The passivepersonality had developed with a vengeance.
Passive processes are called those changes in cells whereby they either lose a portion of their substance, or are so completely destroyed, that a loss of substance, a diminution of the sum total of the constituents of the body is produced.
Besides these active processes of function, nutrition, and new formation, there occur passive processes.
The creed of eugenics is founded upon the idea of evolution; not on a passive form of it, but on one that can, to some extent, direct its own course.
Hitherto, the unceasing efforts of the Legation had spent themselves on the passive obstinacy of the Federal Government like bullets on a cotton bale; of a truth it was long before those unjust judges grew aweary.
Slowly I learnt to differentiate degrees of Contemplation, but to my own finding there are two principal forms--Passive and Active (or High) Contemplation.
Under pressure of this continued wretchedness I sank into a nerveless condition of mere dumb endurance--a passive acceptance of the miseries of life "as willed by God," I assured myself.
It required great steadiness of nerve, perfect self-reliance, and an entire confidence in his resources and knowledge, for one to remain a passive spectator of the slow drift of the raft, while it gradually settled down on the ship.
Our own public lovers seem of a humbler sort, and they mostly content themselves with the passive embraces of which every seat in our parks affords an example; but in England such lovers add playful struggles.
As usual, when Balzac shows us the figure of a virtuous girl in an ordinary domestic circle, he represents her withpassive rather than active qualities.
My mother was alarmed at her own responsibility in the passive encouragement she had given.
The operation of pumping Mr. Jellicoe was rather like the sport of boxing with a porcupine, being chiefly remarkable as a demonstration of the power of passive resistance.
We went out and left him with his prisoner--passive enough, indeed, according to his ambiguously worded promise.
A judicial functionary who should open proceedings, and usurp the censorship of the laws, would in some measure do violence to the passive nature of his authority.
In criminal causes, when society is armed against a single individual, the jury is apt to look upon the judge as the passive instrument of social power, and to mistrust his advice.
In the States the executive power is vested in the hands of a magistrate, who is apparently placed upon a level with the Legislature, but who is in reality nothing more than the blind agent and the passive instrument of its decisions.
After expressing their confidence in the efficacy of the passive commercial resistance which had been adopted, they conclude their address thus: "Your own salvation and that of your posterity now depend upon yourselves.
Our lot after the good old nonconformists hath been only to act a passive part throughout these late vicissitudes and successive turnings of States.
He knew that everything was over, but he also knew that to be any longer passive was beyond him.
At this moment her one desire was to snuggle down in the safe refuge of the bedclothes, and remain there utterly passive and inert.
She lay at first passive in his hold, while he covered her face, her hair with kisses.
Her weakness and discouragement were so profound that, by the time she had arisen, dressed for church, and passed through the sharp and biting agony of her parting from Pansy, she was reduced to a state of passive endurance.
He became quiet, with a hopeless kind of passive unhappiness which seemed to feel itself to be irremediable.
You are going to be the passive martyr, the persecuted victim, are you?
Sir Auckland Colvin was requested by the British Government to remain at his post and maintain "an attitude of passive observation.
The natives, daily given to understand that the rule of the English was shortly coming to an end, opposed a passive obstructiveness, in those cases where they did not offer active opposition, to the intended changes.
My Lord, The Admirer of yourPassive Obedience Sermon, Thomas Woolston.
To impute a low motive to a simple action had always seemed to him the vulgarity of littleness, and littleness in a man he had come to look upon as a kind of passive vice.
At the hospital he expected a relapse into her hysterical dread, but, to his surprise, she watched the surgical preparations with a calmness in which there was a kind of passive curiosity.