In meteorology the Society has made a commencement, by sending out instruments and publishing tabular statements of barometrical readings, temperature, rainfall, &c.
Piled up on the ground near the new house at convenient points for the builders may be seen examples of the larger wall stones, indicating the marked tabular character of the pueblo masons’ material.
This is to some extent due to the exceptional suitability of the tabular stones of the mesa summit.
LXXVI) may be seen a buttress-like projection whose construction of small tabular stones strongly contrasts with the character of the surrounding walls, and indicates that it is a fragment of the ancient pueblo.
Even in mud-plastered Zuñi, many outcrops of these thin, tabular wedges protrude from the partly eroded mudcoating of a wall and indicate the presence of this kind of stone masonry.
The following tabular statement, altered from that given by Mr. Myers in his publication of Mr. Moses and Dr.
This is a tabular mass of sandstone, projecting into the river, and the eastern termination of the Kymore range.
Tabular fragments of prehnite, associated with calc-spar and native copper, were also picked up, evidently portions of a vein, but we did not discover the vein in its original repository.
The direction of the tabular masses is mostly across the oblong summits of the hills.
The blocks, which lie under the cliffs, have sometimes a tabular form, but more generally come nearer to a cube or rhomboid, and present one or two very even faces.
The tabular statement on the following diagram, which I borrow from Prof.
It may best be allowed to speak for itself in the millions of facts which are condensed in this tabular statement of the order of succession of all the known forms of animal life, as presented by the eminent palæontologist, Professor Cope[17].
Now, if we apply the method of tabular analysis to these three cases, we obtain the following most astonishing results.
The following is a tabular form showing the velocities of moving bodies as given by Peschel: Feet per second.
It is worthy, too, of notice, that in the tabular statement above presented the percentage of illegitimacy in Holland and Switzerland, where there are large Catholic minorities, is lower than in any other Protestant country.
It may be well to append Mr. Romanes's and Mr. Mivart's tabular statements.
I have, therefore, plotted in the measurements for four other species of bats in tabular form (Figs.
The plains were diversified by isolated hills, all cut off, as it were, about the same height, so as to have tabular summits.
The whole is concentrated in the following notices:-- Tabular View of Minerals observed in the Northwest.
As the eye may prove an auxiliary in the comprehension of forms which are not familiar, the following tabular arrangement of them is presented.
The rock consists of a mass of native copper in a tabular boulder of serpentine.
Tabular view of the chief Divisions of the Animal Kingdom.
Other bedded deposits clearly replace limestone, shale conglomerate or other rocks, and tabular masses of ore are interbedded with strata of nearly horizontal limestone.
All of these denoted noteworthy quantities of chrome float, apparently of high grade, and the occurrence of tabular bodies of chrome from one to five feet in width.
The ore lies in lenticular and tabular masses, ranging in thickness from one to more than fifty feet.
We allude to the objections so often urged against the use of tabular statements and statistical facts.
Tabular demonstration of the Origin of Species by Natural Selection.
After determining the tabular standard, the actual regulation of the quantity of money to make prices conform to the standard might be accomplished in one of several ways.
By the plan of a "compensated gold dollar" the legal weight of the gold coins would be increased or decreased from time to time to conform with the tabular standard.
A tabular index number is the per cent which the price of a selected group of articles at any certain date is of the price of the same group of articles at a date which has been taken as the base.
There is but one silicate of lime which colors the flame red, it is the variety termed tabular spar.
It frequently happens that a tabular statement of reactions will impress facts upon the memory when long detailed descriptions will fail to do so.
Hence, in the tabularstatement which follows of the comparative cost, &c.
It has not been thought necessary to include in the tabular statement electric arc-lamps, as they are only suitable for the lighting of large spaces, where the steadiness and uniformity of the illumination are of secondary importance.
This point in favour of acetylene is referred to here only in general terms; the evidence on which the foregoing statement is based will be recorded in a tabular comparison of the cost and qualities of different illuminants.
The degree of its superiority is indicated more precisely by the figures quoted in the tabular statement which concludes this chapter.
More precise figures on the relative costs of coal-gas lighting and acetylene lighting are given in the tabular statement at the close of this chapter.
This talc is in tabular masses, two or three inches in diameter, and about half an inch in thickness.
Their surfaces, like those of the Mississippi bottoms, are generally flat, exhibiting tabular elevations or benches, formed by the washing of their rivers at different periods.