Your brother has always been mighty pleasant to me, but he never was as downrightgood before," murmured Greg, looking down into the big black eyes that glanced laughingly up into is face.
It takes purpose and downright hard work to change two young men as you and Greg have been changed.
In fact it seems to me a case of downright cruelty!
And I would like to know how anyone could condone such violence, such downright cruelty!
If she weren't a downright lunatic, how could she or my other woman ever accept such a situation from a man?
His poems are full, and this in particular is one downright confession, of a generous self-seeking.
But in Wither we listen to a downright confession of unambiguous virtues; and love the heart which has the confidence to pour itself out.
I don't at this moment remember hearing any one ever express a downright opinion, and I have always thought it rather queer.
I have been talkingdownright truth and common sense, and you know it, and are hit; that is what makes you sarcastic.
It doesn't seem to me,' said Tarrant slowly, 'a downright impossibility.
Well, there was the awkward and unaccountable fact that he felt himself obliged to marry her; that, when he seemed to be preparing resistance, downright shame rendered it impossible.
He had always struck her as a comely man, and, her education notwithstanding, she never perceived in his remarks that downright imbecility which excited Nancy's derision.
Yet the thought and anxiety and downright hard labour for a good twelve hours out of the twenty-four!
But this is downright madness--such a night as this!
Here, however, is something for Jewish religious leaders to consider: there is more downright bitterness of religious prejudice on the part of the Jews against Christianity than could ever be possible in the Christian churches of America.
It is the downright dirty immorality, the brutish nastiness of it all; and the line which the immorality and nastiness draws between Jew and Gentile.
If you choose to die yourself, it's downright wicked to bring death to us.
It was a downright falsehood; and made me look awfully foolish when I came here and spoke of it as a fact.
And here is a case of downright special pleading, worthy of Lord Coke himself, or Saunders, or Theophilus Parsons, or Chitty, or Judge Gould.
Of course he told the truth; and of course he ought to have been patted on the back, and encouraged for his downright honesty.
I don't want any more milk after the cow's had it," averting his eyes from the operation as he spoke, with an expression of downright loathing.
You fellows are going to be downright happy, I know," resumed Tom.
Lord in heaven look down on us this day, and keep me from going downright mad with the joy that's breaking my heart!
He can hardly have hoped for anything better than the following answer, which is much more "downright Dunstable" than is usual here.
Almost everything is real; a good deal is what is called, in one of the senses of a rather misused word, downright "realism.
To the startled persons this may seem either a deliberate paradox, or a mere extravagance of affection, or even downright bad taste and folly.
Woolf laughed at the downright expression of opinion.
Maggy, in her position, would have blurted out the truth at once in her downright way: "Married and respectable!
The whole country is filled with such failures; swaggering beginnings that could not be carried through; grand enterprises begun dashingly, and ending in shabby compromises or downright ruin.
If the genteel portions of the town look to the full as melancholy as they did, the downright poverty ceases, I fear, to make so strong an impression as it made four months ago.
It is not splendid, but comfortable; a brisk movement in the streets; good downright shops, without particularly grand titles; few beggars.
A man gives you a downright answer, without any grin, or joke, or attempt at flattery.
This is a bare suggestion of the contentions, feuds, and downright wars of which the barony has been the scene, and yet St. Aliquis has probably been freer from such troubles than most of its neighbors.
There was a vast elaboration of ceremonies and etiquette, of raptures—a regulated form for kneeling and wooing which has quite passed out of our downright manners.
Admirable skill of expression is, indeed, no real safeguard against logical blunders; and I will venture to say that De Quincey rarely indulges in this ostentatious logical precision without plunging into downright fallacies.
He indulges more frequently than could be wished in downright melodrama, or what is generally called sensational writing.
Especially his intellect had a strong substratum of downright dogged common sense; his religion, one may conjecture, was pretty much that of all men of sense in his time.
And yet, if Sir Thomas were to be understood in the most downright literal earnest, perhaps he could have made out as good a case for his assertion as almost any of the troubled race of mankind.
Almost every publication of his life was attended with some sort of mystification passing into downright falsehood, and, at times, injurious to the character of his dearest friends.
Really, I could almost find it in my heart to be downright angry with you both.
It is a very serious thing," the lawyer went on--"it is a downright offense against the law of the land to make any private offer of a compromise to this man.
It was madness--downright madness in any man to have acted as I had done.
One morning Josephine came down after dressing my mistress with her face downright livid to look at, except on one check, where there was a mark as red as burning fire.
Time had strengthened the girl's hold on him till his admiration for her amounted to downright infatuation, and he had not advanced one step yet toward the fulfillment of the vicious purpose with which he had entered the house.
He is a shrewd observer, and his humor has a more satirical side than Artemus Ward's, sometimes passing into downright denunciation.
His mouth twitched; his eyes became glazed and fixed on me with a look wherein gleamed downright fear and absolute dismay.
More than this I could not say, after my promise to the doctor, therefore I was compelled to listen silently when the alleged proofs of Schorn's guilt were discussed, which were downright fabrications.
Hitherto I had entertained no downright suspicion of the young fellow, but it suddenly stirred within me.
Perhaps it was not quite right that I should lend an ear to such downright gossip, but I do not deny that it interested me, and I could not make up my mind to interrupt the garrulous maid as she told me of all that was discussed in the town.
A "big boy," one past sixteen generally, was given the alternative of a flogging in the presence of the school, or of downright dismissal.
There has never been the slightest waver in his fidelity and downright labor for a long period of years.