this lies in the selfish, mechanical, unpoetical spirit of our times.

  17. Is there a human being so unpoetical as not to feel that the glories of such memorials, even to this very day, throw a lustre around the feeblest representative of such a race?

  18. Unpoetical incident--From the sublime to the ridiculous.

  19. With reason therefore the delicate poetic tact of the nations has not troubled itself about the unpoetical Roman, and on the other hand has invested the son of Philip with all the golden lustre of poetry, with all the rainbow hues of legend.

  20. The streamlet sings little even to itself through that flat district; the mossy bridge has given way to a good, substantial, but unpoetical stone one.

  21. This house of the unpoetical Lady Howe was also erected on the site of an elegant little villa, belonging to Hudson, the painter, the master of Sir Joshua Reynolds.

  22. How could they have ventured to make a change of scene in presence of such an unpoetical chorus as this, totally unconnected with the piece, and yet thrust into the very middle of the representation?

  23. But the grocer and his wife represent a whole genus, namely, those unpoetical spectators, who are destitute of a feeling for art.

  24. Well, the Government has seized all this in effect, and will yet seize it in rigid and unpoetical reality, no doubt.

  25. Mr. Alfred Lammle on his unpoetical justice to Mr. Fledgeby in Our Mutual Friend.

  26. A poet is the most unpoetical of anything in existence, because he has no Identity--he is continually in for and filling some other body.

  27. On one of these excursions, after walking several hours over a rather unattractive region, I arrived at a very romantic spot, known by the unpoetical name of Black Swamp.

  28. The unpoetical side of Protestantism is, that it has no women to be worshipped.

  29. More unpoetical than the average man of business, or man of law, Claude?

  30. As a fact, the majority of sportsmen are of the most unpoetical type of manhood.

  31. Religious life was thus invested by Anan with a gloomy and unpoetical character.

  32. The Arabs were thus in intimate intercourse with the Jews, and the sons of the desert, whose unpoetical mythology afforded them no matter for inspiration, derived much instruction from Judaism.

  33. These intimations of the future are, for the most part, altogether of an unpoetical and unimaginative character.

  34. They teach us to revel in ideal scenes of transport and distraction; and harden our hearts against living misery, by making us so refined as to feel disgust at its unpoetical accompaniments.

  35. No tedious papillotes, or unpoetical pins were here.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unpoetical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ascetic; austere; bald; bare; candid; common; commonplace; direct; dry; dull; frank; homely; homespun; lean; natural; neat; plain; prosaic; prosy; pure; rustic; severe; simple; sober; spare; stark; straightforward; unadorned; unaffected; unimaginative; unpoetical; unvarnished