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Example sentences for "tasteless"

Lexicographically close words:
tast; taste; tasted; tasteful; tastefully; tastelessness; taster; tasters; tastes; tasteth
  1. Permit me to fly with you from this tasteless tranquillity, which will yet grow more loathsome when you have left me.

  2. But that inquiry is now grown tasteless and irksome.

  3. Didier, a church of the fourteenth century, another in the Hôtel de Ville built round with a tasteless Classic structure that obscures it from view.

  4. Is it surprising, that such a tasteless being should rather caress this dog than her children?

  5. Its unpalatable character led to various devices to render it tasteless and make it more acceptable to the stomach.

  6. Volatile oils may be used in moderate amounts to give a distinctive taste to the otherwise rather insipidly tasteless paraffin oil.

  7. The unpalatability of the oil, however, has led to various devices to make it tasteless or to render it more acceptable to the stomach.

  8. Wampole’s Perfected and Tasteless Preparation of an Extract of Cod Liver.

  9. Since phenolphthalein occurs in the form of an insoluble and tasteless powder there is no reason why special pharmaceutical preparations of it should be placed on the market.

  10. It is tasteless and sodden cooked in this manner, on account of its immaturity.

  11. Oysters become tough and tasteless when cooked too much, or left to stand too long after they are withdrawn from the fire.

  12. It is neutral, inodorous, tasteless in the solid state, bitter in solution, permanent in the air.

  13. It is much esteemed as a tasteless worm medicine, and is especially adapted to remove lumbricales (large round worms).

  14. A white, crystallisable, odourless, and nearly tasteless substance, discovered by Pallotta and Folchi, in sarsaparilla.

  15. Pure nitrogen is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas, neither combustible nor capable of supporting combustion or respiration.

  16. The ordinary or light carbonate of magnesia is a white, inodorous, tasteless powder, possessing similar properties to calcined magnesia, except effervescing with acids, and having less saturating power.

  17. An odourless, tasteless powder, insoluble in both water and alcohol, and, when pure and carefully prepared, entirely soluble in hydrosulphate of ammonia.

  18. The above are the most tasteless and pleasant purgatives of an active character known.

  19. The solution made with this pepsin and hydrochloric acid was nearly tasteless and inodorous.

  20. Calomel is tasteless and insoluble in water.

  21. This was, it is true, still grand and splendid, not so silly and tasteless as it became towards the end of the seventeenth century.

  22. And this does not in any way take from him the merit of a restless night and a tasteless breakfast.

  23. For did a woman ever live who would not give all the years of tasteless serenity, for one year, for one month, for one hour, of the uncalculating delirium of love poured out upon a man who returned it?

  24. I am tasteless enough to prefer this to Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy.

  25. My poem has also a staircase; these tasteless verses are the steps.

  26. These few tasteless chapters are the staircase.

  27. But the new earth, sown with tears, with the beauty and glory gone out of it, the spring itself, that should have made us happy together, grown tasteless and almost hateful.

  28. In its natural state it was dry, flinty, tasteless and juiceless, but stored as full of nutriment as a serenade of musty eggs and flagrant onions is stuffed with archaic perfumes.

  29. Tasteless and intangible was the kiss that was prematurely discharged in midair and never, never came.

  30. The vulgar and tasteless buildings that now disfigure modern Italy are frequently without them.

  31. Some account is given at page 202 of Giulio Clovio, the most skilful though tasteless miniaturist of his age.

  32. It is only necessary to shut our eyes to the vapid and tasteless work of recent embellishers, as we should close our ears to the whispers of vulgar gossipers while listening to some noble and entrancing piece of sacred music.

  33. I shouldn't have thought you could do such a tasteless thing.

  34. For a moment Beth had a mind to baffle him for his tasteless persistency, but her natural directness saved her from such small-mindedness.

  35. But by degrees she became accustomed to the tasteless profusion.

  36. She wore the showy bracelet Dan had given her that afternoon, and it shone conspicuous in its tawdry newness on her arm; her dress was tasteless too, and badly put on, and altogether she contrasted unfavourably with Beth, and Dan observed it.

  37. Nottingham curtains must be discredited among other imitations; they are well-meaning but both tasteless and cheaply ostentatious.

  38. Blessed be the nothingness which allows Miladi to build her own art atmosphere untainted by gifts of well-intentioned but tasteless friends.

  39. They desired to be in public life, and be "somebody," but they are not, and so their life grows tame and tasteless to them.

  40. It is not the fault of society that the whole race of mankind are not reduced to a dead level of character, and a tasteless uniformity of life.

  41. What the world would call a perfect man--what would be adjudged a perfect man by the best standards--would be as tasteless as a last year's apple.

  42. Ay, to change this tasteless draught to wine of Lebanon, and the pitcher that contains it to a vase of gold.

  43. Maid or matron, vestal virgin or Athenian courtesan, three drops of that clear tasteless fluid, and she is your own!

  44. It is perhaps a tasteless proceeding for me to drag his private political views into print, but the retraction ought to have as much publicity as the original slander.

  45. Practically all the Harvard anecdotes about Yale which we know are pointed and sprightly, while Yale is content with such inferior and tasteless jibes as the falsetto imitation which begins "Fiercely fellows, sift through.

  46. But if the apples are tasteless there's something wrong.

  47. I obeyed--it seemed tasteless and strengthless, like pure water.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tasteless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    arid; awful; barbarian; barbaric; barbarous; barren; blah; bland; blank; bloodless; boorish; changeable; characterless; chintzy; clumsy; coarse; cold; colorless; crude; dead; diluted; dismal; distasteful; doggerel; dreary; dry; dull; dusty; effete; elephantine; empty; fade; flashy; flat; flavorless; garish; gaudy; graceless; gross; harsh; heavy; hollow; improper; impure; inane; inappropriate; incorrect; indecent; indecisive; indecorous; indelicate; indifferent; inelegant; infelicitous; insipid; irresolute; jejune; leaden; lifeless; loud; low; mild; milky; mushy; neutral; offensive; outlandish; pale; pallid; pappy; pedestrian; plodding; pointless; poky; ponderous; pulpy; rude; sapless; slow; solemn; spiritless; stale; sterile; stiff; stodgy; stuffy; superficial; tacky; tasteless; tedious; thin; unacceptable; unappetizing; unbecoming; uncouth; undignified; ungraceful; unpalatable; unpolished; unrefined; unsavory; unseemly; unsuitable; vapid; vulgar; watery; weak; wild; wooden