Footnote 68: This triplet was not in the first edition.
Nor had he any need to persuade Young and Gay to reject them if they had been exploded by histriplet of 1710, for it was two or three years later before either Young or Gray printed their first rhymes.
Footnote 115: This couplet was a triplet in the manuscript with the following middle line: What bard, what angel, tunes the warbling strings?
Swift thought triplets and Alexandrines "a corruption," and boasted that he had "banished them" by a triplet in his City Shower.
We sometimes find the last line of a couplet or a triplet stretched out to twelve syllables.
A Brace is used in poetry at the end of a triplet or three lines, which have the same rhyme.
A BRACE is used in poetry at the end of a triplet or three lines which rhyme together.
When I mentioned the Pindaric line, I should have added that I take another licence in my verses; for I frequently make use of triplet rhymes, and for the same reason--because they bound the sense.
Another good view is to be gained from the south-west corner, which includes the series of tripletwindows in the four eastern bays.
These were converted into triplet openings during the reign of Edward III, with flowing tracery in the head of each arch.
In each of the gables there is a triplet of narrow lancet windows, which light the space between the internal vault and the roof.
While the accompaniment should be sufficiently subdued to form, as you say, a harmonic background, it ought, nevertheless, not to be blended to such a degree as to obliterate entirely the undercurrent of a triplet motion.
In a slow tempo it may serve you to think of the second eighth-note of the triplet as being subdivided into two sixteenths.
The accent ought to lie upon the first note of the mordent, but you should not make a triplet of it by occupying the whole quarter with its execution.
After this section a curious transition leads in again the theme, which first appeared in F sharp major, in F major, and with a triplet accompaniment.
The dreamy triplet passages of the poco a poco piu mosso are comparable to galleries that connect the various blocks of buildings.
The original conditions were simply that fifteen girls walked out on seven days in triplets without any girl ever walking twice in a triplet with another girl.
The cloistered doorways beneath the buttresses, the triplet and rose-windows of the east front, and the north porch and back turret are all worthy of remark.
One of the most recent finds at Jamestown is a triplet or "triplex" row, lying some four hundred feet northeast of the Brick Church.
The whole movement is in E minor, and is built on a motive which has grown out of the love-motive by contrary movement, with a characteristic triplet accompaniment.
The rhythm which dominates this scene is a development of the preceding triplet rhythm and must be taken quite strictly--3-4 time, the first two crotchets being divided into triplet quavers, the last into two.
A cantabile strain in the bass wood-wind continued in the violoncelli with a broken triplet accompaniment in the strings seems to tell of the expected meeting.
The triplet movement seems inspired by the similar movement in the sonata Op.
The violins keep up a broken triplet accompaniment, trombones entering on the A major chord, oboe lightly breathing the principal motive (No.
The quintet and quartet remain together, and form a nine-atomed body on the meta level, yielding a sextet and a triplet on the hyper.
The funnels, as usual, become spheres, and on the meta level set free their contained bodies, three quartets and a triplet from each of the eight.
In the second ring, a triplet is substituted for the unit, and this apparently throws the cross out of gear, and we have a new eleven-atomed figure, which breaks up into a triplet and two quartets on the hyper level.
In the middle rings of both A and B a triplet is substituted for a unit at the centre of the larger globe.
The B funnel runs largely to triads, c and b, b (see 4 b) having not only a triadic arrangement of spheres within its contained globes, but each sphere has also a triplet of atoms.
On the hyper level the triplet becomes a duad and a unit; the duad becomes two units; and the septet a triplet and a quartet.
Niobium only differs from yttrium by the introduction of triplets for duads in e; on the meta level we have therefore triplets, and on the hyper each triplet yields a duad and a unit.
The central fruits of eachtriplet form two regular rows, but the lateral spikelets form not four straight single rows as in (ii.
All the flowers of each triplet of spikelets on both sides of the rachis are fertile and produce ripe fruits; hence the ear produces six longitudinal rows of grain.
All the flowers of each triplet are fertile as in (ii.
Only the middle spikelet of each triplet is fertile; the ear has therefore only two longitudinal rows of grain, and the spikes are strongly compressed laterally.
The remaining triplet is more simple: the meaning of each one of its clauses is clear.
The rhythmical movement and the parallelism of the six balanced clauses, of which each triplet forms a climax, points to some such fact as this.
We may make them into two triplets of independent lines: or we may couple the two first lines of eachtriplet together and then make the third lines correspond to one another.
Such a passage as this might well be sung from side to side, line by line or triplet by triplet, as choirs still chant the Psalms in our churches.
If the triplet chance to be all the same suit, the highest card is still to be the only one withdrawn, but should it consist of three of the same value, such as three kings, etc.
It took us, with hard work, till two o'clock to get past Triplet Falls by means of a double portage.
It opens with a triplet of verses, occasioned by their oppressions of the psalmist, and closes with a triplet occasioned by their breaches of the Law.
The first triplet is a general invocation to praise, coloured by the phraseology of Deuteronomy.
Some rushing ff passages bring us, in measure 107, to the brilliant closing theme with its staccato, triplet rhythm.
At L we have some further development of the second theme, the melody being in the strings with a background of broken triplet chords on the pianoforte.
Then, after some preliminary phrases, begins the piquant theme in G minor, in triplet rhythm, which takes the place of the conventional Scherzo, e.
This combination, though called a triplet is essentially a doublet, in which the anterior lens is divided into two.
The triple piano, high B flat, tripletdropping an octave, gives a most realistic effect.
Though Verdi does not use the leit-motif in the ordinary sense of the word, much use is made of a triplet figure.