Unconsidered trifles are snipped off thestodgy chunks of negligible fiction; for the newspaper feuilleton is but a sickly growth in Fleet Street soil.
The meal was of the usual heavy, stodgy description.
At these comfortable resorts the meal was generally followed by a bottle of port, thus insuring the achievement of that indigestion which the stodgy comestibles may have failed to set up.
Fat mothers and stodgyfathers fussed over baskets and progeny.
They thought I was going to a stodgy place in West Kensington.
Not a bad place in a way--decent climate, topping scenery, but rather a stodgycrowd in the camps.
Then they're stodgy pegs, without anything in them.
If the loop is drawn too long, that is, if the knitting cam is set too deep, the yarn may not stand the strain and breakage will result; on the other hand, if the loop is too short the fabric will appear stodgy in character.
The weight of the fabric is undoubtedly increased, but owing to the congested state of the loops little or no interaction is possible amongst them and the cloth becomes stodgyin character.
I would bluff these stodgy Huns: I would brazen it out: I would be Semlin and go through with it to the bitter end, aye, and if it took me to the very gates of Hell.
She could copy a drawing in a woodenly accurate kind of way, with stodgy skies made chiefly of Chinese white, and exceedingly woolly trees largely helped out with the same useful composition.
She knew that she could dance better than some of those stodgy old men and block-bodied old women.
They were a stodgy old couple enough now, and snoring idyllically in duet after a life of storms and tears and discontents in spite of wealth.
He never was a favourite in that stodgy city, the headquarters of musical Judea, and the audience is said to have been scanty.
Haydn and Mozart type) and stodgy German counterpoint which formed the bulk of Marschner's and Spontini's music; and here we see him in the very deed of trying his hand at it.
The curse of most biographies is the letters; not many people can write good letters, and yet it becomes a sacred duty to pad a Life out with dull and stodgy documents; it is all so utterly inartistic and decorous and stupid.
I'm not aware--" "And I discovered him far toostodgy to endure.
In short, your own rooms, time to read yourself stodgy if you like, and a fine young cub to build in your own image.
Herbert Ross's stodgy assistant that he was a wage-slave, and a fool not to form a clerks' union.
Out of a rather stodgy vision of silk opera wraps and suitors who were like floor-walkers, she came suddenly out on Riverside Drive and the splendor of the city.
He tried to convey to a stodgy North Countryman his interest in the way the seats faced each other.
That he wasn't very much of a cad or anything of a hero is a detail, an accident resulting from his thirty-five or thirty-six years of stodgy environment.
Good heavens, May, do you think I came home to get married, and live on a stodgy father-in-law?
And he almost sighed, sadly, he did not know why, no doubt because life would be still more stodgy without Marianne's eyes and voice.
No, really nothing mattered; really, the whole world was a sickening, stodgy business, rottenly managed.
The conservative, unused to such devices, envelop oranges in soulless fritters and imprison them in stodgy puddings.
It is autumn, the mood is fantastic: a sweet, if it tend not to the vulgarity of heavy puddings and stodgy pies, will introduce an amusing, a sprightly element.
Gooseberries might be turned to wine and figure as fools; raspberries and currants might be imprisoned within stodgy puddings.
Mr Bennett's idea of a list for the aspirant to letters is to throw the London Library at his head; he lays before us a stodgy lump of two or three hundred volumes, many of them excellent, and many more absolutely penal.
The dear, stodgy old slow-coach, I'm proud of every inch of his success.
You stodgy tortoise, why can't you be pleased, too?
It is other and different qualities which colour the personality and ensnare the heart; though the stodgy and reliable traits hold it, I dare say, when once captured.
She met all introductions radiantly, sniffing rapturously at the twins' roses, lifting first one, then the other stodgy bunch.
Something of this may be put down to a certain promptitude and flexibility in all American kindness, which is never sufficiently stodgy to be called good nature.
I myself have the luck to be a little more stodgy and less sensitive than many of my countrymen; and certainly less sensitive than Dickens.
That dinner in the St. Ives restaurant rose before me, and I heard again Dunny's charge that I was growing stodgy with advancing years.
Well, I'm not stodgy any longer, Esme Falconer; you've reformed me.
Aunt Margaret had trained Cecilia thoroughly in all housewifely virtues, and her half-French education had given her much that was lacking in the stodgy damsels of Mrs. Rainham's acquaintance.
If we had met you in an ordinary, stodgy way--you and Bob presenting your letter of introduction, and we saying 'How do you do?