So rest no more upon your accidental laurels, but transform yourself into what nature never intended, a useful member of the community.
They could not believe the radio reports were anything but a ghastly mistake, an accidental garbling produced by atmospheric conditions.
Fanny stayed with Phoebe Relyea; but the rest of us stopped at the Accidental Hotel, where most of the jurors and others tangled up in court stayed too.
Fanny sent some word over to the Accidental the second evening, and her mother went over to Relyea's, and came back kind of fluttery.
The accidental similarity in their numbers enables us to treat them roughly as equivalent.
I was misled at first by some accidental observations, and as it seemed reasonable to expect to find racial differences in finger marks, the inquiries were continued in varied ways until hard fact had made hope no longer justifiable.
The only answer I can suggest is that the patterns being in some degree hereditary, such accidental preponderances as may have existed among a not very numerous ancestry might be perpetuated.
Hayley possessed accidental advantages over Romney in good birth and education.
It was due to an accidental fire which took place when Robespierre was still in his cradle and even in his dreams was "guiltless of his country's blood.
We shall thus also be enabled to see the respective parts which habit and the selection of so-called accidental variations have played in modifying the mental qualities of our domestic animals.
Bearing such facts in mind, I can see no reason to doubt that an accidental deviation in the size and form of the body, or in the curvature and length of the proboscis, etc.
A few facts seem to favour the possibility of their occasional transport by accidental means; like that of the live fish not rarely dropped by whirlwinds in India, and the vitality of their ova when removed from the water.
I must now say a few words on what are called accidental means, but which more properly might be called occasional means of distribution.
In regard to mammiferous remains, a single glance at the historical table published in the Supplement to Lyell's Manual, will bring home the truth, how accidental and rare is their preservation, far better than pages of detail.
But then we should have to prove that this multiplicity of halos, or accidental glories, exists, in addition to the three of which the schoolmen speak.
The astonishment of most parents at the sudden accidental revelation of evil in connection with any of their children is almost invariably pathetic.
Since very many Jews resided outside the localities of their accidental registration, a transmigration of Siberian Jewry was the result.
An accidental act of terrorism, the assassination of the Chief of Police by an unknown culprit, gave the police conspirators a proper occasion to execute their terrible design.
Flood hurl those masses of stone into so unaccountable an accidental position?
This accidental arrangement had material effects on the right wing.
They were, speaking in scholastic phrase, the substantial as well as accidentalforms of mediaeval theology, philosophy, and knowledge.
He constructed a table of refractions, allowed for instrumental inaccuracies, and eliminated by averaging accidental errors.
The first relations between man and domesticated animals and plants were due to unconscious or accidental selection of wild stocks that tolerated the vicinity of man and that were useful or attractive to him.
The fact that government is thus of natural origin, the inevitable solution of an inevitable problem, has been obscured through confusing its general necessity with the accidental circumstances connected with the selection of rulers.
This bias is not accidental or arbitrary, but significant of the fact that religion, like morality, springs from the same motive as life itself, and makes towards the same goal of fruition and abundance.
Evil as a temporary and accidental necessity is tolerable; but not so an evil which is absolutely necessary, and which must be construed with some hypothetical divine satisfaction.
It is through the cultivation of the aesthetic interest that there is most hope of redeeming the waste places, of giving to intervals and accidental juxtapositions some graciousness and profit.
On the other hand, these stoves need a considerable amount of attention in filling, trimming and cleaning, and there is some risk of explosion and damage by accidental leaking and smoking.
The agreement of the fourth power law with Tyndall's experiment appears therefore to be due to a purely accidental error in estimating the temperatures of the wire.
Augustine is speaking about the truth of things, and excludes from the notion of this truth, relation to our intellect; for what is accidental is excluded from every definition.
Therefore it seems that the names of the persons cannot be predicated of this name "God," except in an accidental sense.
Wherefore it is impossible for that which is accidental to be the proper effect of an active natural principle.
On the other hand, actuality is observed in the subject of the accidentalform prior to its being observed in the accidental form; wherefore the actuality of the accidental form is caused by the actuality of the subject.
Hence it is true that evil in no way has any but an accidental cause; and thus is good the cause of evil.
But it is accidental to the appetible object whether it be apprehended by the sense or by the intellect.
That the accidental form is a principle of action is due to the substantial form.
Such joy belongs to their accidental reward, which can be increased unto judgment day.
It is accidental to light not to have a contrary, forasmuch as it is the natural quality of the first corporeal cause of change, which is itself removed from contrariety.
Objection 1: It would seem that the intellectual soul is united to the body through the medium of accidental dispositions.
But the intellectual nature does not admit of intensity or remissness; for it is not an accidental thing, since it is a substance.
The contrast of the two tints causes an accidental colour resembling that of bronze, which catches the eye at the first glance, but disappears on looking closer.
That it was purely accidentaland through no fault of our own didn’t in the least matter.
To this day the question of how the “tohunga” became aware of our accidental presence on the sacred island remains a mystery.
Rigby's division of haemorrhages before labour into accidental and unavoidable.
The left side seems moreover to be the natural position for a woman at the moment of parturition, for if accidental circumstances have occurred, such as sudden labour, &c.
From accidental circumstances, which render the labour dangerous, viz.
It was agreed on the motion of Cornutus that the case should be investigated at the next meeting of the Senate, but at that meeting he did not put in an appearance, either from some accidental reason or because he knew he was guilty.
If "love could live upon one smile for years," much more throughout a few weeks of such unavoidable and accidental contingency.
Some accidental observation of a reed or similar body containing water when one of its ends was pressed close, had, in all probability, furnished them or their ancestors with the hint.
At nine, by an accidental breaking of the fog, we saw the high cape on the north shore that has been just mentioned, bearing east, at about a mile distance; but we had entirely lost sight of the Tamar.