To the lowermost ring of the buoy, which was painted in red, white, and blue horizontal bands, was shackled fifty fathoms of light chain.
Already his feet were wedged against the now almost horizontal side.
All hands aft," ordered Captain Raxworthy, in the hope that the redistribution of weight would keep the hull in a horizontal position.
Fortunately the list of the ship had brought the shrouds on the starboard side very little short of a horizontal position, and thus Picklecombe was supported almost by his own weight against the wire stays.
All the Huns could do was to depress the horizontal steering-rudders and dip sharply underneath the balloon before describing a curve and approaching it at an altitude that would enable them to use their weapons of offence.
He was above the horizontal arm of the cross now, and he could see and appreciate how narrowly a catastrophe had been averted the night before.
Near the top an almost horizontal branch made a tolerable seat.
On the day of which I speak these gentlemen sat on the horizontal branch and devoured the contents of a roll of peppermint lozenges.
A horizontalyellow stripe on the thorax is enlarged downwards in the middle in germanica, not in vulgaris.
This fish lives in the smooth water of estuaries in Central America, and swims habitually with the horizontal partition of the lens level with the surface of the water.
The adult lying with one side on the ground has its original plane of symmetry horizontal and parallel to the ground, and only the other side exposed to light, and on this side only eyes and colour, i.
The square was required to fit the joints with sufficient accuracy, the level to run the courses in a horizontal line, and the plumb to erect the whole with due regard to perfect perpendicularity.
The device for cooking consisted of two strong upright sticks with forked tops, and a heavy horizontal pole resting upon them.
The prime motion is imparted to a short horizontal shaft which moves at a constant speed.
These items are extended in a horizontal line, a space being left on one side for the list of ingredients.
This, so far, refers only to the horizontal planes.
The head is set on a spindle as usual but instead of the crank there is a large heavy disc on the bottom of the shaft and revolving in a horizontal plane.
This consists of a porcelain jar which is set in a frame and made to revolve upon its axis in a horizontal position.
The wheel head is set at the top of a spindle and in the upright shaft there is a crank to which is attached a horizontal moving treadle.
Farther up both the Columbia and Willamette Rivers, excavations of little depth are often made, in which bodies are deposited on horizontal boards and covered over with a slightly inclining roof of heavy planks or poles.
They may be described as a sort of shed having perpendicular walls and sloping roof, the latter supported by a horizontal beam running along the center, the roof projecting in front so as to form a kind of portico.
The facial angle is determined by a line drawn from the forehead to the front of the upper jaw, intersected by a horizontal line passing over the middle of the ear.
The roofs are not 'horizontal like those at Nootka, but rise with a small degree of elevation to a ridge in the middle.
The threads are twisted into cords between the hand and thigh; these cords, hung to a horizontal beam and knotted with finer thread at regular intervals, form the cloth.
His comrade follows, treading exactly in his footsteps and holding the guns of both in a horizontal position so that the muzzles project under the arms of him who carries the head.
But the difference of refraction between the upper and lower limbs increasing also in that ratio gives 48 minutes 30 seconds for the horizontal refraction.
But the difference of refraction at the upper and lower limbs increasing also in that ratio gives 55 minutes 16 seconds for the horizontal refraction.
It lies in strata generally horizontal but in one spot near the fort dipping to the northward at an angle of 40 degrees.
Admitting that the refraction increases in the same ratio as that of the atmosphere at a mean state of temperature the horizontal refraction will be 47 degrees 22 seconds.
He next took up a calumet filled with a mixture of tobacco and bear-berry leaves and, holding its stem by the middle in a horizontal position over the hot stones, turned it slowly in a circular manner, following the course of the sun.
An athlete who can clear a horizontal bar at a height of six feet on the earth could clear the same bar at a height of thirty-six feet on the moon.
Having already found the vertical line on which Jupiter is placed and having now found the horizontal line also, I have simply to regard their crossing point, which will be the situation of the planet among the stars.
Alternating-current arc lamps throw most of the light from the upper electrode slightly below the horizontal and that from the lower electrode somewhat above.
Objects standing erect over horizontal mirrors or arranged at right angles to mirrors and looked at, as in Figure 68, always appear inverted.
The horizontal arc was the earliest form, hence the name which it carries to this day.
If it is belt driven, the belt should be run horizontalif possible and so that the slack side will be on top.
The natural distribution of light is mostly in the horizontal plane and for good illumination reflectors should be provided.
It is also difficult to keep a horizontal arc working properly.
Let us take, at the summit of Mont Blanc, a column of ice reposing on a horizontal base.
High up the glacier (towards the old Weissthor) the horizontal stratification is everywhere beautifully shown.
Upon the faces of the terraces the stratification of the neve was most beautifully shown, running in parallel and horizontal lines along the weathered surface.
The day waned, and the sunbeams began to assume the colouring due to their passage through the horizontal air.
It is placed in a horizontal position, and pure water is poured into it through a small lateral pipe, until the liquid reaches half way up the glasses at the ends; the tube then holds a semi-cylinder of water and a semi-cylinder of air.
Some of the clouds were drawn in straight chords across the arch of heaven, these being doubtless the sections of layers of cloud whose horizontal dimensions were hidden from us.
Above is a horizontal panel, and there is generally one below the field.
Birdwood has seen the web in the horizontal loom in Western India kept stretched by being wrapped, as worked, round the body of the weaver.
The other wall-painting represents a man weaving a checkered rug on a horizontal loom.
This framework supports two horizontal rollers, the warp threads being wound around the upper, while the ends are fastened to the lower; at this the weaving is begun, and on it the rug is rolled while in process of construction.
In the middle of the space on the ground level, a great upright hub bore an iron-cogged pinion and was pierced by a long horizontal beam some three feet from the ground.
On a frame above either end of each trunk a door was hung on a horizontal pivot and provided with a ratchet.
When these pebbles were deposited, the longer axes would take, on an obvious mechanical principle, a horizontal position.
In the north-west of Scotland there is a succession of hills of about three thousand feet in elevation, consisting, for the upper two thousand feet, of horizontal strata of old red sandstone.
In a few instances tree ferns have been found, petrified in a horizontal position, and being apparently a mere continuation of the stigmaria.
This is not simply a violent horizontal motion, but an equally violent vertical one.
When inclined strata come to the surface, the exposed edge, b c, is the outcrop, and the line of outcrop on a horizontalsurface is called the strike of the strata.
These horizontal layers of granite, by their position in strata whose ages are known, indicate the periods when granite has existed in a liquid state.
When it is spread out into broad horizontal masses, the columns are vertical.
The south transept façade consists of a round-arched doorway, with a horizontal cornice over it, and a large and fine lancet-window above.
The horizontal bars and rails are also all covered with traceries in relief, and at regular intervals on these there are small figures under canopies.
I do not think the work here is quite as good as that at Leon, though the filling in of the tympanum with a well-marked vesica in the centre, and four rows of subjects divided by well-defined horizontal lines, is uncommonly good.
This tower has pilasters at the angles and in the centre, and is divided into equal stages in height by horizontal corbel-tables.
The rafters as well as the tie-beams are used in pairs placed close to each other, and the space between them is divided into panels by horizontal pieces at short intervals, with patterns sunk in the panels.
There is the usual horizontal cornice over the arch, and above this a fourteenth-century statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and our Lord.
It is neither graceful in itself, nor does it convey the idea of repose or strength; and it is so completely non-constructional, that the lower portion of the apparent arch is never built as an arch, but always withhorizontal courses.
There is a continuous horizontal canopy above the upper stalls, each division of which is filled with purely secular sculptures of beasts and animals.
The whole tower is built with bold stone quoins and horizontal bands of brickwork, each band two courses in height, at intervals of about three feet.
The bulkheads closing in the compartments which were full of water, and all horizontal water-tight doors, were shored up with baulks of timber.
Home by water, where by and by comes Dean Honiwood, and I showed him my double horizontal diall, and promise to give him one, and that shall be it.
Up betimes, and studying of my double horizontal diall against Dean Honiwood comes to me, who dotes mightily upon it, and I think I must give it him.
With a great effort he swung about and raised his hand for the “halt” and lowered it with palm horizontal downward for the “lie down.
Dollar flung his full length on the brink--hung dangling from the armpits--hung lashing out for the ladder like a boy on a horizontal bar with a mattress just underneath.
Perhaps the hole was drilled vertically, and a horizontal feed put on for convenience.
Then, later, the area was covered over by tailings from the mine, leaving only the horizontal pipe.
The well was originally driven straight down, as a well should be, and the horizontal pipe was added later.
You can reinforce the effect of your smile by making a horizontal gesture with your hand.
You deny suggestively with a horizontal gesture or by shaking your head from side to side.
The ships mentioned in Articles 2 and 3 shall be distinguished by being painted white outside with a horizontal band of red about a metre and a half in breadth.
Article 5 Military hospital-ships shall be distinguished by being painted white outside with a horizontalband of green about a metre and a half in breadth.
Mr. Michell constructed a very tender horizontal balance, as related by Dr.