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Example sentences for "depressed"

Lexicographically close words:
depredators; deprehended; depress; depressant; depressants; depresses; depressing; depression; depressions; depressive
  1. The depressed state of our navigation is to be ascribed in a material degree to its exclusion from the colonial ports of the nation most extensively connected with us in commerce, and from the indirect operation of that exclusion.

  2. But I was prone to be influenced by things of this sort, and felt depressed at the thought that so much of royal excellence should weigh so heavily in the wrong scale of the balance of the applied arts.

  3. The dingy smoking-room depressed me and the whole thing was, what I had, for so many years, striven to keep out of.

  4. To the south the country was slightly depressed for ten or fifteen miles, and then rose into an even ridge or plain, the whole country appearing to be covered with acacia and eucalyptus scrub.

  5. The view at times extended twenty miles to the north-east over a level depressed country, beyond which were low ridges of hills.

  6. The troops continued their retreat and reached Saint-Cloud depressed with fatigue, broken down with heat and dying with hunger.

  7. XV Peggy and George accompanied her to the boat, Peggy excited and talkative, George depressed and silent.

  8. Nino looked depressed and dreary; La Villari was writing to him; his conscience was harassing him; Aldo della Rocca's self-confident beauty irritated him.

  9. Sometimes Wang the Ninth was infinitely depressed by this paralyzed life.

  10. The end has indeed come--" Nothing that had occurred since he had been lowered down the city wall so depressed him.

  11. I have returned, feeling more uneasy and more depressed than I felt when I went out; for I have come back fearing that I may yet have reason to repent not having left my unfinished dress on the milliner's hands.

  12. If it had been possible to conceive such a thing of a man in his position, he seemed to be absolutely encouraged instead of depressed by what he had just heard.

  13. You seem strangely depressed this morning," she said.

  14. I rose early this morning, more depressed in spirits than usual.

  15. Waldo, as the again neglected air-ship sped swiftly towards a more elevated portion of that earth, part of the tall hill-crest which acted as nature's barricade to yonder by nature depressed valley.

  16. As the girl waited, the quiet of the great building depressed her.

  17. Moreover, his loss in copper had depressed him and he wanted to recoup, if he could.

  18. The Rogan leader stared at him icily, then depressed a small lever set in the wall beside him.

  19. The Rogan leader depressed another lever in the rock wall.

  20. It is said that the greatest commanders have felt depressed rather than exalted after a victory; so that, remembering the hardships and anxieties of the past twenty-four hours, one can sympathize with Lawrence Appleton.

  21. The more Bob thought of all this, the more anxious and depressed he became.

  22. The rain and mud and cold depressed their spirits which sank lower as they, too, remembered Crécy and Poitiers.

  23. She was altogether low and depressed in spirits, and Louis came every day to see and console her.

  24. On the contrary, the shock made both Charles and Anne so ill and depressed that the doctors ordered the King to be amused, therefore many more gaieties took place at court than the Queen felt inclined for.

  25. It is covered with long hair, longest on the middle line of the back, where it is capable of being raised or depressed at will, of a dark-grey colour, with numerous transverse black bands and spots.

  26. As the latter were depressed by the fingers the tangents rose to strike the strings and stop them at the proper length from the belly-bridge.

  27. Erskine was depressed by the consciousness of having lost his head and acted foolishly in the afternoon.

  28. No one actually refused her circular, but the manner of its acceptance was so lukewarm and careless that it would have depressed the stoutest heart.

  29. The tincture is of special curative value for treating that depressed state of the general health which is associated with milky phosphates in the urine, and much nervous debility.

  30. Their form is oval, depressed a little at the top, and the colour is a pure white both without and within.

  31. I felt depressed and irritable, consequently my view of everything was one-sided.

  32. On the day after this Karen's arrival, she sat thoroughly depressed all the afternoon.

  33. To live in that quiet spot with such a depressed companion, especially when by all rights they ought to have owned The Hall.

  34. You'd have been such a trial to us if you'd always gone about with an air of depressed resignation.

  35. The arches, instead of being of that depressed form which is so common in late work, are very beautifully proportioned, and their mouldings are bold, numerous and well-cut.

  36. The 'low side window' internally has a depressed pointed arch, and is widely splayed, as are also the tall and the short window opposite.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "depressed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alveolar; anguished; anxious; bad; blue; bored; chapfallen; cheerless; couchant; dashed; debased; dejected; depressed; deprived; desolate; despondent; dire; disadvantaged; disconsolate; disgusted; disheartened; dispirited; disturbed; doleful; down; downcast; downhearted; dreary; droop; drooping; droopy; dull; engraved; fallen; fatal; flat; forlorn; gloomy; glum; grim; hapless; heartbroken; heartless; heartsick; heavy; hollow; honeycombed; hopeless; hurt; hypochondriac; inauspicious; indented; joyless; languishing; low; lowered; luckless; melancholy; miserable; moody; morbid; nauseated; nauseous; neap; notched; ominous; pessimistic; pining; pitted; pocked; pockmarked; prone; prostrate; recumbent; reduced; revolted; rueful; runty; sad; short; sinking; soft; sombre; sorrowful; spiritless; squat; stooped; stumpy; subdued; submerged; suicidal; sullen; sunk; sunken; supine; unblessed; uneasy; unfortunate; unfulfilled; ungoverned; unhappy; unlucky; unprosperous; unquiet; unsatisfied; woebegone; woeful