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Example sentences for "broad"

Lexicographically close words:
britty; broach; broached; broaches; broaching; broadaxe; broadcast; broadcasted; broadcaster; broadcasters
  1. All these considerations suggest that the Commission was bound by the broad requirements of natural justice.

  2. It is also clear that in a broad sense the principles of natural justice apply to Commissions of Inquiry, although what those principles require varies with the subject-matter of the inquiry.

  3. What is needed is a broad and balanced assessment of what has happened and been done in the general environment of the case under consideration.

  4. And we went on to explain why we think the Royal Commission was bound by the broad requirements of natural justice.

  5. To be sure I is, chile," returned the old nurse, with a broad grin of satisfaction.

  6. I'm stiff, Whistler," said one of them in the broad drawl of the city gamin.

  7. It crossed her mind that the broad brim had a familiar look.

  8. Their carriage had passed through Broad street, in the rear of Cazenove, a few minutes before, and when the alarm sounded Tristram had ordered the coachman to turn and drive them back.

  9. When he rose at McCausland's signal the entire court-room followed his broad back receding through the door of the chamber.

  10. A big bloke--I mean a tall man--was running down the alleyway into Broad street.

  11. No man in his senses would set his own house afire and then walk out in broad daylight, as I saw Mr. Floyd do.

  12. It was broad moonlight, and the trees and fences afforded little shelter to the runaways.

  13. So our urchins, approaching from the Broad street side, coolly entered the forbidden precincts thereby, thus eluding the blue-coated watchers by a flank movement as simple as it was effective.

  14. Dobbs climbed with more difficulty and was puffing heavily when, with Robert's help, he reached the broad top of the wall.

  15. A broad sheet of flame barred their exit to the stairs, which were midway along the corridor.

  16. It was on Broad street, the afternoon of the fire.

  17. Now Robert, hemmed in by a broad line of 400 armed opponents, had already chosen this outlet of escape for himself.

  18. I walked toward my uncle's up Broad street, entered the passageway, mounted the steps and found the side door open.

  19. A broad smile spread from face to face like a row of lamps lighted successively by an electric current.

  20. The floor of the building was occupied by rows of long, cushionless benches, supplying the place of pews, and the broad aisle formed a sexual division, impassable except by children beneath a certain age.

  21. But now, again, there were reports and many paragraphs in the newspapers, affirming that the likeness of the Great Stone Face had appeared upon the broad shoulders of a certain eminent statesman.

  22. A woman, having her face muffled in a hood, and a cloak drawn completely about her form, advanced slowly up the broad aisle, and took a place upon the foremost bench.

  23. You may be in some of the great cities, or on the broad prairies, or among the park-like forests of the Sierra, or in Puget Sound, but you will never forget this day.

  24. A winter evening, a night of storm, had darkened over Pearson's habitation, and there were no cheerful faces to drive the gloom from his broad hearth.

  25. But if there were gold in that dungeon--broad bars of gold, or shining silver, or a prize that would make you rich, would you ask me the how and the where?

  26. For these people mingled with others and lost their individual identity when they entered the broad path to Mexico over which such extensive migrations were then passing.

  27. Between the broad flaming sky and the broad flaming river there was only a long narrow strip of dark bronze-green bank, that seemed to burst into flame where the almost white hot sun sank scowling behind it.

  28. I sat in the long gloaming enjoying the soft, warm, supple air, and watching the tints gradually change and die round the sweep of the horizon, and across the immense mirror of the Nile as broad as a lake.

  29. There are certain points of view in which Boston, rising beyond broad sheets of water that repeat them still more tenderly, seems to me worthy of a great painter.

  30. The wreath is composed of laurel, entwined with which are immortelles, and it is tied with broad satin ribbon.

  31. At this time of year the broad coffee-coloured sweep of the river is bordered on either side by a fillet of green of the most extraordinary vivacity, but redeemed from any hint of crudity by the golden light which inundates it.

  32. Meanwhile, our brief correspondence only throws into stronger light the impossibility to which I believe I alluded in my first letter, of dealing with such a subject within the compass of a letter, and in broad and sweeping outlines.

  33. He found out about sunset, for at that time the column reached the banks of a small water-course, and there they struck the trail, which was so broad and plain that it could be followed at a gallop.

  34. It sounded before them and to the right and left of them, indicating that the herd was an immense one, and that it was advancing with a front broad enough to overwhelm the entire camp.

  35. Heedless of the carriage-drivers who shouted at him and even dogged him along street after street, he sauntered in the broad sunshine, plucking his grapes and relishing them.

  36. She issued from shadows into broad moonlight, looked once round, once at the gleaming crags, and passed again into gloom.

  37. The instant after, however, it emerged into the broad light, and the whole dress and appearance removed at once anything like apprehension which he had previously felt.

  38. He was a very tall man, perhaps six feet two or six feet three in height, with a forehead equally broad and high, rising from a pair of shaggy white eyebrows.

  39. It was a large and populous place, with one broad street running up a hill, and several smaller ones deviating from the main road at right angles, with numerous lanes and alleys meandering at the back.

  40. The Settlement, the long-wished end of their journey, could not be more than 20 to the North, yet his progress was arrested by a broad and rapid river, to head the supposed bend of which he had ineffectually travelled nearly 50 miles.

  41. The first 8 miles was to a broad rocky creek, over tea-tree and box flats, and small plains, fairly grassed, the best coast country that had been seen.

  42. The party camped at the end of about two miles on the right bank of a broad deep creek running in from S.

  43. The river was broad and sandy, running in two or three channels, and occasionally spreading into long reaches.

  44. Raleigh arrived at his house in Broad Street on August 7.

  45. Raleigh took a house in Broad Street, where he spent fourteen months in discreet retirement, and then sailed on his last voyage.

  46. A terrific shriek followed her words, and she fell with her head upon her horse's mane; a broad flash of lightning had burst from a dark cloud, and came with vivid force upon her eyeballs.

  47. The candles had burned down in the apartment, and the fire, now reduced to a mere mass of red embers, scarce threw a gleam beyond the broad hearth-stone.

  48. I am poor and powerless, but if the broad lands that were once our own, were mine now, I'd give them all for that one service.

  49. Amid the unfamiliarity his eye caught an object he recognized,--the broad angular back of a man.

  50. Blair folded up the broad brim of his hat and looked from face to face as it was revealed by the uncertain light from the window.

  51. A broad leather belt held the heavy coat in place, and attached to it was a thin sheath from which protruded the stout handle of a hunting-knife.

  52. Not a nerve twitched or a muscle stirred in his long body; then he stood up, the broad sinewy shoulders squared, the masterful chin lifted.

  53. As he came closer, Mr. Baker took in the details of the long free stride, of the broad chest, the square uplifted chin, with something akin to admiration.

  54. Sidwell put on his hat, its broad brim shading his eyes and concealing their expression.

  55. It was Florence Baker he saw now--Florence, all in fleecy white; the girl and himself were on the broad veranda of the Baker home.

  56. A catch came into her throat, and she dropped her head to the broad shoulder as before.

  57. His knowledge of the Almighty by name had been largely confined to that of a word to conjure with in mastering an obstreperous bronco; but, in the broad sense of personal cleanliness and individual duty, he was religious to the core.

  58. Upon his head, seemingly a load in itself, was a broad sombrero; and surrounding it, beneath a band which at one time had been very gaudy but was now sobered by sun and rain, were stuck a score or more of matches.

  59. It was broad and free and natural, as the prairies, his prairies, were natural and free.

  60. By the broad glow of daylight the place was anything but inviting.

  61. From either end of the room bunks, broad as beds, were let down from the wall, and the blankets that formed their linings were carefully smoothed out.

  62. Far out over the broad expanse, indefinite as to distance, the rising sun seemed resting upon the very rim of the world.

  63. Roebling maintains no staff of highbrow sociologists to discuss the things capital should do in order to make labor's pathway broad and bright.

  64. The mill buildings went up first, on a broad space of one hundred acres levelled off for them, and then the town began to grow.

  65. In due time they stood complete, with their broad bases welded to the rock by an ingenious bond of stone and concrete in the river's bed, and their crests nearly three hundred feet above the top of the tide.

  66. To put it in broad but expressive Scotch, Foley is just "a neebour laddie.

  67. On one bank of the valley is a broad flat meadow, where cattle are wading more than ankle-deep in buttercups and grass; on the other merry haymakers are busy; away beyond are sunny braelands with a horizon of elms.

  68. From the broad panel at the other side of the door a board lets down at pleasure, and this forms still another seat for an extra passenger besides myself.

  69. You can bury him in the sand all but the nose; you can clothe him from head to tail with broad bands of wet seaweed, he enjoys it all, takes everything in good part.

  70. There were certain objections to the inn he chose, however; so, having settled the Wanderer on the broad village green, I went to another inn.

  71. The road is broad and good, and so tree-lined as often to merit the name of avenue.

  72. Long straight broad avenues go in all directions through it.

  73. Here, near the hotel, is a broad but shallow river; there is a clump of trees near it too.

  74. Hurricane Bob and I are reclining among our rugs on the broad coupe.

  75. Sturdy chiels, not one under six feet high, and broad and hard in proportion.

  76. There were thin white curtains at the windows, held back by broad bands of yellow ribbon.

  77. Then the broad white petals began to fall off one by one, and it was Davy's face in the centre.

  78. The light from the hall lamp streamed across the steps where the four Bobs rolled and tumbled around over each other, but except for that one broad path of light they could see nothing.

  79. Broad thongs may be cut from other men’s leather.

  80. And that was that between them until Herr Krumpstadt swung the car into a long, broad street and rolled to a stop at the curb.

  81. The window looked out on a broad expanse of ground, that had before the war been rather artistically landscaped, but since then had been allowed to go to seed.

  82. The strong guiding hands, the firmly set feet, the clear, broad brow of the Mother and the uncompromisingly simple, sculpturally pure lines of figure and garments are honest and commanding in beauty.

  83. Such an unusual combination of faculties defined a man broader and more profound than his broad achievement - one of the rare personalities in our Art, the most this exponent that sculpture has known in this land.

  84. She is deep-bosomed and broad of thigh and stands as though storms and monsters had no terrors, as one accustomed to breast and conquer the waves.

  85. Standing on this frail bridge of speech, I see into that broad field of life and thought which lies beyond the confines of our care, and into which, through the gates that I have now unlocked, may soon be borne the sunshine of human intellect.

  86. We may briefly compare these two creatures in a broad and general way, so that the unscientific and casual reader may comprehend.

  87. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broad" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstract; advanced; aleatory; alveolar; amorphous; ample; artless; assimilated; babe; baby; back; baggage; bawdy; bird; bitch; bland; blue; bluff; blunt; blurred; broad; brusque; burlesque; candid; capacious; central; cerebral; chance; chancy; chaotic; chick; close; coarse; collective; colleen; comic; comical; commodious; comprehensive; confused; consonant; copious; cosmopolitan; dame; damsel; deep; dental; diffuse; direct; disordered; doll; dorsal; downright; earthy; eclectic; encyclopedic; expansive; explicit; extended; extensive; farcical; fat; featureless; filly; flat; foggy; forthright; frank; free; front; full; fuzzy; gal; general; generic; generous; genuine; girl; glide; global; glottal; gross; gutter; guttural; hard; harridan; hazy; heavy; heifer; hen; high; hoyden; hussy; inaccurate; inchoate; inclusive; incoherent; indecisive; indefinable; indefinite; indeterminate; indiscriminate; indistinct; inexact; infinite; ingenuous; jade; labial; large; lass; lateral; lax; liberal; light; lingual; liquid; loose; low; maid; maiden; meagre; mid; minx; muted; narrow; nasal; nebulous; neutral; obscene; obscure; open; outspoken; palatal; pharyngeal; phonetic; phonic; pickup; piece; pitched; plain; purple; racy; radical; random; rank; raw; risky; risque; romp; roomy; round; rounded; salty; sexy; shadowy; shady; shapeless; sincere; skirt; slip; slut; soft; sonant; spacious; spicy; squeeze; stopped; straight; straightforward; stressed; strong; strumpet; suggestive; surd; sweeping; syllabic; tart; tense; thick; throaty; tolerant; tomato; tomboy; tonal; tonic; transparent; trollop; unaccented; unchecked; unclear; unconstrained; uncouth; undefined; undetermined; undifferentiated; unequivocal; unguarded; universal; unreserved; unrestrained; unspecified; unstressed; vague; vast; veiled; virgin; voiced; voiceless; voluminous; vowel; vulgar; wanton; weak; wench; wholesale; whore; wicked; wide; widespread

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    broad arrow; broad band; broad base; broad belt; broad daylight; broad expanse; broad flat; broad gauge; broad grin; broad sense; broad smile; broad valley; broad white; broadcast station; broadcast stations; broadly elliptical; broadly oval; broadly ovate; broadly speaking